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Chronology of the Battle of Iwo Jima


24 June and 4 July U.S. Navy task force bombards the Volcano and Bonin Islands, including Iwo Jima
3 October  JCS directive orders occupation of one or morepositions in the Nanpo Shoto (Volcano- Bonin Islands)

9 October

Admiral Nimitz informs General Smith that  Iwo Jima is to be the objective
November, December On several occasions, U.S. Navy surface ships bombard Iwo Jima
8 December Beginning of 74 straight days of aerial bombings of islands in the Volcano and Bonin Islands, including Iwo Jima



15-16 February  V Amphibious Corps landing force departs the Marianas for Iwo Jima
16 February Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 58) mounts air strikes against Honshu to distract Japanese attention from Iwo Jima.
16-18 February Air and surface bombardment of Iwo Jima by Amphibious  Support Force (TF 52)
19 February

The Fourth and Fifth Marine Divisions land on Iwo Jima, gaining a foothold.

21 February The 21 st Marines (VAC Reserve) are committed in the Fourth Division zone.
  Kamikaze aircraft assault the ships providing support off-shore
23 February The 28 th Marines plant flag on Mt. Suribachi
25 February    The Third Marine Division (less the 21 st Marines) is committed to the battle.
27 February Third Division takes Airfield no.2, Hills Peter and 199-    OBOE
2 March Fifth Division takes Hill 362A
3 March Third Marine Division clears Airfield No. 3
  Fifth Marine Division captures Hill 362B
4 March First B-29s land on Iwo Jima
6 March 15th Fighter Group, USAAF, arrives on Iwo Jima
7 March Third Marine Division captures Hill 362C
8 March Fourth Division repulses a Japanese night attack.
9 March Third Division patrols reach northeast coast of Iwo Jima
10 March Fourth Division breaks out to east coast, pinching out a Japanese salient
11 March Last escort carriers depart, leaving Iwo Jima- based Army  fighters responsible for air defense and ground support
14 March U.S. Navy Military Government proclaimed in the Volcano Islands, marked by official flag raising
  Marine units commence boarding for departure from Iwo Jima
16 March  Last Japanese resistance in the Third Division area, “Cushman’s Pocket” is crushed
  Last opposition end in the Fourth Division area
20 March  U.S. Army 147 th Infantry Regiment arrives for  garrison duty

Fifth Division crushes last pocket of organized resistance

25 March  Japanese survivors launch a final departure desperate early-morning attack against Marine and Army bivouac areas
26 March The capture and occupation phase of the battle is declared complete at 0800
7 April In first flights of the U.S. land based fighter aircraft over  Japan, 80 P-51’s from Iwo Jima escort B-29’s on bombing mission
18 April The last U.S. Marines leave Iwo Jima
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