Golden Spike
Cultural Landscape Report
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The following analysis and evaluation of the Golden Spike NHS cultural landscape is based upon the results of historical research and the documentation of the existing conditions in the study area. Because the historic site is already listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the purpose of the evaluation is to supplement the existing documentation and to identify the landscape characteristics (and associated features) that contribute to the site's eligibility.

General landscape characteristics important in the historical development of this inventory unit include natural features and systems, land use, circulation, topography, buildings and structures and archaeological sites. Although clustering was an important landscape characteristic at various times during the historical period of significance, this characteristic is no longer manifest within the landscape corridor. Rather, the former clusters of buildings and structures are now represented as archaeological sites. Similarly, the important historic land uses directly associated with the construction and operation of the railroad have become obsolete.

Although railroad operations have ceased, the land uses adjacent to the railroad corridor remain predominantly agricultural, and contribute to the high level of integrity of setting found in most areas of the historic site. A general discussion of views into and out of the NHS, as they pertain to the integrity of setting for this historical property are included in the following text.

The final section of this chapter includes a statement of significance for the NHS and an assessment of its integrity.

sketch of masonry foundation
Figure 40. Illustration of masonry foundation. Source: Anderson, 1983:230.

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Last Updated: 27-Jul-2003