PUBLICATIONS ON YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. DISTRIBUTED FREE BY THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE. Rules and Regulations, Yellowstone National Park (issued yearly). This pamphlet contains general information of interest to the tourist. SOLD BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS.1 The following publications may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at the prices given. Remittances should be made by money order or in cash: National Park Portfolio, by Robert Sterling Yard. 248 pages, including 306 illustrations. Bound securely in cloth, $1.
Geological History of Yellowstone National Park, by Arnold Hague, 22 pages, including 10 illustrations, 10 cents.
Geysers of the Yellowstone National Park, by Walter Harvey Weed, 32 pages, including 23 illustrations, 10 cents.
Fossil Forests of the Yellowstone National Park, by F. H. Knowlton, 30 pages, including 15 illustrations, 10 cents. (This publication).
Fishes of the Yellowstone National Park, by W. C. Kendall (Bureau of Fisheries Document 818.) 28 pages, including 17 illustrations, 5 cents.
MAP.1 A topographic map of the park may be purhcased from the Director of the Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., at the price given. Remittances should be made by cash or money order. Map of Yellowstone National Park, size 28-1/2 by 32 inches; scale, 2 miles to the inch. Price, 25 cents.
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