National Park ServiceU.S. Department of the Interior
War In The Pacific National Historical Park Asan Invasion Beach

Flat Stanley Visits Guam

Hi Guys!

It's me! Flat Stanley! Do you miss me? I am having so much fun! I am in Guam!! It took me 8 days to get here. The island of Guam is located southeast of Japan in the Marianas Island chain. Guam is a U.S. Territory. I am on my way to one of the park units in the National Park Service. The weather is beautiful and sunny!

Flat Stanley riding in car
Flat Stanely at park entrance sign

Here I am at Ga'an Point, one park unit in the War in the Pacific National Historical Park. This park commemorates the bravery and sacrifice for those who participated in the Pacific Theater of World War II. It is located in the village of Agat, in southern Guam.

Here I am hanging out with Ian Lundgren. He works as a Biological Science Technician. He helps protect our natural resources. He was really nice and fun to play with. He showed me all the historic sites at this park. We are standing in a pillbox that housed a Japanese 75 mm gun. This site was one of the landing sites of the United States Armed Forces when the island of Guam was being liberated from the Japanese during World War II.

Flat Stanely with Ranger Lundgren
Flat Stanley at pillbox

This is the other side of the pillbox. This is the hole where they stuck the barrel of the gun out.

Flat Stanley at 25mm anti-aircraft run
This is a Japanese dual 25-mm anti-aircraft gun.
This gun used high explosive ammunition and could fire 300 rounds a minute!

This gun is a 20 cm coastal defense gun that was fired by the Japanese on U.S. troop ships and landing craft on July 21, 1944. Most of these coastal defense weapons would have been hidden beneath camouflage nets or in concrete bunkers like the one I saw earlier.

Flat Stanley at 20cm coastal defense gun
Flat Stanley with a coconut

Guam is a tropical island and has lots of coconut trees. I found this coconut lying on the beach!

It's time for me to go on a ride to another park unit! I am so cool I get to ride in the official park ranger vehicle!

Flat Stanley in Park Ranger vehicle

Flat Stanley at Asan Bay Overlook
This is our last stop, at the Asan Bay Overlook. This spot overlooks the landing site of U.S. soldiers on July 21, 1944. They stormed the beach and continued up into these hills. Now Guam enjoys the same freedoms that you do.

I hope you had fun seeing all the places that I got to go. I know where I am going next, but I want it to be a surprise for you! I miss you guys! See you soon!

Flat Stanley