Over the centuries the word park has come to have many meanings.
Originally, the word was used to describe an enclosed area of forest or
meadow set aside for the chase, a hunting or grazing area. Parks in this
sense of the word were part of the great estates with their castles and
manor houses. They were private lands reserved for the exclusive use of
the owners and where poachers might be dealt with quite severely.
Parks in the sense of public recreation areas came into being in
western Europe in the 17th century and were lands set aside in or near
cities, towns, or villages for the common use of the townspeople or
villagers. Undoubtedly these public parks were closely related to the
commons, where livestock were grazed and held prior to their sale or use
in the villages or towns. Cities throughout the world may still have
remnants of these parks and commons, and the city of Boston, as well as
many of the New England towns, is still famous for its commons. Now, of
course, such areas are used exclusively as parks for public recreation.
Almost all towns and villages have parks, and large cities may contain
within their borders thousands of acres of parkland all lineal
descendants of the parks of the 17th century towns and villages.
The word park, in addition to its use to describe recreation, may
also apply to a great diversity of activities and circumstances. In each
case the park in question is a tract of land set aside for a special
purpose. There are ball parks, industrial parks, air parks, amusement
parks, playgrounds that are referred to as parks, memorial parks,
historical parks, military parks, and others. In 1872, the term park in
the sense of a "national park" entered the English language with the
enactment of the Yellowstone National Park Act of that year.
The common element in all these uses of the word park lies in the
sense of reservation and dedication to special-purpose use. It is clear
that the diverseness becomes simplified when the purpose and uses for
setting aside land are classified. Then it is apparent that the spectrum
of meaning for the word park extends from wilderness areas, where the
purpose in setting aside land is to preserve natural ecosystem
processes, to areas set aside as places for man's technology. Parks, in
this context, contain proportional elements representing either
wilderness or naturalness or technologically developed special-use
areas. In a broad sense, the park is a setting or habitat for some
activity or process that is considered to be of value to man.
If this global view of park is set aside temporarily and attention is
focused on parks for recreational purposes alone, the factor that tends
to distinguish these areas is their state of wilderness or naturalness
or their contrast with development for the accommodation of man.
Parks that are parts of cities are often considered as places to
escape from the city. Spending the day in Golden Gate Park in San
Francisco is to spend the day in an island where the pressures of the
city are left behind. The great barrier beach and shore areas adjacent
to major cities on the coasts all have beach parks with beach homes that
become places to escape from the cities' summer heat and frenetic
activity. City parks are places that contrast with the city; natural
areas set aside for the pleasure and enjoyment of the public. Public
beaches, such as Coney Island, with their accompanying amusement parks
are places to get into the sun, have fun, and spend a day away from the
city. In recent times, many of these coastal beach areas have become
year-round communities that support resident populations who live there
and commute to the city to work instead of commuting to the beach for
Many of the "new town" developments of metropolitan suburban areas
advertise themselves as "recreation communities" and include swim clubs,
private beaches, tennis and golf clubs, and bridle paths, located in
rural settings where the residents "live in a recreational setting the
year around." And, of course, the famous parks of great cities that are
considered outstanding achievements in the history and development of
landscape architecture strived to provide this variety of environment
and habitat so that visitors could enjoy the experience of formal
gardens, fountains, and the naturalness of pastoral scenes in the city.
Two outstanding parks, Central Park in Manhattan and Prospect Park in
Brooklyn, were built during the peak of human labor input at the time of
the Industrial Revolution and were places to escape from the drudgery of
industrial living.
Some city parks are, in their own rights, botanical gardens. Kew
Gardens outside London, for instance, is a scientific collection of
living botanical specimens as well as a popular park. The Missouri
Botanical Garden and the New York Botanical Garden are parks as well as
scientific collections, as is the Boyce Thompson Desert Arboretum at
Superior, Arizona. The flower garden on the Quai Wilson on the shores of
Lake Le Mans in Geneva, the carefully landscaped botanical gardens of
Kiev, and the many Australian cities and towns that have botanical
gardens are all examples of the combination of utilitarian scientific
collections and city recreation. Chapaultipec Park in Mexico City is
perhaps one of the world's outstanding examples of the city park, and
includes historical monuments, gardens, lakes for boating, restaurants,
museums, historical residences and palaces, art galleries, zoos, and
open space where people can play or stroll or picnic or sit and talk in
natural settings in the heart of the city. And, of course, the National
Museum of Anthropology in the heart of Chapaultipec Park is perhaps the
finest example in the world of a blend of architecture and design that
demonstrates the early history of man and his technological
While not designated as such, the older parts of many cities are
parks in the sense that their restoration has revealed the aura and
ambience of life of a past era and provides enjoyments associated with
the look and feel of the early city. The French Quarter in New Orleans,
Greenwich Village in New York, and Georgetown in the District of
Columbia are all good examples of restored old towns that have become
highly desirable places to live and popular places to visit for their
shops and restaurants, quaint streets, and pleasant settings. In the
general ecological viewpoint, parks, all parks, are special habitats.
They serve special functions and their environments are structured to
favor certain activities. Some public parks emphasize aesthetic
qualities and are designed and developed to feature formal gardens and
walks, hedgerows, fountains, and sculpture. Others, Yellowstone National
Park for example, remain as close to their natural state as possible.
One of the primary functions of this type of park is to serve as a
sanctuary for plants and animals.
But whatever their size or function recreational parks are places for
getting away from it all; places to renew our spirits, our vitality, and
our outlook. In this sense the recreational function of the park is to
enhance our feelings of well-being, whether as a place to have fun or as
a place to observe nature in its unspoiled state.
Man invented parks to fulfill his needs for special habitat and to
serve as sanctuaries. Whether a park is a habitat for industrial
activity, for recreation, or sport or a sanctuary for wildlife, the
park's success depends upon ecological and environmental management. One
does not normally think of urban and suburban development as ecological
problems; these activities are more easily understood in terms of city
planning and city engineering. Furthermore, the principal engines of
urban and suburban development are and have always been economic, a
condition that has prevailed in all countries of the world regardless of
political or economic systems. Only recently has man regarded a city as
an ecological entity, and even now this view is confined to those
population elements least likely to control economic activity except
through the powers granted citizens acting as individuals. There may be
a lesson to be learned from the study of ancient cities and those parts
of major cities that have been preserved as examples of history and
antiquity. Many of these areas have been declared historic parks and
districts and many of them, in their restored conditions, have become
extremely fashionable places to live. But whether they are London
townhouses restored to Victorian elegance or Sturbridge Village (a
"colonial town" synthesized from authentic buildings moved from all
parts of New England to a common site at Sturbridge, Massachusetts),
they all have common elements that relate to the way man lived in an
environment that conceived and contributed to his requirements, unaided
by high-speed transportation.
Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, is the oldest portion of the
city and is undergoing a renaissance. New construction follows the style
of earlier buildings and many of the older buildings are being
reconstructed and restored. Georgetown was built as a port on the
Potomac River and was a gateway to the Chesapeake Bay and ocean
commerce. Georgetown was the starting point of the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal and was once a busy warehousing depot and trade area. Its origin
and relationship to the canal and the river are now obscured by an
elevated freeway that completely obstructs the view of the river and by
a shift of commercial activity away from the canal to the busy streets.
Portions of the canal have been restored, and areas along the waterfront
are capable of reclamation, but the full potential has not been
exploited. Georgetown was not built in the nation's capital as a
charming, fun place with quaint buildings. It was built to serve the
commercial interests and needs of the times. Its present recreational
value and desirability as a place to live are due to the fact that its
characteristics and qualities relate to activities that accommodate man
in his size, shape, and speed of travel.
Harpers Ferry in West Virginia is being restored in part to its
original condition. It is and was a small factory town at the confluence
of the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers, and it was the site of important
events just prior to and during the War Between the States. Some of the
historic view of Harpers Ferry has been obliterated by railroad bridges
and rights-of-way. The old factories that relied upon the ready source
of water power are gone. Nevertheless, the compactness and arrangement
of the city, despite the narrow flood plain and fairly steep valley
slope it occupies, give it a quaintness and charm that attract large
numbers of people who visit there to immerse themselves in history and
move about the narrow streets and walkways propelled by their own power.
Their reward, as Thomas Jefferson expressed it, is a vista "being in
itself worth an Atlantic crossing to see."
Old Economy, located in the small steel town of Ambridge,
Pennsylvania, 16 miles down the Ohio River from Pittsburgh, has been
restored and is a fine example of the busy industrial farming and
commercial riverside settlements of the late 18th and early 19th
In Greenwich Village, one of the oldest portions of New York,
charming housing has been fashioned from what were formerly stables, and
today Greenwich Village fights for its life amid the clamor for
redevelopment in lower Manhattan. The integrity of the area has been
preserved primarily because the population in residence is able to
politically withstand the economic forces of "development." What they
are fighting to save was originally built to accommodate the business
and economics of a century or more ago. The original designers and
builders of Greenwich Village did not have the same values in mind when
they built the city as do the present residents who are fighting to save
Mystic, Connecticut, a seaport on Long Island, daily looks more like
the 19th-century whaling village that it once was. Williamsburg,
Virginia, is a classic example of historic restoration that has set the
example for similar projects elsewhere. The urban center of Savannah,
Georgia, is being converted from a ramshackled slum with deteriorating
and derelict buildings in various stages of decay to an alive, vibrant
community whose beauty and elegance have been extolled by some
present-day architects as a model of city planning for our time.
The charm, beauty, quaintness, vitality, and curiosity-compelling
historic fascination of these towns, villages, and river ports do not
stem from the fact that they were built as recreational areas, but from
the fact that they represent the habitat of man, the places where he
lived and worked, was born, begat children, and died. They are living
examples of simple engineering and architectural design created when the
principal technological device to be accommodated was man himself. They
were not designed for man the social animal; they were designed for man
the draft animal. However, since they were designed for man, they are
easily adapted in these times to provide the amenities that make urban
living worthwhile. Those amenities are convenience, the ready
identification with the community as a whole, and the interest and
curiosity that stem from variety and diversity, It must be emphasized
strongly, however, that when Georgetown, Greenwich Village,
Williamsburg, Mystic, and other such desirable urban communities were
built, it was not to satisfy the requirements of modern urban living.
These communities were designed for utilitarian purposes. They were
built as trading posts, fortifications, or settlements necessary to run
mines or operate factories.
When the areas were rehabilitated, they were not intended as parks
but each fits the definition of the term in that all are easily
accessible to the public and have great recreational value because they
refresh the human spirit and provide enjoyment while allowing us to
recreate in our own minds the historical periods for which these areas
are living monuments to those who inhabited them. The events in the
lives of these people are secure in history and preserved in the
historical habitat in which they occurred.
As a footnote, we should comment on the problems that arise when one
device of modern technologythe automobileis added to one of
these charming and fascinating relics of our past.
Bourbon Street, in New Orleans, is part honky tonk, part carney show,
part hokum, but it is a progenitor of a bona fide aspect of our musical
heritageNew Orleans jazzwhich flourishes unaffected by the
exploitative aspects of the street. When autos used the street,
pandemonium and chaos ensued; when cars were banned from 7 p.m. to 3
a.m., the vibrant hours of the day, Bourbon Street was once again part
of the Vieu Carre.
San Juan Antigua, is a similar case in point. The 450th anniversary
of Puerto Rico was celebrated recently and for many of those four and a
half centuries San Juan Antigua occupied the same space it occupies
today. The old town in areal extent is small, but packed in that
smallness is the whole world of the ancient Spanish ports, the harbor,
and the history of Spain in the new world. The blue cobblestone streets,
constructed from ships' ballast picked up in the Azores on the voyage to
the New World, are a simple but elegant testimony to the tonnage of
material that moved out of the port to Spain. That small section of
modern San Juan contains all the variety and diversity required to
service and operate what was for the day a major port of the world. San
Juan was a transshipment port where cargoes of the new Spain, shipped by
smaller sailing vessels over calmer waters of the Caribbean Sea, were
transferred to larger vessels for the Atlantic crossing. Everything
needed to make that port work was contained inside the impregnable walls
of the great Castillo de San Filipe El Morro and Castillo de San
Cristobal. Man, horses, and donkeys were the draft animals and machinery
consisted of simple levers, pulleys, capstan, and the like. Now that the
automobile has descended upon San Juan Antigua, movement in the district
is virtually strangled. The congestion, bustle, pollution, and noise
contrast sharply with the simple but elegant architecture, the interest
and variety of the shops and stores, and the artistry of streets,
buildings, plazas, and churches. The beauty and splendor of San Juan
Antigua now must be viewed through the muddled screen of disparate and
incongruous modern technology. There are no great distances to travel in
the old citythere is time enough to walk from one end to the
other, from the waterfront to Castillo San Cristobal, from Plaza de
Cristobal Colon to El Morro. Transportation, if required, could be
provided by continuous shuttle service through the old quarter and thus
eliminate most, if not all, of the present congestion. Allowing people
to live in and move through old San Juan as it was when it was one of
Spain's most important ports in the new world brightens the experience
of recreating the sense of the times when the city flourished. A
competent systems analysis incorporating the people-moving concepts of
Disney World, but without disturbing the antique arrangement and aspect
of the city, might go a long way to the restoration of the district and
to improvements in cost:benefit ratios.
San Juan Antigua was an important 17th-century industrial city. Today
it is a park. People live there, modern commerce goes on there, but it
is a park. A park because it is a desirable habitat for man. A park
because it looks like a park and makes residents and visitors feel that
they are in a park. Although it was not built to entertain or inspire
modern visitors, it does so because the modern visitor can instantly
relate to it, understand it, and consequently, can emotionally interact
with it. Although the visitors interacting with it are modern, they can
readily identify with the plate fleets, the exploration of the new
world, the struggles for dominance, and the emergence of commerce
through historical time. The common heritage of Western man is embedded
in the ballast stones in the streets, the plaster of the stucco walls,
and the engineering master works of the great fortifications. San Juan
Antigua is being restored architecturally; its street life should also
be restored by recreating the physical ambience of its 16th- and
17th-century existence.