PERSONS ATTENDING THE CONFERENCE. Capt. J. B. Adams, assistant forester, Washington, D. C. W. F. Arant, superintendent Crater Lake National Park, Klamath Falls, Oreg. H. C. Best, Yosemite, Cal. W. M. Boland, superintendent Wind Cave National Park, Hot Springs, S. Dak. Frank Bond, chief clerk, General Land Office, Washington, D. C. J. T. Boyesen, Yosemite, Cal. Lieut. Col. L. M. Brett, acting superintendent Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Park, Wyo. G. M. Brookwell, Los Angeles Real Estate Board, Los Angeles, Cal. L. E. Burkes, secretary Automobile Club, San Francisco, Cal. D. E. Burley, general passenger agent, Oregon Short Line Railroad, Salt Lake City, Utah. J. J. Byrne, assistant passenger traffic manager, Santa Fe Railway. R. H. Chapman, acting superintendent Glacier National Park, Belton, Mont. A. D. Charlton, assistant general passenger agent, Northern Pacific Railway, Portland, Oreg. Maj. Sherwood A. Cheney, Engineer Corps. United States Army. H. W. Child, Yellowstone Park Transportation Co., Yellowstone Park, Wyo. J. W. Coffman, Yosemite, Cal. W. E. Colby, secretary Sierra Club, San Francisco, Cal. R. S. Cole, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Riverside, Cal. J. C. Conwell, secretary Automobile Dealers' Association, of Los Angeles, Cal., representing Ocean to Ocean Highway Association. D. A. Curry, Yosemite, Cal. J. B. Curtin, Sonora, Cal. W. T. S. Curtis, Washington, representing certain Hot Springs lessees. Mrs. John Degnan, Yosemite, Cal. F. C. Dezendorf, Chief Field Division, General Land Office, custodian Muir Woods, San Francisco, Cal. E. W. Dixon, inspector, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. F. C. Drum, Yosemite, Cal. Coert DuBois, district forester, California. Ralph Earle, Pathé Freres, New York. C. H. Edwards, Secretary, Coulterville Road, Cal. Dr. L. R. Ellis, member federal registration Board, Hot Springs, Ark. Charles S. Fee, passenger traffic manager, Southern Pacific Railroad, San Francisco, Cal. Walter L. Fisher, Secretary of the Interior, Washington, D.C. George Fiske, Yosemite, Cal. Ex-Senator Frank Flint, representing Southern California Automobile Association, Los Angeles, Cal. D. K. Foley, Yosemite, Cal. Col. W. W. Forsyth, acting superintendent Yosemite National Park, Cal. W. J. French, superintendent Platt National Park, Sulphur, Okla. Walter Fry, head ranger Sequoia National Park, Three Rivers, Cal. Miss S. C. Geary, secretary Automobile Club of Southern California, Los Angeles, Cal. W. H. Gorham, representing Mountaineers, Seattle, Wash. P. H. Greer, president Automobile Dealers' Association of Southern California, Los Angeles, Cal. E. S. Hall, superintendent Mount Rainier National Park, Ashford, Wash. Maj. H. M. Hallock, medical director, Hot Springs Reservation, Hot Springs, Ark. George B. Hanson, Southern Pacific Railroad, San Francisco, Cal. F. F. Harvey, manager dining car service, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, American Bank Building, Kansas City, Mo. C. A. Hawkins, White Automobile Co., San Francisco, Cal. F. J. Haynes, concessioner, Yellowstone Park, Wyo. H. H. Hays, Wylie Permanent Camping Co., Yellowstone, Wyo. J. F. Hickey, Tacoma, Wash. J. R. Hickey, Monida & Yellowstone Stage Co., Yellowstone Park, Wyo. James Hughes, Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railroad, Tacoma, Wash. D. W. Hutchins, Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Riverside, Cal. Chris. Jorgensen, Yosemite, Cal. W. E. Kelly, Interior Department, Washington, D. C. O. W. Lehmer, general manager Yosemite Valley Railroad, Merced, Cal. M. O. Leighton, Chief Hydrographer, Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. C. H. Lovell, attorney for Wawona Road. F. W. McCauley, Yosemite, Cal. C. H. McStay, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. R. B. Marshall, Chief Geographer, Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. George W. Marston, San Diego, Cal., representing American Civic Association. T. H. Martin, secretary Seattle-Tacoma-Rainier National Park Committee, Tacoma, Wash. H. A. Meyer, private secretary to the Secretary of the Interior, Washington, D. C. A. W. Miles, president Wylie Permanent Camping Co., Yellowstone Park, Wyo. Frank A. Miller, Los Angeles, Cal. E. H. Mormon, Wylie Permanent Camping Co., Yellowstone Park, Wyo. John Muir, American Alpine Association, Martinez, Cal. H. H. Myers, superintendent Hot Springs Reservation, Hot Springs, Ark. Fernando Nelson, San Francisco Motorist. P. M. Norboe, State engineer, Sacramento, Cal. E. T. Off, Pasadena Chamber of Commerce. 0. K. Parker, engineer for Automobile Club of Southern California, Los Angeles, Cal. E. T. Parsons, representing Mazamas Mountaineers, Seattle, Wash. A. C. Pillsbury, 783 Mission Street, San Francisco, Cal. P. H. Price, Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce, Santa Barbara, Cal. Hon. John E. Raker, House of Representatives. Miss Vera C. Riley, United States Land Office, San Francisco, Cal. A. C. Ringland, district forester in charge, Grand Canyon. R. K. Roberts, secretary Motor Car Dealers' Association, San Francisco, Cal. N. L. Salter, Yosemite, Cal. Wm. F. Schmidt, general western agent, Missouri Pacific; St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway; and Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, San Francisco, Cal. W. M. Sell, Yosemite, Cal. David A. Sherfey, engineer, Yosemite National Park. S. E. Shoemaker, superintendent Mesa Verde National Park, Mancos, Colo. Gabriel Sovulewski, supervisor Yosemite National Park. W. G. Steel, Portland, Oreg. J. B. Ternes, Tacoma Baggage & Transfer Co., Tacoma, Wash. F. W. Thompson, general western agent Rock Island Lines, San Francisco, Cal. C. S. Ucker, chief clerk Interior Department, Washington, D. C. W. L. Valentine, representing Southern California Automobile Association, 710 O. T. Johnson Building, Los Angeles, Cal. R. F. Waddell, United States land office, San Francisco, Cal. Percy J. Walker, president State Automobile Association, San Francisco, Cal. C. A. Washburn, Wawona, Cal. J. S. Washburn, Wawona, Cal. R. B. Watrous, secretary American Civic Association, Washington, D. C. Col. Harris Weinstock, representing San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco, Cal. Capt. W. M. Whitman, acting superintendent Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, Three Rivers, Cal. Dr. Willistear, Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, Pasadena, Cal. R. M. Yost, Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, Pasadena, Cal. C. M. Ziebach, acting superintendent Sullys Hill National Park, Fort Totten, N. Dak.
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