MAPS. The following maps may be obtained from the Director of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., at prices given, postage prepaid. Remittances should be made by money order or in cash. Map of Yosemite National Park, 28-1/2 by 27 inches, scale 2 miles to the inch. Price 25 cents a copy flat; 40 cents a copy folded and bound between covers. The roads, trails, and names are printed in black, the streams and lakes in blue, and the relief is indicated by brown contour lines. Map of Yosemite Valley, 35 by 15-1/2 inches, scale 2,000 feet to the inch. Price, 10 cents.1 The woods, trails, and names are printed in black, the streams and lakes in blue, and the relief is indicated by brown contour lines.
The view described below may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Remittances should be made by money order or in cash. Panoramic view of Yosemite National Park, 18-1/2 by 18 inches, scale 3 miles to the inch. Price, 25 cents.1 This view is bused on accurate surveys and gives an excellent idea of the configuration of the surface as it would appear to a person flying over it. Eight colors were used in the printing, the meadows and valleys being in light green, the streams and lakes in light blue, the cliffs and ridges in combinations of colors in order to give the haze effect characteristic of the region, and the roads in light brown. The lettering is printed in light brown, which is easily read on close inspection, but which merges into the basic colors when the sheet is held at some distance. The panorama is surrounded by a gray border, in order to make an effective background.
GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Government publications on Yosemite National Park may be obtained as indicated below. Separate communications should be addressed to the officers mentioned. DISTRIBUTED FREE BY THE NATIONAL PARE SERVICE. The following publications may be obtained free on written application to the Director of the National Park Service, or by personal application to the office of the superintendent of the park. Glimpses of our National Parks. 48 pages. Contains description of the most important features of the principal national parks. Automobile road map of Yosemite National Park and Yosemite Valley. Shows the park road system, hotels, camps, garages, superintendent's office, routes to the park, etc. Also contains excerpts from automobile and motorcycle regulations. Map of National Parks and National Monuments. Shows location of all of the national parks and monuments, administered by the National Park Service, and all railroad routes to these reservations. SOLD BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS. The following publications may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at the prices indicated, postage prepaid. Remittances should be made by money order or in cash. The National Parks Portfolio. By Robert Sterling Yard. 260 pages, including 270 illustrations. Pamphlet edition, loose in flexible cover, 35 cents; book edition, containing same material securely bound in cloth, 55 cents. Contains nine sections, each descriptive of a national park, and one a larger section devoted to other parks and monuments. Sketch of Yosemite National Park and an account of the origin of Yosemite and Hetch Hetchy Valleys, by F. E. Matthes, 48 pages, including 24 illustrations. Price 10 cents.1 This pamphlet contains a description of the general features of the Sierra Nevada and the Yosemite National Park and an account of the origin of the Yosemite and Hetch Hetchy Valleys. The Secret of the Big Trees, by Ellsworth Huntington, 24 pages, including 14 illustrations. Price 5 cents. This pamphlet contains an account of the climatic changes that are indicated by the thickness of the growth rings in the big trees, and gives a comparative statement of the climatic conditions in California and Asia during a period of 3,400 years. Forests of Yosemite, Sequoia, and General Grant National Parks, by C. L. Hill. 1916. 40 pages, including 23 illustrations. 20 cents.1 Contains descriptions of the forest cover and of the principal species.
BIBLIOGRAPHY. AFLALO, F. G. Sunset playgrounds. 1909. 251 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 133-153. BRYCE, JAMES. University and historical addresses. 1913. 433 pp. National ParksThe need of the future, pp. 389-406. BUNNELL, LAFAYETTE HOUGHTON. Discovery of the Yosemite; and the Indian war of 1851. [1897] 349 pp. Historical and descriptive. CHASE, J. S. Cone-bearing trees of the California mountains. 1911. 99 pp., illustrated. ______ Yosemite trails; camp and pack-train in the Yosemite region of the Sierra Nevada. 1911. 354 pp., illustrated. CHENEY, JOHN VANCE. At the Silver Gate. 1911. 94 pp. Poems: Includes the Voice of the sequoia, Speech of the Yosemite Chief Tenieyah. CLARK, GALEN. Indians of the Yosemite Valley. 1904. 110 pp., illustrated. ______ The Yosemite Valley. 1910. 108 pp. General description and notes on flora. ______ The big trees of California. 1907. 104 pp., illustrated. CRONAU, RUDOLF. In wilden Westen. 1890. 383 pp., Illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 259-275; Yellowstone on pp; 163-185. CUMMING, C. F. GORDON. Granite crags. 1884. 373 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 75-215. ELDER, PAUL, compiler. California, the Beautiful. Camera studies by California artists with selections in prose and verse from western writers. 1911. 75 pp., illustrated. Song birds in Yo Semite, by Olive Harper; Yosemite, poem, by Herman Scheffauer; Yosemite Valley, by John Muir; The Sequoias, poem, by L. A. Robertson; The Giant Forest, by Stewart Edward White. FINCK, H. T. Pacific coast scenic tour. 1890. 309 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 81-107; Yellowstone on pp. 270-293; Crater Lake on pp. 157-158; Mount Rainier on pp. 200-216. FOLEY, D. J. Yosemite souvenir and guide. 1911. 113 pp. FOUNTAIN, PAUL. The eleven eaglets of the West. London. 1906. 362 pp. An account of travels in 11 far western States and Territories. Yosemite on pp. 21-27; Crater Lake on pp. 46-49; Mount Rainier on pp. 110-112; Yellowstone on pp. 173-195. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of California. The Yosemite Book. 1868. 116 pp., illustrated. GUNNISON, ALMON. Rambles overland. 1884. 245 pp. Yosemite on pp. 125-156; Yellowstone on pp. 7-82. HALL, H. M. and C. C. A Yosemite flora. 1912. 282 pp. A descriptive account of the ferns and flowering plants, including the trees, with keys for identification. HERBERTSON, F. D. and A. J. Descriptive geography from original sources; North America. 1901. 252 pp. Yosemite on pp. 194-196; Yellowstone on pp. 171-180; Crater Lake on pp. 166-167. HESSE-WARTEGG, ERNEST VON. Nord-Amerika; Seine städte und Naturwunder. 3 vols. 1880. Yosemite in vol. 2, pp. 130-144; Yellowstone in vol. 2, pp. 228-242. HIRSCHBERG, JULIUS. Von New York nach San Francisco; Tagebuchblatter. 1888. 276 pp. Yosemite on pp. 190-201; Yellowstone on pp. 77-111. HUDSON, T. S. A scamper through America. 1882. 280 pp. Yosemite on pp. 158-175. HUTCHINGS, J. M. In the heart of the Sierras. 1886. 496 pp., illustrated. Historical and descriptive. JEPSON, W. L. The silva of California: Memoirs of the University of California vol. 2, 1910. 480 pp., illustrated. ______. The trees of California. 1909. 228 pp., illustrated. JOHNSON, CLIFTON. Highways and byways of the Pacific Coast. 1907. 323 pp. illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 143-165. KING, CLARENCE. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 1902. 378 pp. Yosemite on pp. 165-190. KIRCHOFF, THEODORE. Californische Kulturbilder. 1886. 376 pp. Yosemite on pp. 134-153. MARSHALL, W. G. Through America. 1881. 424 pp. Yosemite on pp. 345-386. MILLS, ENOS A. Your National Parks. 532 pp., illustrated. Price, $2.50. Houghton. Muffin Co., 1917. Yosemite on pp. 65-98; 444-454. MORRIS, Mrs. JAMES EDWIN. A Pacific coast vacation. 1901. 255 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 101-209; Yellowstone on pp. 236-255. MUIR, JOHN. My first summer in the Sierra. 1911. 354 pp. Devoted mostly to the Yosemite. ______. Our National Parks. 1909. 382 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 76-267; Sequoia and General Grant on pp. 268-330; Yellowstone on pp. 37-75; Wild Parks of the West, pp. 1-36. ______. The mountains of California. 1894. 382 pp. illustrated. ______. The Yosemite. 1912. 284 pp., illustrated. MURPHY, THOMAS D. Three Wonderlands of the American West. 1912 180 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 59-109;. Yellowstone on pp. 1-58. Contains color reproductions of Moran's paintings. PECK, J. K. The seven wonders of the new world. 1885. 320 pp. Yosemite on pp 205-244, 284-320; Yellowstone on pp. 71-114. PIERREPONT, EDWARD. Fifth Avenue to Alaska. 1884. 329 pp. Yosemite on pp. 58-68; Yellowstone on pp. 237-311. PORTER, T. C. Impressions of America. 1899. 241 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 108-142; Yellowstone on pp. 24-93. SCHAUFFLER, H. H. Romantic America. 1913. 339 pp. Yosemite on pp. 192-224; Yellowstone on pp. 134-160. SCHLAGINTWEIT, RORERT VON. Californien. 1871. 380 pp. Yosemite on pp. 179-212. SENN, NICHOLAS. Our National Recreation Parks. 1904. 147 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 95-147; Yellowstone on pp. 17-92. Contains notes on fauna and flora in addition to descriptive matter. SMITH, BERTHA H. Yosemite Legends. 1904. 64 pp. STODDARD, CHARLES AUGUSTUS. Beyond the Rockies. 1894. 214 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 117-142. SYMMES, HAROLD. Songs of Yosemite. 1911. 44 pp., illustrated. Poems. THAYER, JAMES BRADLEY. A western journey with Mr. Emerson. 1884. 141 pp. Yosemite on pp. 68-110. TISSANDIER, ALBERT. Six mois aux Etats Unis. [1886.] 298 pp. Yosemite on pp. 139-165; Yellowstone on pp. 170-188. TOMLINSON, EVERETT T. Four boys in the Yosemite. [1911.] 405 pp. TORREY, BRADFORD. Field days in California. 1913. 235 pp. Yosemite on pp. 170-203. WEBB, WILLIAM SEWARD. California and Alaska. 1891. 268 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 81-102. WILEY, WILLIAM H. and SARA K. The Yosemite, Alaska, and the Yellowstone. [1893.] 230 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 110-124; Yellowstone on pp. 205-230. WINIFRED, LADY HOWARD, of Glossop. Journal of a tour in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 1897. 355 pp. Yosemite on pp. 81-100. YARD, ROBERT STERLING. The Top of the Continent. 1917. 244 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 161-187. ______. The Book of the National Parks. 1919. 420 pp., 76 illustrations, 16 maps and diagrams. Yosemite, on pp. 36-68.
Rules and regulations similar to this for the national parks listed below may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Director of the National Park Service, Washington, D. C.:
The following publication relating to the national monuments may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Director of the National Park Service, Washington, D. C.: Casa Grande National Monument.
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