Eighty Years in the Making
A Legislative History of Voyageurs National Park
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Appendix B

Voyageurs National Park

1891 Minnesota State Legisture passed a concurrent resolution requesting that the President of the United States establish a national park between Crane Lake and Lake of the Woods.
1959-1961 NPS personnel carried out reconnaissance surveys of the Kabetogama Peninsula to determine its potential as a national park.
Fall 1961 NPS Director Conrad Wirth authorized advanced studies of the Kabetogama area as recommended by NPS staff.
1962 Minnesota Governor Elmer L. Andersen hosted a tour of the Kabetogama area with guests NPS Director Conrad Wirth, State Parks Director U.W. Hella, Minnesota Historical Society Director Russell Fridley, Naturalist Sigurd Olson, and George Amidon, the official representing the Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company, the principal landowner on the Kabetogama Peninsula. Governor Andersen wrote a consensus statement for the group recognizing the potential of the area as a unit of the National Park System.
1963 NPS completed report on proposed Voyageurs National Park extending from Rainy Lake to the mouth of Vermilion River at Crane Lake. This proposal was circulated "in-house" only.
1964 The first official park proposal was published for public information. This proposal described a park located on the Kabetogama Peninsula and adjacent waters of Rainy Lake and Kabetogama Lake.
1965 Voyageurs National Park Association was organized to promote the establishment of a national park on the Kabetogama Peninsula.
October 1967 A Citizens Committee for Voyageurs National Park was established to generate public support for the park proposal across the state.
November 1967 Governor Harold Levander sponsored a special workshop on Voyageurs National Park in Virginia, Minnesota. Levander endorsed the park in December.
1968 NPS published a Master Plan for the proposed Voyageurs National Park.
April 1969 Representative John Blatnik introduced a Voyageurs National Park bill in the Congress. His proposal extended the park beyond the Kabetogama Peninsula to include Namakan and Sand Point Lakes.
August 1969 The House Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation held field hearings in International Falls, Minnesota on the Voyageurs National Park legislation.
July 1970 House Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation held hearings in Washington D.C.
October 1970 House of Representatives approved Voyageurs National Park legislation.
December 4, 1970 Senate Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation held hearings on Voyageurs National Park bill in Washington, D.C.
December 22, 1970 Senate approved Voyageurs National Park bill after adding amendments.
December 29, 1970 House agreed with Senate amendments and Voyageurs National Park bill was sent to the President for signature.
January 8, 1971 President Nixon signed bill authorizing Voyageurs National Park.
May 1971 Minnesota State Legislature approved donation of state lands for Voyageurs National Park to comply with Congressional requirements.
June 1971 Myrl Brooks appointed Project Manager for Voyageurs. Brooks became the first superintendent of the park after its formal establishment.
April 8, 1975 Voyageurs was formally established as the 36th national park.

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Last Updated: 23-Jan-2009