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Field Division of Education
The Zoology of Rocky Mountain National Park
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This paper on the Zoology of Rocky Mountain National Park is one of several prepared by a group of research workers employed by the Field Division of Education of the National Park Service during the CWA period of 1933-34. Its purpose was to provide a background for the preparation of museum exhibits at Rocky Mountain National Park.

With its limited purpose, the paper naturally does not cover all fields of zoology in the region, nor does it give equal weight to various subjects. It does not represent the result of original field work but is rather a compilation based on an extensive examination of the published data concerning the region of the Park. Particular efforts were made to produce as complete a bibliography as possible and this feature should be of special value.

Although intended for a specific and restricted use, it is believed this paper should be of value as a preliminary introduction and as a summary of the zoology of the Rocky Mountain National Park area. With this in view as well as in response to numerous requests for copies, it was felt that the paper should be given wider distribution in this mimeographed form.

In order to save time and expense in mimeographing, references are included in the text in parentheses rather than by the use of footnotes.

Workers supplied by the California State Emergency Relief Administration made possible the mimeographing of this paper.


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