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Field Division of Education
Preliminary Report on the Ethnography of the Southwest
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P. E. Goddard: Indians of the Southwest (Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Handbook Series)
A. V. Kidder: Introduction to Archaeology of the southwest (New Haven, 1924)
G. A. Dorsey: Indians of the Southwest (no date)
E. Huntington: The Climatic Factor as Illustrated in Arid America (Publ. Carnegie Inst.


E. and P. Beaglehole: Hopi of the Second Mesa (MAAA, 44, 1935) of Wash., 192)
W. Hough: The Hopi Indiana (Ceder Rapids, Iowa, 1915)
W. Hough: Hopi Indian Collection in US National Museum (PUSNM, 54, 1918, 235-96)
H. R. Voth: Oraibi Powamu Ceremony (PFM, 3, 60-158)
H. R. Voth: Oraibi Natal Customs and Ceremonies (PFM, 6, 47-61)
J. W. Fewkes: Tusayan Flute and Snake Ceremonies (ARBAE, 19, 1900, pt. 2)
R. H. Lowie: Notes on Hopi Clans (APAMNH, 30, pt. 6, 1929)
R. H. Lowie: Hopi Kinship (APAMNH, 30, pt. 7, 1929)
E. Beaglehole: Hopi Hunting and Hunting Ritual (YUPA. 4, 1936)
E. Beaglehole: Notes on Hopi Economic Life (YUPA, 15, 1936)


M. C. Stevenson: The Zuni Indians (ARBAE, 23, 1904)
A. L. Kroeber: Zuni Kin and Clan (APAMNH, 18, pt. 2, 1917)
R. Bunzel: Introduction to Zuni Ceremonialism (ARBAE, 47, 1932, 467-544)
R. Bunzel: Zuni Ritual Poetry (ARBAE, 47, 1932, 611-835)
F. H. Cushing: Zuni Breadstuff (Indian Notes and Monographs, 8, 1920)
F. H. Cushing: Zuni Folk Tales (1901)
R. Benedict: Zuni Folk Tales (CUCA, 21, 1935)


L. A. White: Summary Rept. of Field Work at Acoma (AA, 30, 1928, 559-68)
L. A. White: The Acoma Indians (ARBAE, 47, 1932, 17-192)


E. C. Parsons: Laguna Genealogies (APAMNH, 19, 135-292)
E. C. Parsons: Notes on Ceremonialism at Laguna (APAMNH, 19, 85-121)
F. Boas: Keresan Torts (PAES, 8, 1928, 2 pts.)


N. Dumarest: Notes on Cochiti, N. M. (MAAA, 6, pt. 3, 1919)
E. S. Goldfrank: Social and Ceremonial Organization of Cochiti (MAAA, 33, 1927)

San Felipe

L. A. White: The Pueblo of San Felipe (MAAA, 38, 1932)


E. C. Parsons: Isleta, New Mexico (ARBAE, 47, 1932, 193-466)


M. C. Stevenson: The Sia (ARBAE, U, 1889)


E. C. Parsons: Pueblo of Jemez (New Haven, 1925)


J. P. Harrington: Ethnogeography of Tewa Indiana (ARBAE, 29, 1916)
E. C. Parsons: Social Organization of the Tewa of New Mexico (MAAA, 36, 1929)


E. C. Parsons: Taos Pueblo (General Series in Anthropology, 2, 1936)

General Pueblo

James Stevenson: Illus. Catalogue of Collection Obtained from Indians of N. M. and Arizona in 1879 (ARBAE, 2, 1883, 319-422)


Franciscan Fathers: Ethnologic Dictionary of the Navaho Language (1910)
C. Mindeleff: Navaho Houses (ARBAE, 17, 1898, pt. 2, 469-518)
R. W. Shufeldt: The Navaho Tanner (PUSNM, 11, 1888, 59-66)
A. M. Stephen: The Navajo Shoemaker (PUSNM, 11, 1888, 131-33)
G. A. Reichard: Social Life of the Navajo Indians (CUCA, 7, 1928)
W. Matthews: Songs of Sequence of the Navajos (JAIL, 7, 1894, 185-94)
W. Matthews: Navaho Legends (MAILS, 5, 1897)
W. Matthews: The Night Chant, a Navaho Ceremony (Men. AMNH., 6, 1902)
W. Matthews: The Mountain Chant (ARBAE, 5, 1887)
F. W. Hodge: The Early Navajo and Apache (AA, 8, 1895, 223-40)
W. W. Hill: Navaho Warfare (YUPA, 5, 1936)
Leland C. Wyman: Navaho Diagnosticians (AA, 38, 1936, 236-46)


James Mooney: A Jicarilla Genesis (AA, 11, 1898, 197-209)
P. E. Goddard: Jicarilla Apache Texts (APAMNH, 8, 1911)
M. E. Opler: Summary of Jicarilla Culture (AA, 38, 1936, 202-23)


M. E. Opler: Kinship Systems of the Southern Athbaskan-speaking Tribes (AA, 38, 1936)
M. E. Opler: The Concept of Supernatural Power Among the Chiricahua and Mescalero Apaches (AA, 37, 1935, 65-70)

Western Apache

A. B. Reagan: Notes on Indians of the Fort Apache Region (APAMNH, 31, pt. 5, 1930)
John G. Bourke: Notes upon the Religion of the Apache Indians (Folk-Lore, 2, 1891, 419-55)
John G. Bourke: Medicine-Men of the Apache (ARBAE, 9, 1892, 451-603)
P. E. Goddard: Myths and Tales of the San Carlos Apache (APAMNH, 24, 1918)
P. E. Goddard: Myths and Tales of the White Mountain Apache (APAMNH, 24, 1919)
G. Goodwin: The Social Divisions and Economic Life of the Western Apache (AA, 37,1935, 55-64)

Southern Paiute

R. H. Lowie: Notes on Shoshonean Ethnography (APAMNH, 20, 1935, pt. 3)
E. Sapir: Song Recitative in Paiute Mythology (JAIL, 23, 1910, 455-72)
I. Kelly: Southern Paiute Bands (AA, 36, 1934, 548-60)


A. L. Kroeber, ed., Walapai Ethnography (MAAA, 42, 1935)


L. Spier: Havasupai Ethnography (APAMNH, 29, 1928, pt. 3)
F. H. Cushing: The Nation of the Willows (Atlantic Monthly. 50, 1882, 362-74, 541-59)


E. W. Gifford: The Southeastern Yavapai (UCPAAE, 29, 1932, no. 3)
Wm. F. Corbusier: The Apache-Yumas and Apache-Mojaves (Amer. Antiquarian, 8, 1886, 276-84, 325-39)


E. C. Parsons: Notes on the Pima, 1926 (AA, 30, 1928, 445-64)
F. Russell: The Pima Indiana (ARBAE, 26, 1904)
J. Wm. Lloyd: Aw-aw-tam Indian Nights (Westfield, N. J., 1911)


C. Lumholtz: New Trails in Mexico (New York, 1912)
J. A. Mason: Papago Harvest Festival (AA, 22, 1920, 13-25)
E. H. Davis: Papago Ceremony of the Vikita (Indian Notes and Monographs, 2, 1920, 4)
Ruth Underhill, Autobiography of a Papago Woman (MAAA, 46, 1936)


L. Spier: Yuman Tribes of the Gila River (Univ. Chicago Publ. Anth.: Ethnol. Series, 1933)


A. L. Kroeber: Handbook Indians of California (BBAE, 78, 1925, ch. 50 & 51)
A. L. Kroeber: Yuman Tribes of the Colorado River (UCPAAE, 16, 1920, 475-85)


C. D. Fords: Ethnography of the Yuma Indians (UCPAAE, 28, 1931, no. 4.)
J. P. Harrington: A Yuma Account of Origins (JAIL, 21, 1908, 324-48)
A. L. Kroeber: Handbook Indians of California (BBAE, 78, 1925, ch. 52)


E. W. Gifford: The Cocopa (UCPAAE, 31, 1933, no. 5.)


E. W. Gifford: The Kamia of Imperial Valley (BBAE, 97, 1931)

Southern California

W. D. Strong: Aboriginal Society in So. Calif. (UCPAAE, 26, 1929)
A. L. Kroeber: Handbook Indians of California (BBAE, 78, 1925, ch. 37-49)


L. Spier: Havasupai Ethnography (APAMNH, 29, 1928, pt. 3)
R. L. Reals: Comparative Ethnology of Northern Mexico before 1750 (Ibero-Americana, 2, 1932)
L. Spier: Problems Arising from the Cultural Position of the Havasupai (AA, 31, 1929, 213-22)
A. L. Kroeber: Native Culture in the Southwest (UCPAAE, 23, 1928, no. 9.) 345-49)
R. Linton: The Significance of Certain Traits in North American Maize Culture (AA, 26, 1924,
L. Spier: Cultural Relations of the Gila River and Lower Colorado Tribes (YUPA, 3, 1936)
A. L. Kroeber: The Seri (Southwest Museum Papers, 6, 1931)
H. K. Haeberlin: Idea of Fertilization in the Culture of the Pueblo Indians (MAAA, 3, 1916, no. 1.)


V. Mindeleff: A Study of Pueblo Architecture (ARBAE, 8, 1891)
C. Mindeleff: Navaho Houses (ARBAE, 17, 1898, pt. 2, 469-518)


C. D. Forde: Hopi Agriculture (Journal, Royal Anth. Institute, 61, 1931, 357-405)
F. H. Cushing: Zuni Breadstuff (Indian Notes and Monographs, 8, 1920)


C. E. Guthe: Pueblo Pottery Making [San Ildefonso] (1925)
R. Bunzel: The Pueblo Potter [Zuni] (CUCA, 8, 1929)
E. W. Gifford: Pottery Making in the Southwest (UCPAAE, 23, 1928, no. 8.)
M. Rogers: Yuman Pottery-Making (San Diego Museum Papers, 2, 1936)


M. L. Kissell: Basketry of the Papago and Pima (APAMNH, 17, 115-264)
H. H. Roberts: Basketry of the San Carlos Apache (APAMNH, 31, 1929, pt. 2)
O. T. Mason: Aboriginal American Basketry (Rept. US National Museum for 1902, 1904, 171-548)


W. Matthews: Navajo Weavers (ARBAE, 3, 1884, 371-92)
L. Spier: Zuni Weaving Technique (AA, 26, 1924, 64-85)
C. A. Amsden: Navaho Weaving (Santa Ana, Calif., 1934)

Social Organization

E. C. Parsons: Tewa Kin, Clan and Moiety (AA, 26, 1924, 333-39)
W. D. Strong: An Analysis of Southwestern Society (AA, 29, 1927, 1-61) 1925. no. 2.)
L. Spier: Distribution of Kinship Systems in North America (Univ. Wash. Publ. Anth., l,
E. W. Gifford: Clans and Moieties in Southern California (UCPAAE, 14, 1918, no. 2.)


G. Herzog: The Yuman Musical Style (JAIL, 41, 1928, 185-231)
F. Denenore: Papago Music (BBAE, 90, 1929)
W. Matthews: Navaho Legends (MAILS, 5, 1897, 254-58, 281-90)
G. Herzog in Spier: Yuman Tribes of the Gila River (1933, 270 f.)


E. C. Parsons: Hopi and Zuni Ceremonialism (MAAA, 39, 1933)
E. C. Parsons: Pueblo Religion (in preparation)


AAAmerican Anthropologist
ARBAEAnnual Report, Bureau of American Ethnology
APAMNHAnthropological Papers, American Museum of Natural History
BBAEBulletin, Bureau of American Ethnology
CUCAColumbia University Contributions to Anthropology
JAILJournal of American Folk-Lore
MAAAMemoirs, American Anthropological Association
MAILSMemoirs, American Folk-Lore Society
PAESPublications, American Ethnological Society
PFMPublications, Field Museum of Natural History (Anthropological Series)
PUSMProceedings, United States National Museum
UCPAAEUniversity California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology
YUPAYale University Publications in Anthropology


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