SITE OF THE CANYON AUTOMOBILE CAMP The Canyon camp covers a plot of ground about 30 acres in extent, along the main road from Yellowstone Lake to Tower Falls, near the point where a branch road turns off to Norris Junction, as shown on the map. The ground is level for but a small area, the remainder having a slope, pronounced in parts. The drainage is good, the run-off being toward several creeks. Most of the area used at the present time is wooded, with the trees sufficiently separated to furnish a suitable camping site for an automobile party. The lay of the camp is in a northerly and southerly direction, with plenty of sunshine, shade, and breeze. The top soil is a sand and clay, with some rocks. In places a rock formation crops out on the surface. The camp is accessible to the main highway by two short stretches of road. There are two dirt roads in the camp, varying in width from 10 to 20 feet, as the location of the trees and the lay of the ground permitone of the important policies of the park being not to destroy a tree nor mar natural conditions in any manner. Some conception of the camp site may be obtained from the accompanying photograph (Pl. I), showing a section of the camp.
canyon_auto_camp/sec1.htm Last Updated: 09-Nov-2009 |