War in the Pacific
War in the Pacific National Historic Park
Historic Resource Study
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1. Data on Japanese landings are scanty. O. R. Lodge, The Recapture of Guam (Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 1954, reprint, Awani Press), p. 8, implies that the Japanese naval force landed at Dungcas Beach. Henry I. Shaw, Jr., Bernard C. Natty, and Edwin T. Turnbladh, Central Pacific Drive, History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II (Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 1966), p. 450, states that the "main" Japanese force landed at Tumon Bay northeast of Agana. Philip A. Crowl, Campaign in the Marianas, United States Army in World War II, The Pacific War (Washington. 1960), p. 24, describes the landing of the Japanese army force on the beaches between Agat and Facpi Point.

2. Shaw et al, p. 488.

3. Loose sheet in the Snell collection. The quotation is credited to: ONI-99, p. 268 (AF Reel 7, p. 649).

4. Shaw, et al, p. 446. Reportedly this concrete bunker was later used by the Guam National Guard, and it may have been extensively remodeled and rebuilt far this purpose.

5. Charles W. Snell, "Phase One of the Battle, 21 July-30 July 1944, The struggle for the Northern or Asan Beachhead," a draft (Denver, 1984), p. 301, quoting Col. Hideyaki Takeda. Crowl, p. 666, says this advanced command post was 325 yards west of Fonte.

6. Snell, p. 295, quoting Maj. Gen Roy S. Geiger.

7. Shaw, et al, p. 529.

8. Ibid., p 530.

9. Crowl, pp. 364-66.

10. Shaw, et al, pp. 485 and 516.

11. Snell, p. 275.

12. Lodge, p. 102.

13. On August 8, 1944, a patrol from the 21st U.S. Marines came across the bodies of 40 Chamorros in northwest Guam. Their hands had been tied behind their backs and they had been decapitated. Snell, 3:205, quoting Maj. Gen. Allen H. Turnage's operational summary for August 8, 1944.

14. All quotations in this section are from Kathleen R.W. Owings, ed., The War Years on Guam, Narratives of the Chamorro Experience (Micronesia Area Research Center, Guam, 1981, 2 vols,).

15. Ibid., quoting Juan Pagelinan.

16. The accepted site of Tweed's last hideout is Pugua Point. Tony Palomo, An Island in Agony (n.p., 1984), p. 119, places the hideout at Uruno, 1.5 miles to the north.

17. Ownings, 2:513.

18. Ibid., 2:615-161.

19. Second and Third War Dog Platoons, Third Marine Division, Report of Activities, Guam, September 25, 1944, U.S. Marine Corps Records, Geographical File, Record Group 127, National Archives.

20. Shaw, et al., p. 567.

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Last Updated: 07-Mar-2005