Golden Spike
Cultural Landscape Report
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Annual Maintenance of Railroad Grade

National Park Service


June 10, 1998

To: All Employees

From: Superintendent, Golden Spike National Historic Site

Subject: GOSP Policy 504
Annual Maintenance of Grade Resources

For many years, maintenance and management of cultural resources has been inconsistent and not in full keeping with the mission of the National Park Service as well as the fundamental management objectives for Golden Spike National Historic Site. Now that the Resources Management Program has been established, it is imperative that the cultural resources at Golden Spike National Historic Site be adequately maintained and preserved for future generations. To achieve this objective, the following Policy has been developed for the annual maintenance of grade resources.

General Grade Maintenance

1. (April) Remove rocks along the Auto Tours and along the U.P. and C.P. grades of the Big Fill Hiking Trail

2. (April) Gentle blading with the Road Grader of the Historic Grade along the Auto Tour routes, following the approved 1989 preservation procedure for the Historic Grades. Ensure that there is sufficient depth of Material on top of each culvert (generally, this should be at least 12-16 inches of material).

3. (April and again in September) Assess extent of burrowing activity in grades by marmots, badgers, etc. Take necessary control actions.

4. (April and again in September) Inspect all washes leading into culverts. Ensure that culverts are not plugged. Ensure that there is positive drainage flow and an adequate drainage channel.

5. (November through May) Monitor the electric fence on the west grade.

6. (Late May and again in July) Mow the grade between the two auto tours to keep weeds below 12 inches in height. This mowing regimen is also needed between the Big Fill and the east end of the Historic Site near Thiokol. (A more continuous maintenance regimen for mowing is necessary along the tracks at the Last Spike Site area).

7. As needed, control the growth of sunflowers along the auto tours, along the Big Fill Hiking Trail, and on the grade between the Big Fill and Thiokol.

8. Approximately every five years, the auto tour routes should be resurfaced with road base material.

Maintenance of Culverts, Trestles, Abutments, and related features.

1. (April and again in September) Clear brush, silt, debris, etc. to within six feet of each culvert. Similarly, clear brush and debris out of the drainage channels.

2. (April and again in September) Make a structural inspection of each culvert.

3. (April and again in September) Inspect drainage and assess erosion patterns of each culvert.

4. (April and again in September and also following any major storm event) Record a maintenance record form for all of the above assessments.

5. (April and again in September) Maintain Trestle 2.

  • Inspect erosion patters. Direct any surface flow away from structure.
  • Replace rotted wood riprap
  • A liberal coating of creosote should be applied every other year, or as needed.

(The entire Preservation plan for Trestle 2 is listed in the 1986 document: "Trestles Preservation Plan," pages 43 and 44)

Long Term Maintenance and Preservation Issues

1. Need to determine an appropriate solution to controlling marmot and badger burrowing in the Historic Grades.

2. Need to determine how best sagebrush should be removed from the Historic Grades.

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Last Updated: 27-Jul-2003