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  Life After the War 


Description:The story of this Chamorro family had a happy ending when the father, chief Yeoman Juan Santos Aflague, of the U.S. Navy came home from the war after three years. His mother, his brother and his brother-in-law had died since the Japanese occupation, the face of the island had changed since he went away and Aflague had trouble finding his house. But he found his wife and children safe and his home still standing. Chief Yeoman Aflague was aboard ship at Mindanao when the Japanese attacked the Philippines December 8, 1941. The ship escaped to join the Asiatic fleet. Almost three years later the new island commander, Marine Major General Henry L. Larson, got word to Aflague at Sydney, Australia, that his family was safe and well in U. S. hands. Chief Yeoman Aflague came home. The happy family group includes (left to right): Annie, a daughter; Tony, a son; Mrs. Anna Santos, a sister; Aflague, Terisita, a daughter; Mrs. Aflague, his wife; Juan Santos, Jr., and Conchita, another daughter. Two older sons, who are employed by the Guam island command, do not appear in the picture. Junio, with the uke, did not remember his dad.
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Created by Kenneth Cole