AMUSEMENTS. Swimming.There are swimming pools at Yosemite Lodge and Camp Curry. Boating.The Yosemite National Park Co. has rowboats for hire on Tenaya, Dog, Washburn, and Merced Lakes. Rates: Rowboats per hour, 25 cents; per day, $1.50. Miscellaneous.Playgrounds for children, tennis courts, dancing pavilions, and moving-picture shows are to be found in the valley.
Information bureaus.The National Park Service maintains an information bureau at the superintendent's office, in Yosemite, and those in charge will supply accurate information concerning points of interest, trails, camping facilities, camping locations, fishing places, etc. A branch office of the California State Automobile Association is maintained in conjunction with the park service information bureau, where the best road information obtainable is furnished gratis to autoists. Information can also be obtained at any of the hotels, camps, lodges, or garages and at the transportation office. Medical service.Yosemite Valley has among other conveniences a hospital building, where medical and surgical service is provided. A competent physician and surgeon, with attendant nurses, is in charge of the building and will promptly attend patients at any place within the park. Prices are regulated by the Director of the National Park Service. Laundry.Adequate laundry facilities are provided in the valley. TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH. Local and long-distance telephone and telegraph service is maintained by the National Park Service at the superintendent's office in Yosemite village and at a branch office maintained at Camp Curry. Telephonic communication may be had to all interior hotels, camps, and lodges, and long-distance and telegraph messages may be sent from interior points and delivered by telephone to such points. EXPRESS. American Railway Express service is available in the General Store, Yosemite village. POSTAL SERVICE. Post offices are maintained in Yosemite village, Yosemite Lodge, and at Camp Curry. Yosemite post office is located in Yosemite village, the Yosemite Lodge post office at Yosemite Lodge, and Camp Curry post office at Camp Curry. Mail for guests of the hotels, or lodges of the Yosemite National Park Co. other than Yosemite Lodge should be addressed, care of Yosemite National Park Co., Yosemite, Calif., marked "For _______ " (insert name of hotel or lodge). Mail for guests of Yosemite Lodge should be addressed, Yosemite Lodge, Calif. Mail for guests of Camp Curry should be addressed, Camp Curry, Calif. Messenger service.A messenger service is in operation between the telegraph office in the village and established camps on the floor of the valley. A charge of 25 cents is made for delivery of a telegram or package, or the performance of an errand from the village to a camp. General store.A general store, meat market, and housekeeping camp-rental depot is conducted in Yosemite village by the Yosemite National Park Co. A great variety of goods, clothing, and other commodities, including toilet articles and proprietary medicines, are kept in stock. A confectionery counter, soda fountain, and a curio section are among the departments of the store. For garage and blacksmith service, see pages 36-37.
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