National-Forest Vacations

sketch SUMMER HOMES, RESORT sketch

MANY people write to the Forest Service to know whether or not it is possible for them to have a summer home in a national forest for their own exclusive use. The answer is "yes"—but the home must be located where it will not in any way interfere with or impair public recreational use.

Where it has been determined that there is no reasonable possibility of any demand for recreational uses of a less exclusive nature, the Forest Service has zoned off summer home site areas. To those desiring personal summer dwellings, lots within the zoned areas are leased at the rate of from $15 to $25 per year. Summer homes erected by the lessees must meet architectural and construction standards set by the Forest Service. There are more than 13,000 summer homes on the national forests—mostly in western forests—at the present time. No summer home permits are issued on certain heavily used forests, like the White Mountain and Green Mountain National Forests in New England.

Of the 841 resorts on national-forest land, the only ones actually owned by the Forest Service are Mount Hood Timberline Lodge in Oregon and Magazine Mountain Lodge on the Ouachita National Forest in Arkansas. All others have been built and are operated by private concessionaires under permits whereby the Forest Service regulates the type of development, the character of services furnished, and the charges. Timberline and Magazine Mountain lodges are similarly operated by concessionaires.

At many resorts in the national forests, adequate and clean, though sometimes rugged, accommodations may be obtained at rates approximating those of the small-town hotel. Those furnishing higher-class accommodations or special services, such as saddle horses, charge more.

In addition to resorts on national-forest lands, there are plentiful accommodations at cabin camps, tourist homes, ranches, and hotels on private lands in and adjacent to the forests.

Summer home in the quiet and shade and beauty of the forest.—Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho. (F—270842)

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Last Updated: 04-Apr-2008