Tribal Distributions
In native times, the region now included in Sequoia National Park was
given over to two distinctive Indian groups, the Western Mono and the
Tubatulabal. The Balwisha division of the Shoshonean-speaking Western
Mono inhabited the upper Kaweah River drainage, including the part which
lies in the western portion of the park. The Western Mono occurred also
to the north of the park, occupying the western slope of the Sierra
Nevada mountains between their summit and western foothills. In the
foothills they abut the San Joaquin Valley and foothill Yokuts. The
eastern portion of Sequoia park, that is, the Kern River drainage, falls
in the territory of the Shoshonean-speaking Tubatulabal or Pitanisha,
who are, like the Western Mono, a mountain people, and who occupied the
southern Sierra Nevada Mountains west of their summit.
East of the water-shed of the Sierra is a third Shoshonean-speaking
group, the Owens Valley Paiute (formerly called the Eastern Mono.).
Their territory adjoins that of the Western Mono and Tubatulabal at the
summit of the Sierra, that is, at the eastern boundary of Sequoia Park,
but also includes a large portion of eastern California to the north.
South and east of the Western Mono were the Yokuts, a large group of
people distributed mainly in the flat San Joaquin Valley but locally
running up slightly into the Sierra foothills, and speaking a language
which bears no relation to Shoshonean, but which belongs to the great
west coast stock, the Penutian.
Sequoia National Park, then, was permanently occupied in its western
half by the Balwisha group of the Western Mono, while its eastern half
was summer hunting territory of the Tubatulabal. Individuals from the
Owens Valley Paiute to the east and the Yokuts to the west undoubtedly
visited the country from time to time. Also, many specimens of Owens
Valley or San Joaquin valley origin were traded through this region by
the several Indian trails that crossed the Sierra in this latitude. But
a collection of Yokuts specimens cannot be said to characterize the
industry of these mountain people any more than would a collection of
Paiute specimens.

(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)