1862 | Rush up Stikine Riverfirst Cassiar discovery |
1870 | Gold discovered at Sumdum Bay, southeast Alaska. |
1871 | Stampede to Cassiar, British Columbia; Wrangell,
Alaska becomes base for Stikine River route to the gold fields. |
1872 | Gold found at Sitka. |
1873 or 1874 | First prospectors go into Alaska interior. |
1880 | Major gold strike leads to founding of Juneau; gold
found in beach sands of Yakutat. |
1886 | First major gold strike in interior made on Fortymile
River. Several hundred stampeders cross the Chilkoot Pass. |
1892 | Birch Creek discovery which leads to founding of
Circle City on the Yukon River. |
1893 | Other interior placer gold strikes on the Yukon River
near Circle and Rampart and in the Koyukuk River region. |
1894 | First mining of beach sands at Lituya Bay. |
1896 | Klondike gold discovery. |
1897-98 | Klondike stampede. |
1898 | Placer gold discoveries on Porcupine Creek near
Haines, Seward Peninsula, and Kobuk River. |
1899-1900 | Stampede to Nome. |
1899 | Nabesna gold strike. First gold dredge at Nome. |
1899-1902 | Extensive prospecting for copper in Copper River
Valley. |
1901 | Nizina gold strike. First gold dredge at Dawson. |
1902 | Tanana Valley placer gold discovery near Fairbanks.
Iliamna Lake (Lake Clark) gold discovery. |
1903 | Placer gold strikes at Kantishna and Valdez
Creek. |
1905 | Gold discovery at Yentna; gold lode located on
Chandalar. |
1907 | Stampede to gold placers of Innoko; start of construction of Copper
River and Northwestern Railway. |
1908 | Gold strikes on Kuskokwim. |
1910 | Stampede to Iditarod |
1910 | Placer gold finds in Koyukuk (Hughes) and Chisna. |
1911 | With completion of Copper River and Northwestern
Railway the first shipment of Kennecott copper is shipped to Cordova,
then by sea to Tacoma, Washington. |
1913 | Gold found at Marshall and Chisana. |
1914 | Gold discovered at Livengood and Tolovana. |
1916 | First gold dredges operate in interior. |
1937 | Kennecott shuts down. |
1940 | Peak year of gold production. |
1942-45 | Most mining shut down during World War II. |
1955 | Peak post-World War II year of Fairbanks region gold
dredging operations. |
1959 | Alaska becomes state. |
1966 | Gold mining hits low; total productions under $1
million. |
1968 | Fixed gold price ended. |
1975 | Federal ban on private ownership of gold ended. |
1970s | Mineral mining and exploration revive. |
1970s-80s | Environmental concerns affect costs and future
prospects of mineral mining industry. |