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A. Tower House in Shasta County Records and Publications

Record Book A, p. 243:

[Tower's purchase of the land in May 1852] at the crossing of Clear Creek and at the fork of the trail leading from Shasta to Weaverville and to Scotts River likewise lying in the fork of Said Creek together with the houses corrals the free bridge and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining these premises have heretofore been known as the free bridge house.

Shasta Courier, March 26, 1853, as printed in Boggs, My Playhouse, p. 159:

Mr. L. H. Tower has also built a large and elegant house at his old stand, the Free Bridge House, a few miles this side of French Gulch. He has long enjoyed the reputation of keeping one of the best hotels north of Shasta.

Shasta Courier, March 11, 1854, as quoted in Boggs, My Playhouse, p. 191:

TOWER HOUSE. At junction of Yreka and Weaverville Roads, twelve miles from Shasta. The undersigned would announce to the public and particularly to persons traveling to and from Yreka and Weaverville, that having leased this long established stand, formerly known as the "Free Bridge House" he is prepared to entertain customers in a style not surpassed by any hotel in Northern California. Having completed his commodious building, and furnished it in the best possible manner, he is enabled to promise the very best accomodations. The table, as heretofore, will always be supplied with the best viands the market furnishes, while from the large garden attached to the premises, all the vegetables grown in this part of the state will be furnished in great abundance. He has also a secure Corral connected with his establishment, and always supplied with an abundance of Barley and Hay.

Shasta Courier, May 28, 1853, p. 2:

Last year the enterprising proprietor,, L. H. Tower, Esq., was living in a house anything else than elegant in appearance, surrounded by a spot of land that failed to attract the admiration of even our poetical eye; now he is residing [sic] in a fine and commodious building, and his grounds several acres in extent, are enclosed in good paling fence, and in a high state of cultivation—producing in abundance all the vegetables grown in this section of the state. He has also growing large numbers of peach, apple, pear, cherry, and other fruits. And not the least attraction about his premises are two or three hundred chickens and several hundred hogs. In short he has a regular old fashioned home.

Shasta Courier, August 19, 1854, p. 2:

L. H. Tower has several trees in his garden at the Tower House, of but three years growth, now bearing a goodly number of very large peaches. . . . We also observed in the same garden a large bunch of grapes hanging upon a vine of the present season's growth; while water melons, musk melons, etc. were lying about in rich profusion.

Shasta Courier, August 25, 1855, p. 2:

Mr. Tower's establishment is equal to any of our eastern watering places, and must so soon as 'tis well known, become a fashionable resort from the heats of the Valley; and the traveler will ever find it the most hospitable inn upon the road.

Shasta Courier, October 13, 1855, p. 2:

It is useless to say anything of the Tower House. Every one who has heard of Shasta has heard of the Tower House . . . but possibly every one does not know that there you can always find pleasant and agreeable society, attracted thither by the known comforts and pleasantness of the place.

Leases, Volume 1, p. 1.

Charles Camden
Levi Tower
California Stage Co.

Nov. 1, 1858

This indenture made the 1st day of November A.D. 1858 between Charles Camden owner and Levi H. Tower lessee of Shasta County State of California of the first part and W. Mayhew of Tehama County State of California agent for the California Stage Co. of the Second part—Witnesseth that the first part for and in Consideration of Covenants and Acquirements herein after mentioned & Contained on the part and behalf of the Party of the Second part to be Kept and performed have granted and Leased and Demised unto the said party of the second part for the uses of the California Stage Co. their Executors administrators and all that Certain piece or lot of ground inside of the following boundaries Commencing at the Corner of the garden fence north by west from the Tower House and Running S.W. by the garden fence to the Brink of Crystal Creek thence up the bank of said to a large oak stump about 82 feet. From thence N.E. to the fence near a telegraph pole, from thence down the front to place of beginning to have and to hold above described premises for the uses of stable and yard from this the 1st day of November A.D. 1858, forever or all time that it shall be used for the purposes herein designated, giving and permitting the parties of the first part their heirs [?] and assigns privilidged [sic] to remove and hold all manures that is made at the stable free of cost as Likewise the privilidge [sic] of a small hog pen, say 40 feet square at the End of the Stable where the manure will be Discharged, the parties of the Second part, shall at these Cost Keep a substantial fence around the lot, and it is granted and Required by the parties of the first part their heirs [?] and assigns, that the parties of the Second part their heirs [?] and assigns may at all times have and Conduct from the ditch nearby water for the use of the stable free of Cost. Providing always, nevertheless, that the parties of the Second part shall not use the premises herein mentioned for any other person or persons for any other purpose, and if in the Event of any time hereafter the parties of the second part their heirs [?] and assigns, should not have use for the premises hereby granted, for the purposes herein stated the lease shall cease and end, and the parties of the first part their heirs [?] or assigns, shall and may ----- [?] without cost or delay, In Witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands and Seal the day and year first above written.

Sealed & Delivered
in the presence of
H. Brownnell D. Dumm [?]

Chas. Camden
L. H. Tower
W. P. Mayhew

Know all men by these presents that the California State Company for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars to its in hand paid by Louis McLane [?] of San Francisco California have sold and by these presents do grant convey assign transfer and set over unto the said Louis McLean [?] the foregoing Indenture of Lease to have and to hold the same according to its Terms.

In witness [thereof] the said California Stage Company have hereunto caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and the name of the president to be subscribed thereunto on this ninth day of June, A.D., Eighteen hundred and Sixty Six.

California Stage Co.
A. G. Richardson, Prest.

Shasta Courier, February 27, 1869, as quoted in Boggs, My Playhouse, p. 522:

$2000, AT A SACRIFICE ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE, I will sell the Tower House Hotel, together with Barns, Corrals, Blacksmith-shop and outhouses and about Two Acres of Orchard and Garden all for the above sum, if applied for immediately. Apply on the premises to Charles Camden

Shasta Courier, March 6, 1869, p. 2:

Andy Cusic has purchased the Tower House property to Mr. Camden. The Tower House has long been noted as the most pleasant place of summer resort in this portion of the State, and we presume Andy will endeavor to render it still more attractive if possible.

Descriptive Circular of Shasta County, 1882, p. 9:

The Tower House . . . has been a great resort for pleasure and health seekers.

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Last Updated: 11-Dec-2009