(NPS VIP/ W. Oliver photo)
Virgil P. McGoodwin
End of Service: November 9, 1908
Age: 34
Park: Platt National Park (Chickasaw NRA)
Cause of Death: Struck in head by 6 ft. long steel drill while working on realignment of park road
Years of Service:
Buried: Oaklawn Cemetery, Sulphur, OK (unmarked grave)

Sequoia National Park rangers, 1906
(NPS Historic Photograph Collection)
Joseph E. Prince
Park Ranger
End of Watch: January 8, 1913
Age: 57
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Exposure while on snowshoe patrol (Divide Creek, Blackfeet Indian Reservation)
Years of Service: 3
Buried: Browning, MT

(Calto photo)
Charles Armstrong Clark
Road Construction Foreman
End of Service: September 26, 1918
Age: 39
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Swerved, car went over bank during night on return from project (El Portal Road, .3 miles above the dam), found next morning, cause unknown
Years of Service: 2½
Buried: Evergreen Cemetery, Rutland, VT

Dedication of New Village, Yosemite Ranger Force, 1924
(NPS Historic Photograph Collection)

(Sunset Magazine, 1919)
Andrew Jack Gaylor
Assistant Chief Ranger
End of Watch: April 19, 1921
Age: 67
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack on high mountain patrol while sitting before his campfire (Merced Lake Ranger Station); died with his boots on
Years of Service: 14
Buried: Merced District Cemetery, Merced, CA

(Grand Canyon NP photo)

(Grand Canyon NP photo)
Rees B. Griffiths
Trail Foreman
End of Service: February 6, 1922
Age: 49
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Crushed by falling rock while descending down a rope, working on South Kaibab Trail (near mouth of Bright Angel Creek)
Years of Service:
Buried: Kaibab Trail suspension bridge, 500 yds W, Grand Canyon National Park, AZ

(USPP photo)

(Stan Jett photo)
William D. Allen
USPP Officer
End of Watch: November 12, 1923
Age: 23
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Electrocuted while investigating another neighbor stringing illegal radio wire (Yuma Street SE), off-duty
Years of Service: 3 months
Buried: Addison Chapel Cemetery, Seat Pleasant, MD

(Cary family photo)

(RD Payne photo)
James Alexander Cary
Park Policeman
End of Watch: March 12, 1927
Age: 31
Park: Hot Springs National Park
Cause of Death: Murder by bootleggers (West Mountain) and possibly to prevent his testimony at a future trial
Years of Service: 3
Buried: Lowe Cemetery, Royal, AR
Charles Phillips
End of Service: April 12, 1927
Age: 37
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Poisoned by eating water hemlock picked at a nearby spring while on backcountry patrol, found dead on kitchen floor (Old Faithful Station)
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, MN
Charles Wirht
End of Service: June 3, 1927
Age: 29
Park: Sequoia National Park
Cause of Death: Quad truck went over grade (Slide Spring)
Weeks of Service: 3
Buried: Exeter District Cemetery, Exeter, CA

(National Archives & Records Administration photo)

(Dave H photo)
Glen Ernest Sturdevant
Park Naturalist
End of Watch: February 20, 1929
Age: 33
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: While on reconnaissance and collecting trip crossing Colorado River in boat, the boat was caught in an eddy (at Horn Creek Rapids). He drowned.
Years of Service: 3½
Buried: Grand Canyon Pioneer Cemetery, AZ

(Otis Reed Marston Collection/The Huntington Library photo)

(Daniel photo)
William Frederick (Fred) Johnson
Park Ranger
End of Watch: February 20, 1929
Age: 30
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: While on reconnaissance and collecting trip crossing the Colorado River in a boat, the boat was caught in an eddy at Horn Creek Rapids. He fell out and drowned. His body was never recovered.
Years of Service: 4
Buried: Kanab City Cemetery, Kanab, UT
Charles Trapp
Trail Crew
End of Service: July 2, 1929
Age: 46
Park: Sequoia National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while working on Mount Whitney Trail
Years of Service: 7 days
Buried: East Line Street Cemetery, Bishop, CA

Lassen Volcanic National Park rangers, 1932
(Arthur G. Holmes Collection)
Thomas Lee Reed
Seasonal Laborer
End of Service: February 17, 1930
Age: 29
Park: Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Cause of Death: Fell 12 feet when scaffolding collapsed while plastering walls on new power house on February 14, fracturing skull
Years of Service: 1½ months
Buried: Carlsbad Cemetery, Carlsbad, NM (unmarked grave)
Donald Irving Downs
Seasonal Laborer
End of Service: September 2, 1930
Age: 18
Park: Sequoia National Park
Cause of Death: Crushed under a rock that rolled as a result following a trail work blast (Foresters Pass) on 8/26/1930
Years of Service: 15 months
Buried: Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale, CA
Mike Rhodes
Tool Nipper
End of Service: September 8, 1930
Age: 61
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Rock slide carried him over 300-foot bluff while carrying tools to workmen on trail (Vernal Falls)
Years of Service: 17
Buried: Mariposa Public Cemetery, Mariposa, CA (unmarked grave)

(Crater Lake NP photo)
William Clair Godfrey, Sr.
Chief Ranger
End of Watch: November 17, 1930
Age: 40
Park: Crater Lake National Park
Cause of Death: Exposure on patrol (Pole Bridge Creek) during snow storm
Years of Service: 3
Buried: Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, CA
Stanley Dayton Clark
End of Service: June 27, 1931
Age: 36
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Drowned when the boat, in which he and three other park men were riding, capsized in St. Mary's Lake on his way to Sun Camp to install a motor in a launch and repair the Government motorboat and barge
Years of Service: 8
Buried: West Cemetery, Sebeka, MN

(USPP photo)
William J. Grissam
USPP Officer
End of Watch: March 20, 1932
Age: 54
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Bike patrol struck parked car (John Marshall Place)
Years of Service: 16

(USPP photo)
Milo John Kennedy
USPP Officer
End of Watch: August 7, 1932
Age: 28
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Foot patrol (Logan Circle), descended upon by mob of up to 21 people and beaten to death
Years of Service: 5
Buried: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

(wgaler photo)
Clayton Orton Brown
Trail Crew
End of Service: September 2, 1932
Age: 32
Park: Sequoia National Park
Cause of Death: Blood poisoning developed from an abrasion to the leg received while at work on the Wallace Creek Trail (Kern River Trail Camp) on August 20
Years of Service: 3 months
Buried: Timberlake Cemetery, Cherokee, OK

(USPP photo)

(Anne Cady photo)
James Francis Grove
USPP Officer
End of Watch: January 28, 1933
Age: 46
Park: Rock Creek Park
Cause of Death: Motorcycle officer struck and killed by auto
Years of Service: 10
Buried: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

(Grand Canyon NP photo)
James E. Hopkins
End of Service: June 5, 1933
Age: 28
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Climbed light pole to change light wires (Industrial Area), pole broke, falling with him
Years of Service: 2½
Buried: Grand Canyon Pioneer Cemetery, AZ
Abraham Yancovitch
CCC Member
End of Service: July 13, 1933
Age: 18
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Hit in head by fist during argument about washing his mess kit in the water used for drinking and later passed away in infirmary (CCC Bacon Rind Creek Camp). Body was shipped to Bronx, NY.
Years of Service: 1 month
William M. Richeson
CCC Member
End of Service: July 19, 1933
Age: 21
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Hit by falling snag (Mt. Apgar)
Years of Service: 3 months
Buried: Resurrection Cemetery, Helena, MT

(Judyvv photo)
John Joe Pearce
Oil Crusher
End of Service: November 26, 1933
Age: 34
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Climbed up the buckets to oil the idlers, lost balance, and fell into pit, his body being drawn between main drive and balance wheels (Andrew Schultz homestead)
Years of Service: 2 months
Buried: Crown Hill Cemetery, Cut Bank, MT

(©Debra K. Moorland photo)
Leo Adams
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: December 12, 1933
Age: 18
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Half Tunnel, constructing an open-faced tunnel in which an overhead cliff made a roof for the road, after a blast, while the men were clearing the debris, the overhanging cliff cracked and dislodged, killing the workers below it
Years of Service: 1 day

(©Debra K. Moorland photo)

(Linda Stockton photo, 2011)
Harley W. Beeson
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: December 12, 1933
Age: 22
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Half Tunnel, constructing an open-faced tunnel in which an overhead cliff made a roof for the road, after a blast, while the men were clearing the debris, the overhanging cliff cracked and dislodged, killing the workers below it
Years of Service: 1 day
Buried: Elmwood Cemetery, Fruita, CO
Ed Carmichael
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: December 12, 1933
Age: 60
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Half Tunnel, constructing an open-faced tunnel in which an overhead cliff made a roof for the road, after a blast, while the men were clearing the debris, the overhanging cliff cracked and dislodged, killing the workers below it
Years of Service: 1 day

(Cathy Libby Small photo, 2021)
Robert Fuller
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: December 12, 1933
Age: 24
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Half Tunnel, constructing an open-faced tunnel in which an overhead cliff made a roof for the road, after a blast, while the men were clearing the debris, the overhanging cliff cracked and dislodged, killing the workers below it
Years of Service: 1 day
Buried: Mount Pleasant Jerusalem Cemetery, Pomona, IL

(©Debra K. Moorland photo)

(Myra Odwyer photo, 2021)
Robert Newton "Buster" Moorland, Jr.
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: December 12, 1933
Age: 19
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Half Tunnel, constructing an open-faced tunnel in which an overhead cliff made a roof for the road, after a blast, while the men were clearing the debris, the overhanging cliff cracked and dislodged, killing the workers below it
Years of Service: 1 day
Buried: Orchard Mesa Cemetery, Grand Junction, CO

(©Debra K. Moorland photo)

(Cara photo, 2023)
John D. Rupe
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: December 12, 1933
Age: 50
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Half Tunnel, constructing an open-faced tunnel in which an overhead cliff made a roof for the road, after a blast, while the men were clearing the debris, the overhanging cliff cracked and dislodged, killing the workers below it
Years of Service: 1 day
Buried: Glade Park Cemetery, Glade Park, CO

(©Debra K. Moorland photo)

(Lady in Red photo, 2012)
Clyde A. Van Loan
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: December 12, 1933
Age: 23
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Half Tunnel, constructing an open-faced tunnel in which an overhead cliff made a roof for the road, after a blast, while the men were clearing the debris, the overhanging cliff cracked and dislodged, killing the workers below it
Years of Service: 1 day
Buried: Orchard Mesa Cemetery, Grand Junction, CO

(Cara photo, 2023)
Wright Leslie Wilson
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: December 12, 1933
Age: 57
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Half Tunnel, constructing an open-faced tunnel in which an overhead cliff made a roof for the road, after a blast, while the men were clearing the debris, the overhanging cliff cracked and dislodged, killing the workers below it
Years of Service: 1 day
Buried: Glade Park Cemetery, Glade Park, CO
Frank Winters
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: December 12, 1933
Age: 55
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Half Tunnel, constructing an open-faced tunnel in which an overhead cliff made a roof for the road, after a blast, while the men were clearing the debris, the overhanging cliff cracked and dislodged, killing the workers below it
Years of Service: 1 day
Santos Martinez
CCC Leader
End of Service: March 9, 1934
Age: 30
Park: Bandelier National Monument
Cause of Death: Injuries from falling tree while fighting wildfire in Frijoles Canyon
Years of Service: 10 months
William Edward Butzke
CCC Member
End of Service: July 1, 1934
Age: 21
Park: Sequoia National Park
Cause of Death: Collision (June 30) of truck with oil tanker (1/2 miles below Potwisha Camp)
Years of Service: 14 months
Buried: Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, CA

(Doran Wilde photo)
Gilbert Lafayette Cooper
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: July 23, 1934
Age: 19
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Launch sank while after load shifted while pilot was zig-zagging for "thrill ride" while carrying lunches to opposite shore of Lake Sherburne for another group of forest workers
Years of Service: 2 months
Buried: Ronan Cemetery, Ronan, MT
Michael Greppo, Jr.
CCC Member
End of Service: July 23, 1934
Age: 34
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Launch sank while after load shifted while pilot was zig-zagging for "thrill ride" while carrying lunches to opposite shore of Lake Sherburne for another group of forest workers
Years of Service: 3 months
Buried: Schenectady, NY
Amato Montemarano
CCC Assistant Leader
End of Service: July 23, 1934
Age: 18
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Launch sank while after load shifted while pilot was zig-zagging for "thrill ride" while carrying lunches to opposite shore of Lake Sherburne for another group of forest workers
Years of Service: 9 months
Buried: Holy Cross Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

(NPS photo)
Norman Nelson
Seasonal Ranger
End of Watch: July 29, 1934
Age: 25
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Ran off road (All-Year-Highway near Bear Creek Lodge, Midpines, Calif.) returning to park after delivering Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes' baggage to San Francisco
Years of Service: 6 months
Buried: Cypress Lawn Cemetery, Colma, CA; coffin involved in train wreck in Manteca on way to burial

(JP Peterson photo)
Kenneth F. Meenan
Seasonal Ranger
End of Watch: August 13, 1934
Age: 22
Park: Rocky Mountain National Park
Cause of Death: Road patrol, motorcycle, collided with vehicle (August 5) on Highway 34 near Old Phantom Valley Ranch
Years of Service: 1½ months
Buried: Forest Park, Forest Home Cemetery, Forest Park, IL

(Laurel/billiongraves.com photo)
William C. Haines
CCC Member
End of Service: September 6, 1934
Age: 18
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Hit in head by snag on fire line on Middle Fork of Flathead River near Nyack
Years of Service: 4 months
Buried: Conrad Memorial Cemetery, Kalispell, MT
Edward Webster
CCC Member
End of Service: September 26, 1934
Age: 20
Park: Sequoia National Park
Cause of Death: Struck by falling dead tree (General Highway between Sherman Tree and Lodge Pole Campground)
Years of Service: 15 months
Buried: Porterville Cemetery, Porterville, CA (unmarked grave)
Louis F. Miller, Jr.
ECW Worker
End of Service: November 6, 1934
Age: 19
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: While tending the winding in of cable on a drum hoist, lost footing and was caught between cable and drum (Mount Adeline)
Years of Service: 7 months
Buried: Forest Cemetery, Toledo, OH

(Linda Stockton photo, 2011)
Virgil P. Minor
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: 1935
Age: 23
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death:
Years of Service:
Buried: Elmwood Cemetery, Fruita, CO

(Arlie photo, 2010)
William Liddle
CCC Local Experienced Man
End of Service: July 23, 1935
Age: 46
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Inspecting an explosive "dud"
Years of Service: 3 months
Buried: Palisade Cemetery, Palisade, CO
Robert L. Moore
CCC Assistant Leader
End of Service: September 5, 1935
Age: 19
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Died when thrown from truck on road between North Entrance and Camp Mammoth
Years of Service: 11 months
Buried: Pleasant Run Cemetery, Hollyhill, KY
Harry Edwards
Seasonal Laborer
End of Service: February 10, 1936
Age: 45
Park: Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Cause of Death: Struck head by the dipper of the power shovel
Years of Service:

(USPP photo)
Carl Hestikind
USPP Officer
End of Watch: February 18, 1936
Age: 35
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Rescued driver from car in Potomac River, drove home in wet clothes, admitted to hospital and died 7 days later
Years of Service: 10
Buried: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

(Carl Russell photo)

George Meléndez Wright
Chief of Wildlife Division
End of Service: February 25, 1936
Age: 31
Park: Washington Office
Cause of Death: Vehicle riding in hit by auto with tire blowout while touring proposed and existing park sites with Mexican officials (Broadway of America Highway, 7 mi. east of Deming, New Mexico)
Years of Service: 8
Buried: Cremated (scattered on Grandfather's grave which also contains his great-aunt), Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Colma, CA

(NPS photo)

(Mojo Warren photo)

(Connor Olson photo)
Roger Wolcott Toll
End of Service: February 25, 1936
Age: 52
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Vehicle hit by auto with tire blowout while touring proposed and existing park sites with Mexican officials (Broadway of America Highway, 7 mi. east of Deming, New Mexico)
Years of Service: 16
Buried: Riverview Cemetery, Baldwinsville, NY
Eldon John (Jim) Baugess
Power Shovel Operator
End of Service: February 10, 1937
Age: 55
Park: Sequoia National Park
Cause of Death: Crushed in mechanism of gasoline shovel while tuning it up preparing to clear storm damage on General's Highway
Years of Service: 7 months
Buried: Oakland, CA

(Linda Campbell photo)

(R photo)
Lloyd (Hump) S. Campbell
Senior Forestry Foreman
End of Service: August 24, 1937
Age: 34
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Crane plunged off Going-to-the-Sun Highway Road while clearing old burned area with CCC crew
Years of Service: 3
Buried: Missoula Cemetery, Missoula, MT

(Jacobson family photo)

(NPS photo)
Karl Andrew Jacobson
Park Ranger
End of Watch: November 13, 1938
Age: 22
Park: Acadia National Park
Cause of Death: Shot by elderly local poacher mistaking him for a deer during poaching patrol (Schoodic Point)
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Eagle Lake Cemetery, Eagle Lake, MN

(Kevin Lofftus photo)

(Unidentified source photo)
Andrew (Jackie) Aldrich
CCC Member
End of Service: January 8, 1939
Age: 20
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Struck by falling snag in fire scar (McDonald Creek, Mt. Apgar)
Years of Service: 9 months
Buried: Logan Cemetery, Three Forks, MT
William C.E. Arnold
Operator Compressor
End of Service: May 24, 1939
Age: 25
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Crushed between belt and pulley on large compressor (Tioga Road, near White Wolf)
Years of Service: 5
Buried: Alta Mesa Memorial Park, Palo Alto, CA
Raymond A. Johnson
Seasonal Ranger
End of Watch: October 14, 1939
Age: 30
Park: Rocky Mountain National Park
Cause of Death: Big game poaching patrol, roadster left the Bear Lake Road and crashed into a tree on October 9. Died at hospital in Denver.
Years of Service: 1
Buried: Orchard Mesa Cemetery, Grand Junction, CO

Group of custodians and superintendents taken at Casa Grande
National Monument after Mr. Frank Pinkley's death, showing the vacant chair, 1940
(NPS Historic Photograph Collection)

(Dietmar Schneider-Hector photo)
Frank "Boss" Pinkley
End of Service: February 14, 1940
Age: 59
Park: Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
Cause of Death: Heart failure as he finished the keynote speech at the opening of the first session of Instruction for Custodian training
Years of Service: 36
Buried: Florence Cemetery, Florence, AZ
Jerome (Johnny) Francis Luini
End of Service: June 10, 1940
Age: 52
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Heart failure
Years of Service: 12

(USPP photo)
Ivan (Ike) William Thompson
USPP Officer
End of Watch: June 14, 1940
Age: 42
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Shot and killed attempting arrest for possible traffic violation (First and "I" NW)
Years of Service: 7
Buried: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

(Eddie Donlin photo)
James Edward Hester
CCC Member
End of Service: June 22, 1940
Age: 19
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Hit in head by falling blazing snag (Chipmunk Creek Fire)
Years of Service: 2 months
Buried: Calvary Cemetery, Evanston, OH
Fred Jacques
CCC Member
End of Service: August 3, 1941
Age: 18
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Fractured neck suffered when truck overturned near Jct. of Game Ranch Service Rd & Old Gardner Hwy (7/31)
Years of Service: 1 month
Buried: Holy Cross Cemetery, Fairmont, WV

(USPP photo)
Thomas Patrick Fogarty
USPP Officer
End of Watch: August 6, 1941
Age: 52
Park: Rock Creek Park
Cause of Death: Motorcycle officer, hit and run
Years of Service: 25
Buried: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
Pete Mahrt
Truck Driver
End of Service: July 4, 1942
Age: 49
Park: Joshua Tree National Monument
Cause of Death: Pulmonary edema from inhaling smoke after climbing Joshua Tree to put out burning limb while fighting inholders rubbish fire (Randolph Property)
Years of Service: 1½
Buried: Twentynine Palms Public Cemetery, Twentynine Palms, CA
Frank H. Riley
Fire Crew
End of Watch: October 12, 1942
Age: 46
Park: Sequoia National Park
Cause of Death: Exposure and exhaustion after becoming lost on way to fire; member Ash Mt. Fire Crew (Tar Gap Ridge)
Years of Service: 5
Buried: Los Angeles National Cemetery, Los Angeles, CA

(YOSE #82106 photo)
Forest Sanford Townsley
Chief Ranger
End of Watch: August 11, 1943
Age: 60
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack after catching two fish on a backcountry patrol (Townsley Lake)
Years of Service: 39
Buried: Yosemite Pioneer Cemetery, Yosemite National Park, CA

(USPP photo)
Joseph E. Shawhan
USPP Officer
End of Watch: April 15, 1944
Age: 60
Park: George Washington Memorial Parkway
Cause of Death: Pursuing a speeding car in the vicinity of Wellington, his patrol car went out of control on the wet road and struck a tree
Years of Service: 24
Buried: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

(Cyndi photo)
William W. Parr
Heavy Equipment Operator
End of Service: July 24, 1945
Age: 53
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Truck tipped over while dumping a load of dirt (Sylvan Pass)
Years of Service: 1 month
Buried: Mountain View Cemetery, Livingston, MT

(Harpers Ferry Center photo)
Thor Borresen
Custodian (Superintendent)
End of Service: December 24, 1946
Age: 50
Park: Fort Laramie National Monument
Cause of Death: Heart attack (stress)
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Oakland Cemetery, Youngstown, NY
Richard Neal Huckels
Seasonal Snowplow Operator
End of Service: June 21, 1947
Age: 21
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Found dead in cab of pickup buried in drifted snow after being exhausted trying to unstrand snow plow the previous night while trying to rescue stranded motorists (Beartooth Plateau)
Years of Service: 12 days
Buried: Holy Cross Cemetery, Akron, OH

(Lovell Cemetery photo)
Veron Estes Kaiser
Seasonal Snowplow Operator
End of Service: June 21, 1947
Age: 55
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Found dead in cab of pickup buried in drifted snow after being exhausted trying to unstrand snow plow the previous night while trying to rescue stranded motorists (Beartooth Plateau)
Years of Service: 2 years and 2 months
Buried: Aspen Hill Cemetery, Jackson, WY
John Phillip Baker
Seasonal Snowplow Operator
End of Service: June 21, 1947
Age: 57
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Found dead in cab of pickup buried in drifted snow after being exhausted trying to unstrand snow plow the previous night while trying to rescue stranded motorists (Beartooth Plateau)
Years of Service: 9 months
Buried: Mountain View Cemetery, Livingston, MT

Ranger Naturalists pre-season session in Congress Grove, Sequoia National Park, June 1950
(NPS Historic Photograph Collection)
Charles Compton Bailey
Trail Laborer
End of Service: July 31, 1950
Age: 34
Park: Olympic National Park
Cause of Death: Struck by snapped snag while working on Hoh River trail bridge and fell into canyon
Years of Service: 6 months
Buried: Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, WA

(Dinosaur NM photo)
Theador McCarrel
Fire Control Aide
End of Watch: August 2, 1950
Age: 59
Park: Dinosaur National Monument
Cause of Death: Overexertion causing pneumonia in line of duty fighting forest fire (Jones Hole) on July 2
Years of Service: 6 months
Buried: Vernal Memorial Park, Vernal, UT
Edward Choate Beesler
Trails Forman
End of Service: November 11, 1950
Age: 50
Park: Olympic National Park
Cause of Death: Cerebral hemorrhage (Hayes River Ranger Station)
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Ocean View Cemetery, Port Angeles, WA
John Clyde Stone
Laborer Leadman
End of Service: March 5, 1951
Age: 33
Park: Natchez Trace Parkway
Cause of Death: Heart attack after unloading limbs (at Headquarters); opened door to back up truck riding in and fell to ground never gaining consciousness (worked part time in archeological lab)
Years of Service: 4
Buried: Old Union Cemetery, Shannon, MS
Earl L. Rupe
Roads & Trails Labor Leadman
End of Service: March 17, 1951
Age: 50
Park: Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Cause of Death: Premature explosion of dynamite to create a ramp to replace a stairway (Devils Den) on March 14
Years of Service: 5½
Buried: Carlsbad Cemetery, Carlsbad, NM
Hugh Ruland Babcock
Truck Driver
End of Service: June 11, 1951
Age: 47
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Heart failure while working on Big Oak Flat Road (west of dam)
Years of Service: 15½
Buried: Masonic Cemetery, Mariposa, CA
Grier P. Chatfield
Powerhouse Operator
End of Service: August 22, 1951
Age: 75
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack as power load was coming to generator (Old Faithful Powerhouse); he got too excited to rush and got overly exhausted
Years of Service: 11
Buried: Woodlawn Cemetery, Bloomville, OH

(National Archives photo)
Alfred Laron Gates
End of Service: November 2, 1951
Age: 53
Park: Blue Ridge Parkway
Cause of Death: Heart attack while sitting in chair looking up parts numbers (Bluff Maintenance Area Garage)
Years of Service: 16
Buried: Oakwood Cemetery, Bedford, VA
James (Smitty) Howard Smith
Chief Clerk
End of Service: February 1, 1952
Age: 41
Park: Everglades National Park
Cause of Death: Collision at uncontrolled intersection, both vehicles speeding (Tower Road and Palm Drive)
Years of Service: 19
Buried: Chattanooga Memorial Park, Chattanooga, TN
James Boyd Hopper
End of Service: July 14, 1952
Age: 56
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Heart failure due to back injury (April 14) while working in a stooped position
Years of Service: 9 months

(NPS photo)

(Miracle Mile Tim photo)
Frederick Raymond Bergemeyer
Assistant Chief Ranger
End of Watch: August 23, 1952
Age: 39
Park: Zion National Park
Cause of Death: Weapons carrier he was driving overturned responding to a lightning strike fire (East Entrance Truck Trail)
Years of Service: 5½
Buried: Woodlawn Cemetery, Las Vegas, NV
George Henry Beaton
Snowplow Operator Foreman
End of Service: May 26, 1953
Age: 44
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Avalanche; preparing blasting holes for powder during the spring plowing on the Going-to-the-Sun Highway (5 mi. below Logan Pass)
Years of Service: 24
Buried: Cremated, Spokane, WA
William A. Whitford
Snowplow Operator
End of Service: May 26, 1953
Age: 45
Park: Glacier National Park
Cause of Death: Avalanche; snow removal on the Going-to-the-Sun Highway (5 mi. below Logan Pass)
Years of Service: 16
Buried: Browning, MT
John Cecil Bradley
Seasonal Laborer
End of Service: July 9, 1953
Age: 27
Park: Blue Ridge Parkway
Cause of Death: Thrown out of truck bed when it ran into ditch (July 7) on way home (US 19, 3.7 miles West of Soco Gap)
Years of Service: 1 mo.
Buried: Birdtown Cemetery, Cherokee, NC

(Michael Young photo)
Charles R. Scarborough
Assistant Chief Ranger
End of Watch: June 21, 1954
Age: 49
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Leading six provision-laden mules to Merced Lake Ranger Station; a barrage of rocks swept him and his horse over the trail (Clarks Point)
Years of Service: 21
Buried: Forest Cemetery, Coeur d'Alene, ID
Harold R. Grey
Seasonal Camptender
End of Service: July 4, 1954
Age: 54
Park: Rocky Mountain National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack (June 27) in Glacier Basin Campground
Years of Service:
Buried: Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn, MA

(NPS photo)
Murrell Horace Trosper
End of Service: January 28, 1955
Age: 42
Park: Mount Rainier National Park
Cause of Death: Crushed while razing an old building (Headquarters) after removing vertical studs against supervisor's orders from weight of snow
Years of Service: 20 months
Buried: Mountain View Memorial Park, Lakewood, WA
Charles C. Harrod
End of Service: March 17, 1955
Age: 68
Park: Colonial National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Died following an attack of coronary thrombosis while on duty
Years of Service: 11½

(TreeClimber/billiongraves.com photo)
George McMullin
Electrical Supervisor
End of Service: April 10, 1956
Age: 51
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while obtaining heavy surplus electrical equipment at Glacier National Park warehouse
Years of Service: 27
Buried: Fielding Memorial Park, Idaho Falls, ID
Clyde Melvin Rose
Equipment Operator
End of Service: January 21, 1958
Age: 35
Park: Colorado National Monument
Cause of Death: Runaway dump truck with mechanical failure of brakes, headed vehicle for ditch, jumped and hit rock outcrop (Highland View Lookout, 1/2 mile below on Rim Rock Drive)
Years of Service: 3½
Buried: Memorial Gardens, Grand Junction, CO

(Walla Walla Union Bulletin photo)
Dr. George Tays
Park Historian
End of Service: February 27, 1958
Age: 58
Park: Whitman Mission National Monument
Cause of Death: Heart attack while loading antique furniture from storage on temporary assignment to research U.S. Mint building (San Francisco, California)
Years of Service: 3 months
Buried: Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno, CA

(National Archives photo)

(Patrick Arthur Teater Sr. photo)
Donald Hall Crawford
Tour Leader
End of Service: March 14, 1958
Age: 62
Park: Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site
Cause of Death: Heart attack while on guard duty; found by replacement
Years of Service: 16
Buried: Union Cemetery, Hyde Park, NY

(Grand Canyon NP photo)
James Donald Vaughn
Park Ranger
End of Watch: April 26, 1958
Age: 28
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Driving to LA after leaving Albright Training Center with wife, hit head-on by teenager's car crossing double line (Highway 99, 12 mi. north of Castaic, Newhall, California)
Years of Service: 4
Buried: La Verne Cemetery, La Verne, CA

(Larry Lagut photo)
Thomas Carl Riggle
Tree Worker
End of Service: October 2, 1958
Age: 22
Park: George Washington Memorial Parkway
Cause of Death: Helping fell tree when tree limb apparently struck his head (Key Bridge)
Years of Service:
Buried: North Side Cemetery, Butler, PA

(NPS photo)
George Mervin Heimbach
Roads & Trails Foreman
End of Service: October 3, 1958
Age: 67
Park: Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Years of Service: 24
Buried: Smith Mountain Cemetery, Dinuba, CA

(NPS photo)
Charles Wallace
Engineering Technician
End of Service: November 10, 1958
Age: 53
Park: Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Yellow Jacket bite (November 3), became ill, and died of tetanus from bite (Exeter, California)
Years of Service: 23
Buried: Chapel of the Light Crematory (not buried), Fresno, CA
Carl Ruben Phillips
Seasonal Blister Rust Foreman
End of Service: July 15, 1959
Age: 63
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Cerebral hemorrhage (July 8) while actively engaged in fire suppression (Tuolumne Grove)
Years of Service: 26
Buried: Mariposa Public Cemetery, Mariposa, CA

(Sholly family photo)
George Harrison Sholly
End of Service: August 19, 1959
Age: 58
Park: Badlands National Monument
Cause of Death: Heart attack while working at his desk (Headquarters)
Years of Service: 24
Buried: Clovis Cemetery, Clovis, CA

(Marla Olsen/billiongraves.com photo)
Ethel Florence White
End of Service: August 27, 1959
Age: 61
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Fell (August 17) in stairway (Tower Fall Mess Hall) with no electricity (4:40 am), sprained lower back, and later died in hospital of heart attack
Years of Service: 9
Buried: Mountain View Cemetery, Livingston, MT
Harry A. Fleming
Maintenance Foreman
End of Service: October 9, 1959
Age: 62
Park: Devils Tower National Monument
Cause of Death: Heart attack while pumping oil from tar pond by creek
Years of Service:
Buried: Black Hills National Cemetery, Sturgis, SD

NPS director Conrad Wirth kneeling with a line of NPS Rangers in front of
General Motor Cars for the 1960 Governors Conference in Glacier National Park.
(NPS Historic Photograph Collection)

(Marta Fonda photo)

(Kari Mohn photo)
John Clinton Fonda
Assistant District Ranger
End of Watch: March 9, 1960
Age: 28
Park: Grand Teton National Park
Cause of Death: Drowned on backcountry patrol when skiing across frozen Snake River (ice broke)
Years of Service: 8
Buried: Mountain View Memorial Park, Boulder, CO

(2Hounour&Remember photo)
Gale Hill Wilcox
District Ranger
End of Watch: March 9, 1960
Age: 48
Park: Grand Teton National Park
Cause of Death: Exposure trying to save Ranger John Fonda while on backcountry patrol (Snake River). Posthumously
awarded Citation of Valor, Department of Interior Bronze Medal and Carnegie Hero Commission
Years of Service: 24
Buried: Black Hills National Cemetery, Sturgis, SD
Thomas R. Chekel
Seasonal Laborer (cook)
End of Service: July 26, 1960
Age: 19
Park: Sequoia National Park
Cause of Death: Fell more than 50 feet to a ledge from Elizabeth Pass Trail while transporting lunches to trail crew
Years of Service:
James R. McConaghie
Regional Chief Boundary Study
End of Service: September 27, 1960
Age: 67
Park: Mid-Atlantic Regional Office
Cause of Death: Heart attack at desk (Richmond, Virginia)
Years of Service:
Buried: Gettysburg National Cemetery, Gettysburg, PA

(Cape Hatteras NS photo)
Walter Jarvis Barnett
Maintenance Foreman
End of Service: March 15, 1962
Age: 48
Park: Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Cause of Death: Heart attack (Buxton)
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Jennette Cemetery, Buxton, NC
John C. Hannaford
Chief Design and Construction
End of Service: June 9, 1962
Age: 49
Park: Western Regional Office
Cause of Death: Head on collision (May 30) (Highway 30, 2½ mi. West, Boise, Idaho)
Years of Service:
Buried: Cremated
James Roosevelt Washington
Tractor Operator
End of Service: November 14, 1962
Age: 54
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Struck by auto while painting sign on road shoulder (Suitland, Sheridan Road egress)
Years of Service: 18
Buried: Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Upper Marlboro, MD

(Chaco Culture NHP photo)
Pat Cly
End of Service: May 21, 1963
Age: 43
Park: Chaco Canyon National Monument
Cause of Death: Stroke while cleaning building
Years of Service:
Buried: Navajo Brethren in Christ Mission Cemetery, Bloomfield, NM

(Castillo de San Marcos NM photo)
Joseph Williams
End of Service: June 23, 1963
Age: 39
Park: Castillo de San Marcos National Monument
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Years of Service: 17
William (Monk) Leon Hunt
Park Guide
End of Service: June 24, 1963
Age: 59
Park: Mammoth Cave National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack underground in cave
Years of Service: 23
Buried: Baptist Church Cemetery, Mammoth, Cave, KY
Frank Shults
Maintenance Operator
End of Service: March 23, 1964
Age: 44
Park: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while hiking into plane crash site
Years of Service:
Buried: Coker Hill Chapel Cemetery, Townsend, TN
Robert W. Cullers
Seasonal Maintenance
End of Service: April 29, 1964
Age: 27
Park: Denali National Park
Cause of Death: Crushed when his Caterpillar D-8 tractor flipped over and fell 15 feet down an embankment (mile 51.3)
Years of Service: 2

(Mammoth Cave NP, Catalog# MACA 26806)
Young Ishmel Hunt
Park Guide
End of Service: June 8, 1964
Age: 60
Park: Mammoth Cave National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack (June 4) on cave tour
Years of Service:
Buried: Cave City Cemetery, Cave City, KY
Herbert Ziebert, Sr.
Truck Driver
End of Service: August 6, 1964
Age: 62
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while driving truck which rolled down the embankment (Cub Creek curve East Entrance Road)
Years of Service:

(Courier photo)
Ralph Hopewell Anderson
Chief Photographer
End of Service: August 28, 1964
Age: 63
Park: Isle Royale National Park
Cause of Death: Brought back from retirement, he was on a special safety inspection and promotion tour of parks in the Northeast when he died of natural causes
Years of Service: 41
Buried: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

(Crater Lake NP Museum & Archive Collections, CRLA 8885-4897 photo)

(47220482 photo)
Richard A. Nelson
End of Service: April 22, 1965
Age: 56
Park: Crater Lake National Park
Cause of Death: Never recovered from massive stroke in HQ building on March 18
Years of Service: 30
Buried: Glacier Memorial Gardens, Kalispell, MT

(USPP photo)

(Stan Jett photo)
Michael L. Petrella
USPP Officer
End of Watch: September 25, 1965
Age: 27
Park: George Washington Memorial Parkway
Cause of Death: Motorcycle struck car next to him on a wet road and crashed
Years of Service: 6
Buried: Fairfax Memorial Park, Fairfax, VA
Paul Richard Davis
End of Service: October 8, 1965
Age: 50
Park: Kings Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack (July 12) on Mitchell Peak; died as a result 3 months later
Years of Service: 4
Buried: Crematory, Fresno, CA

(The Long Island Advance photo)
William Earl Shaner
Seasonal Naturalist
End of Service: May 21, 1966
Age: 23
Park: Fire Island National Seashore
Cause of Death: Drowned trying to save two swimmers in heavy surf
Years of Service: 1 day

(XCHIEF photo)
Ashley Norman Smith
Seasonal Maintenance
End of Service: May 21, 1966
Age: 37
Park: Fire Island National Seashore
Cause of Death: Drowned trying to save two swimmers in heavy surf
Years of Service:
Buried: Saint Anns Cemetery, Sayville, NY
Nathaniel R. Lacy
Sub-District Ranger
End of Watch: June 23, 1966
Age: 43
Park: Rocky Mountain National Park
Cause of Death: Lost control of motor scooter after hitting small rock in the road while on evening patrol; body found next morning (Highway 34, 300 yds west of the Fall River Entrance)
Years of Service: 19
Louis H. Gamalielson
Roads & Trails Foreman
End of Service: May 10, 1967
Age: 63
Park: Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while working on Kalapana Trail (7 miles down)
Years of Service:

(Cheryl Hanson photo)
James Albert Sipe
Operator General
End of Service: June 6, 1967
Age: 51
Park: Olympic National Park
Cause of Death: While cutting brush alongside the road (Heart O' the Hills Parking Area) was run over by an unattended runaway four yard dump truck
Years of Service: 14
Buried: Hillcrest Cemetery, Weiser, ID
Billy B. Arnold
Fisheries Biologist
End of Service: July 2, 1967
Age: 36
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Drowned when rough water overturned his boat (Lewis Lake)
Years of Service:
John Ernest Rodgers
End of Service: September 12, 1967
Age: 43
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Mowing lawn and flying object from machine struck side of head
Years of Service:
Buried: Ft. Lincoln Cemetery, Brentwood, MD
Sewell Glen Elsberry, Jr.
Jobs Corpsman
End of Service: September 20, 1968
Age: 18
Park: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Cause of Death: Crushed (Tremont Job Corps Center)
Years of Service:
Buried: Summerville Cemetery, Summerville, GA

(Isle Royale NP photo)
Dennis A. Long
Seasonal Maintenance Laborer
End of Service: August 6, 1969
Age: 19
Park: Isle Royale National Park
Cause of Death: Drowned assisting concession employee back to shore saving her from drowning; exhausted, the waves washed him back out into the lake (Scoville Point)
Years of Service: 8 months
Buried: Park Cemetery, Marquette, MI

Ranger Naturalists Zion National Park, Summer 1970
(Zion NP, photographer Dale L. Smith, Museum Catalog# ZION 9561)

(Lueana Bowers photo)
Robert L. Rupp
Maintenance Laborer
End of Service: April 9, 1971
Age: 57
Park: Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Heart attack enroute to fighting forest fire (Mount Tammany) due to overexertion while climbing steep terrain
Years of Service: 3
Buried: Fairview Cemetery, Columbia, NJ

(USPP photo)

(Fred Sanford photo)
Raymond L. Hawkins
USPP Officer
End of Watch: February 15, 1972
Age: 28
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Off-duty (December 23, 1971) attempting to foil robbery of 7-11; subdued robber and shot behind by unseen accomplice (Prince Georges County, MD)
Years of Service: 3
Buried: Cedar Hill Cemetery, Suitland, MD
Donald Edward Welborn
Roads & Trails Crew
End of Service: March 7, 1972
Age: 24
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Operating a water valve on rear of water truck, fell off and was crushed by a roller pulled behind the truck, while working on a highway improvement project (East Rim)
Years of Service:
Michael Tillman
Volunteer (Sea Scout)
End of Service: May 27, 1972
Age: 16
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Asphyxia by submersion, last seen April 3 in Lightship Chesapeake row boat on Anacostia River; missing person investigation after failed bed check by Metro PD, found boat empty next to ship, body found floating in water
Years of Service: 6 months
Buried: Forrest Hills Memorial Gardens, Clinton, MD

(John L. Mathis photo)
John Clifford Childers
Seasonal Maintenance
End of Service: August 22, 1972
Age: 59
Park: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Cause of Death: Drowned when the wake from passing boat caused his barge to capsize while transporting backhoe to Hazel Creek to start sewer repair work (Fontana Lake)
Years of Service:
Buried: Union Hill Cemetery, East Side, Whittier, NC

(Courier photo)

(Leon Barton photo)
Ronald V. Trussell
Supervisory Park Ranger
End of Watch: February 7, 1973
Age: 34
Park: Bryce Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Plane crash enroute to regional backcountry management conference, deteriorating weather (Ruby Mountains, Nevada)
Years of Service: 14
Buried: Syracuse Cemetery, Syracuse, KS

(Zion NP photo)

(Vick Enigk photo)
Robert (Jake) Dean Metherell
Resource Management and Visitor Protection Specialist
End of Service: February 7, 1973
Age: 45
Park: Curecanti National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Plane crash enroute to regional backcountry management conference, deteriorating weather (Ruby Mountains, Nevada)
Years of Service: 17
Buried: Montoursville Cemetery, Montoursville, PA

(The Herald Journal photo)

(MDSIMS photo)
John Charles Ebersole
Seasonal RM Ranger
End of Service: May 19, 1973
Age: 26
Park: Canyonlands National Park
Cause of Death: Plane crash counting bighorn sheep (White Rim Trail, Canyonlands National Park)
Years of Service: 5
Buried: Logan City Cemetery, Logan, UT
William (Bill) D. Cooper
Research Biologist
End of Service: May 19, 1973
Age: 30
Park: Capitol Reef National Park
Cause of Death: Plane crash counting bighorn sheep (White Rim Trail, Canyonlands National Park)
Years of Service: 4
Buried: Cremated, Grand Junction, CO
Dr. Charles (Chuck) Goodman Hansen
Research Biologist
End of Service: May 19, 1973
Age: 52
Park: Western Regional Office
Cause of Death: Plane crash counting bighorn sheep (White Rim Trail, Canyonlands National Park)
Years of Service: 33
Buried: Saint Helena Public Cemetery, Saint Helena, CA
Arthur Ray Robinson
Regional Budget Chief
End of Service: May 30, 1973
Age: 51
Park: Western Regional Office
Cause of Death: Heart attack attending NPS seminar (San Francisco, CA)
Years of Service: 5 months
Buried: Olivet Crematory, Colma, CA

(Patrick family photo)

(NW History Buff photo)
Kenneth Carmel Patrick
Park Ranger
End of Watch: August 5, 1973
Age: 40
Park: Point Reyes National Seashore
Cause of Death: Shot two times by game poacher
Years of Service: 10
Buried: Grand Canyon Pioneer Cemetery, AZ

(NPS photo)
Thomas Kenneth Brown
Park Ranger
End of Watch: August 31, 1973
Age: 56
Park: Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Heart attack during SCUBA diving exercise (8 miles above Willow Beach, River Mile Marker 30)
Years of Service: 4
Buried: Palm Mortuary Memorial Park, Henderson, NV

(Hawai'i Volcanoes NP photo)
George L. Kaapana
Seasonal Maintenance
End of Service: September 11, 1973
Age: 54
Park: Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park
Cause of Death: Fell off water tank (September 7) behind Wahaula Government Quarters area
Years of Service:
Buried: Alae Cemetery, Hilo, HI

(Moani Hart Heidenfeldt photo)

(Tommie Wallace photo)
Henry (Moke) Kala Kekuewa
Cultural Demonstrator
End of Service: February 8, 1974
Age: 55
Park: City of Refuge National Historical Park (PUHO)
Cause of Death: Heart attack giving field trip to school children (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Years of Service: 7
Buried: Saint Benedicts Catholic Church Cemetery, Honolulu, HI

(Jan Hensley photo)
Leonard A. Lam
Seasonal Motor Vehicle Operator
End of Service: August 23, 1974
Age: 45
Park: Shenandoah National Park
Cause of Death: Going to landfill, International truck stalled, "prime" the carburetor with gasoline when it backfired and set him on fire, he stumbled into traffic and was hit and killed (Rt. 340 near Grottoes, VA)
Years of Service: 22
Buried: Jollett United Methodist Church Cemetery, Jollett, VA

(Alice photo)
Charles (Chuck) D. Baker
Maintenance Leader
End of Service: November 13, 1974
Age: 62
Park: Saratoga National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack on duty
Years of Service: 13
Buried: Stillwater Union Cemetery, Stillwater, NY

(Casa Grande Ruins NM photo)

(World Wide Webber photo)
Gregory Colin Wayt
Seasonal Naturalist
End of Service: November 30, 1974
Age: 28
Park: Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
Cause of Death: Shot by stray bullet while leading an interpretive walk from teenage boy who was shooting birds in the vicinity (Big House)
Years of Service: 4½
Buried: Cortez Cemetery, Cortez, CO
Nancy Jane Matlock
Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Secretary
End of Service: September 12, 1975
Age: 33
Park: Pacific Northwest Regional Office
Cause of Death: Plane crash surveying possible land withdrawals and orientation trip, cause was over weight and low altitude (Lake Clark, near Fish Trap Lake, Alaska)
Years of Service:
Rhonda Kay Barber
End of Service: September 12, 1975
Age: 20
Park: Pacific Northwest Regional Office
Cause of Death: Plane crash surveying possible land withdrawals and orientation trip, cause was over weight and low altitude (Lake Clark, near Fish Trap Lake, Alaska)
Years of Service:
Buried: Calvary Cemetery, Sedalia, MO
Carol Sue Byler
End of Service: September 12, 1975
Age: 21
Park: Pacific Northwest Regional Office
Cause of Death: Plane crash surveying possible land withdrawals and orientation trip, cause was over weight and low altitude (Lake Clark, near Fish Trap Lake, Alaska)
Years of Service:
Buried: Covina Hills, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Covina Hills, CA
Janice Lynn Cooper
End of Service: September 12, 1975
Age: 24
Park: Pacific Northwest Regional Office
Cause of Death: Plane crash surveying possible land withdrawals and orientation trip, cause was over weight and low altitude (Lake Clark, near Fish Trap Lake, Alaska)
Years of Service:
Dawn Hughuette Finney
End of Service: September 12, 1975
Age: 22
Park: Pacific Northwest Regional Office
Cause of Death: Plane crash surveying possible land withdrawals and orientation trip, cause was over weight and low altitude (Lake Clark, near Fish Trap Lake, Alaska)
Years of Service:
Buried: Myrtle Hill Cemetery, Tampa, FL (unmarked grave)

(NPS photo)
Keith Armer Trexler
Assistant Task Force Director
End of Service: September 12, 1975
Age: 43
Park: Pacific Northwest Regional Office
Cause of Death: Plane crash surveying possible land withdrawals and orientation trip, cause was over weight and low altitude (Lake Clark, near Fish Trap Lake, Alaska)
Years of Service: 16
Clara (Mickiet) Veara
End of Service: September 12, 1975
Age: 45
Park: Pacific Northwest Regional Office
Cause of Death: Plane crash surveying possible land withdrawals and orientation trip, cause was over weight and low altitude (Lake Clark, near Fish Trap Lake, Alaska)
Years of Service: 3
Buried: Teller, AK
John (Jack) Adam Dorn
AD Emergency Hire
End of Service: May 23, 1977
Age: 30
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Walked off Yosemite Falls Trail, falling 600 feet, while carrying litter enroute to rescue two stranded climbers
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Saint Joseph's Cemetery, Yorkville, NY
Juan (Johnny) G. Aldaz
Trail Maintenance
End of Service: June 18, 1977
Age: 51
Park: Bandelier National Monument
Cause of Death: Heart attack after running to NPS pumper during evacuation on blow up of La Mesa Fire backfire operations (State Highway 4)
Years of Service:
Buried: Canon Vallecitos Cemetery, Vallecitos, NM

(Lake Mead NRA photo)
James P. Fleetwood
District Ranger
End of Watch: July 5, 1977
Age: 43
Park: Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Head-on by drunk driver who crossed into wrong lane (US 95, 8 miles south of Searchlight, NV)
Years of Service:
Buried: Saint John Cemetery, Washington, IN

(Colonial NHP photo)

(CR photo)
Gregory Scott Burdine
Park Technician
End of Watch: November 26, 1977
Age: 25
Park: Colonial National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Pursuing speeding vehicle when his vehicle left the Colonial Parkway and struck a tree
Years of Service: 1½
Buried: Mount Zion Cemetery, O'Fallon, MO

(Tim Gruber photo)
Robert C. Berk
Voucher Examiner
End of Service: December 7, 1977
Age: 42
Park: Washington Office
Cause of Death: Heart attack at his desk
Years of Service: 9
Buried: Kimmels Evangelical Free Church Cemetery, Orwigsburg, PA
Carol Gledhill
YCC Enrollee
End of Service: August 7, 1978
Age: 19
Park: Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Driving 3/4 ton 4x4 military truck to get another load of wood when truck slid on wet road, left roadway, impacted concrete culvert, rolled twice, and ejected her (Rt. 209, .7 mile south of PA mp 8)
Years of Service:
Conrad Edwin Savage
End of Service: April 12, 1979
Age: 72
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while carrying a carpet pad from truck into station (Old El Portal Ranger Station)
Years of Service:
Buried: Mariposa District Cemetery, Mariposa, CA

(NPS photo)
Ward (Bill) W. Hall
Seasonal Ranger
End of Watch: July 16, 1979
Age: 24
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Responding to an motorcycle accident with injuries, patrol vehicle slid into a construction dump truck (North Rim)
Years of Service: 4
Buried: Calvary Catholic Cemetery, Santa Rosa, CA

(NPS photo)

Johnnie Thomas Sullivan
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: November 23, 1979
Age: 64
Park: Sequoia National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while performing campground maintenance (South Fork Campground)
Years of Service: 15
Buried: Lone Grove Cemetery, Lone Grove, OK

Crater Lake National Park rangers, July 1984
(Crater Lake NP photo)

(Tucson Citizen photo)

(Alison Anderson photo)
Paul Braxton Fugate
End of Service: January 13, 1980
Age: 41
Park: Chiricahua National Monument
Cause of Death: Disappeared on hike from visitor center
Years of Service: 8
Buried: never found

(NPS photo)
Duane P. McClure
Supervisory Park Ranger
End of Watch: May 22, 1980
Age: 35
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Canoe patrol, unexpected storm struck lake and canoe found swamped, returning from checking a hibernating grizzly bear den (Yellowstone Lake, near West Thumb Bay)
Years of Service: 10
Buried: never found

(Grand Canyon National Park photo)

(Bob Ford photo)
John Hauert Riffey
Park Ranger
End of Service: July 9, 1980
Age: 68
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while driving back from filling fire truck with water from Nixon Spring
Years of Service: 38
Buried: Tuweep Ranger Station, AZ

(N8QNH photo)
William C. Birdsell
End of Service: August 18, 1980
Age: 51
Park: Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Heart attack at desk while preparing for his transfer to WASO
Years of Service: 21
Buried: Ira Cemetery, Ira, OH

(NPS photo)
Joseph (Tony) Anthony Dean
Training Specialist
End of Service: November 1, 1980
Age: 43
Park: Albright Training Center
Cause of Death: Fell off cliff during night while leading 3-day training hike (Horseshoe Mesa, Miner's Spring Trail)
Years of Service: 10
Buried: Washington, DC
Michael Anthony Kelpy
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: January 18, 1981
Age: 65
Park: Lincoln Memorial
Cause of Death: Fell from inaugural fireworks scaffolding
Years of Service:
Buried: Lake Carroll Cemetery, Tampa, FL

(NPS photo)
Dr. T. Stell Newman
End of Service: December 27, 1982
Age: 46
Park: War in the Pacific National Historical Park
Cause of Death: 17-year-old reckless driver lost control and crossed into Newman's lane striking his vehicle (between Maintenance Facility and Visitor Center)
Years of Service: 9
Buried: Cremated, ashes spread at sea from Asan Point, War in the Pacific NHP, Guam

(Shields family photo)
James C. Shields
Maintenance Mechanic
End of Service: July 23, 1983
Age: 44
Park: Pinnacles National Monument
Cause of Death: Heart attack while working around park corral
Years of Service: 18
Buried: Willow Creek Cemetery, Paicines, CA

(Donald Waters photo)

(JAC photo)
Arthur Edward Waters
End of Service: May 4, 1984
Age: 61
Park: Shenandoah National Park
Cause of Death: Found dead from natural causes at Park Headquarters building where he worked as a janitor; he was found around 0730 the morning he died
Years of Service:
Buried: Beahms Chapel Cemetery, Luray, VA
Sammy Lee Smallwood
Road Crew
End of Service: May 18, 1984
Age: 52
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Tioga Road (near Blue Slide) snow clearing, hard hat pierced by piece of rock from blast while peeking around cover boulder
Years of Service: 30

(Jean Fugate photo)
James Allan Wunrow
Survey Technician
End of Service: July 28, 1985
Age: 27
Park: Denver Service Center
Cause of Death: Hit by lightning while hiking off-duty while at Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park for survey team
Years of Service:
Buried: Ledgeview Memorial Park, Fond du Lac, WI
Thomas William Lucke
Water Resource Division Chief
End of Service: February 25, 1987
Age: 46
Park: Water Resources Division, Fort Collins, CO
Cause of Death: Heart attack returning from Albright Training Center after teaching a class (Phoenix Airport)
Years of Service: 20
Buried: St. Joseph's Cemetery, Bellevue, IA

(Courier photo)
Robert Bruce Kasparek
Regional Chief Environmental Compliance
End of Service: 1, 19, 1988
Age: 51
Park: Rocky Mountain Regional Office
Cause of Death: Trans Colorado Airlines (Continental Express 2286) flight to Durango crashed in snow storm, too low, pilot on cocaine (Bayfield, Colorado)
Years of Service: 30
Buried: Chapel Hill Cemetery, Littleton, CO

(USPP photo)
Ricardo M. Preston
USPP Sergeant
End of Watch: August 11, 1988
Age: 37
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Heart attack while participating in SWAT exercise (Fort Meade)
Years of Service: 14

(NPS/Michael Dixon photos)
James O. Laney
End of Service: January 10, 1989
Age: 60
Park: Southern Arizona Group Office
Cause of Death: Diagnosed with Valley Fever which he apparently contracted in Yosemite
Years of Service: 22
Buried: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

(Saratoga NHP photos)
W. Glen Gray
End of Service: July 17, 1989
Age: 52
Park: Saratoga National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack at his desk in the visitor center
Years of Service: 26
Buried: Cremated, ashes scattered in Saratoga National Historical Park at Great Redoubt

Ranger Skills Class (01/09/90-2/23/90) at Horace M. Albright Training Center, Grand Canyon National Park
(NPS Historic Photograph Collection)
William Holland
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: January 31, 1990
Age: 57
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack walking from snowmobile to North Kaibab Trailhead sign
Years of Service:

(Sequoia-Kings Canyon NP photo)
Truman James
Seasonal Forester
End of Service: April 11, 1990
Age: 50
Park: Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Fell approx. 125 feet to the ground while working at top of sugar pine tree on a mistletoe project
Years of Service: 27
Buried: Oakhill Cemetery, Oakhurst, CA

(Gulf Islands NS photo)
Robert Lewis McGhee, Jr.
Park Ranger
End of Watch: May 26, 1990
Age: 50
Park: Gulf Islands National Seashore
Cause of Death: Shot and killed by prison escapees during traffic stop
Years of Service: 25
Buried: Crestlawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Ocean Springs, MS

(NPS photo)

(Michael J. Rea photo)
John Paul Ethridge
Seasonal Naturalist
End of Service: June 20, 1990
Age: 40
Park: Zion National Park
Cause of Death: Lost balance (foot sliding on sandstone) and fell approx. 175 feet while leading nature hike (Hidden Canyon Trail)
Years of Service: 12
Buried: East Side Cemetery, Martin, TN

(Boston NHP photo)

George Edward MacDougall
Laborer (Grounds)
End of Service: May 9, 1991
Age: 60
Park: Boston National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while at work (Bunker Hill Monument)
Years of Service:
Buried: Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, MA
James S. Spirer
Volunteer (Interpreter)
End of Service: June 9, 1991
Park: Glen Echo Park
Cause of Death: Fell off truck (May 31) hitting head while unloading golf carts from truck in preparation for annual Washington Folk Festival, cart then fell off truck and landed on him
Years of Service:

(NPS photo)
Edward F. Wisniewski
Maintenance Mechanic
End of Service: July 15, 1991
Age: 46
Park: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
Cause of Death: Vehicle pulled out in front of his motorcycle while on official business, dropping off water samples in a nearby town
Years of Service: 15
Buried: Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Traverse City, MI

(Bob Krumenaker photo)
James Wallace Hatfield
Elevator Mechanic
End of Service: October 23, 1991
Age: 62
Park: Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Cause of Death: Struck by elevator weights at bottom of elevator shaft while shortening cable
Years of Service: 8
Buried: Carlsbad Cemetery, Carlsbad, NM

(Crater Lake NP photo)

Anne Lucille Dickinson
Personnel Specialist
End of Service: November 18, 1991
Age: 52
Park: Crater Lake National Park
Cause of Death: Congestive heart failure while on travel status (San Francisco, California)
Years of Service:
Buried: Cremated, ashes scattered in San Francisco Bay, CA
Charles Avery
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: February 6, 1992
Park: Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while preparing for work (Tavern Maintenance Yard)
Years of Service:

(Faye Francis photo)
Stephen Frank Milton
Regional Appraiser
End of Service: May 18, 1992
Age: 47
Park: Southeast Regional Office
Cause of Death: Head on collision when another vehicle crossed center line of highway (North Carolina)
Years of Service:
Buried: Ridgelawn Memorial Park, Barboursville, WV
Alan Quellette
Job Corpsman
End of Service: May 11, 1993
Park: Great Onyx Job Corps Center
Cause of Death: Fell 120 feet off cliff while on center recreation trip
Years of Service:
Corey Washington
Job Corpsman
End of Service: May 24, 1993
Park: Oconaluftee Job Corps Center
Cause of Death: Apparent drowning after leaving center (Oconaluftee River)
Years of Service:
Buried: Colclough Cemetery, Sumter, SC (unmarked grave)
James A. Hudson
Seasonal Crew Foreman
End of Service: July 5, 1993
Age: 43
Park: Lincoln Memorial
Cause of Death: Heart attack heat-related
Years of Service: 8
Buried: Quantico National Cemetery, Quantico, VA

(Yellowstone NP photo)
Robert Ernst Mahn, Jr.
Subdistrict Ranger
End of Watch: January 17, 1994
Age: 51
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Snowmobile went off road while on backcountry patrol and down 70 foot embankment during whiteout conditions, dying from asphyxiation (5 miles west of East Entrance)
Years of Service: 21
Buried: WY

(Denali NP photo)

(huntindead/billiongraves.com photo)
Kee-Won Kim
Volunteer (Search & Rescue)
End of Service: May 22, 1994
Age: 27
Park: Denali National Park
Cause of Death: Exposure (16,100 foot level of West Buttress)
Years of Service: 1 month
Buried: Talkeetna Cemetery, Talkeetna, Alaska
Fernando (Phil) Abeyta
Motor Vehicle Operator
End of Service: June 24, 1994
Age: 65
Park: Capulin Volcano National Monument
Cause of Death: John Deere front-end loader sweeping cinders off Crater Road (1/2 mile below Crater Parking Lot), went over side of road and down steep embankment
Years of Service:
Buried: Mountain View Cemetery, Capulin, NM

(NPS photo)
Ryan Francis Weltman
Seasonal Ranger
End of Service: July 3, 1994
Age: 22
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Drowning while on kayak patrol, caught in bad weather and capsized (Shoshone Lake)
Years of Service: 1

(Barbara Thoman Gaume photo)
Herbert Whitaker
Volunteer (Interpreter)
End of Service: August 13, 1994
Age: 65
Park: Cumberland Gap National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Yellow Jacket sting
Years of Service: 7 months
Buried: Bethel Baptist Cemetery, Tazewell, TN
Matthew Lambert
Job Corpsman
End of Service: September 13, 1994
Age: 31
Park: Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Drowning while swimming at job site (Rock Quarry, Martinsburg)
Years of Service:
Buried: Sturgill-Goode Cemetery, Pineville, WV
Barry Lee Hance
Road Foreman
End of Service: June 13, 1995
Age: 43
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Avalanche struck his bulldozer while removing snow from Tioga Road (Olmsted Point)
Years of Service: 12
Buried: Divide Cemetery, Groveland, CA

(ditdit photo)
Wesley S. Fox
Seasonal Naturalist
End of Service: July 15, 1995
Age: 37
Park: George Washington Memorial Parkway
Cause of Death: Heart attack while on bike patrol on Mount Vernon Trail during time of high heat and humidity
Years of Service:
Buried: Cataumet Cemetery, Bourne, MA

(Mount Rainier NP photo)

(RD Payne photo)
Philip James Otis
Volunteer (SCA)
End of Service: August 12, 1995
Age: 22
Park: Mount Rainier National Park
Cause of Death: Fell responding to report of injured climber (Emmons Glacier)
Years of Service: 3 months
Buried: Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, MN

(Mount Rainier NP photo)

(Leland Cole photo)

(RD Payne photo)
Sean Scott Ryan
Seasonal Climbing Ranger
End of Service: August 12, 1995
Age: 23
Park: Mount Rainier National Park
Cause of Death: Fell responding to report of injured climber (Emmons Glacier)
Weeks of Service: 6
Buried: Indian Hill Episcopal Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH

(Grand Canyon NP photo)
Randall F. Thompson
Trails Supervisor
End of Service: February 26, 1996
Age: 49
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Blasting struck by rock while doing trail maintenance (Tapeats Creek area)
Years of Service: 12

(Gene Rose photo)
James (Randy) Morgenson
Seasonal Ranger
End of Watch: July 20, 1996
Age: 54
Park: Kings Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Fell crossing stream on backcountry patrol, found (July 15, 2001) (Bench Lake)
Years of Service: 27

(NPS photo)

(SBarrett photo)
Michael Andrew Beaulieu
Seasonal Ranger
End of Watch: August 26, 1996
Age: 23
Park: Bryce Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Patrol vehicle slid off roadway and rolled down embankment while responding to a burning tree (north of Natural Bridge View Area)
Years of Service: 6 months
Buried: Saint Mary's Cemetery, Presque Isle, ME

(C&O Canal NHP photo)

(Melyssawebb/billiongraves.com photo)
Nelson Page Griffith
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: October 6, 1996
Age: 62
Park: Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Snag while tree falling (Lock Five towpath vicinity)
Years of Service: 32
Buried: Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Luray, VA

(USPP photo)
Richard R. Holman
USPP Officer (Recruit)
End of Watch: October 7, 1996
Age: 25
Cause of Death: Struck head on by a vehicle which lost control on F.J. Torras Causeway (October 4)
Years of Service: 3 months
Buried: Holy Rood Cemetery, Westbury, NY
Diane Dustman
End of Service: March 3, 1997
Age: 37
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Avalanche on cross country ski trip to monitor geothermal features (Factory Hill)
Years of Service:
Buried: Cremated

(Art Kidwell photo)

(DDavis photo)
Roderick (Rick) Hutchinson
Park Geologist
End of Service: March 3, 1997
Age: 49
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Avalanche on cross country ski trip to monitor geothermal features (Factory Hill)
Years of Service: 27
Buried: Cremated, ashes scattered in backcountry of Yellowstone's Heart Lake; memorial grave at High Prairie Cemetery, Elmo, MO
Rory Lee Perkins
End of Service: August 5, 1997
Age: 38
Park: Yellowstone National Park
Cause of Death: Testing modified snowmobile on wheels using gasohol fuel when lost control of machine and hit brick wall (Mammoth Hot Springs Maintenance Garage)
Years of Service:

(lewis.peterson/billiongraves.com photo)
Joseph David Kanski
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: August 13, 1997
Age: 54
Park: Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while cleaning the Painted Canyon Visitor Center
Years of Service: 20
Buried: St. Mary's Cemetery, Fairfield, ND
Taryn Ann Hoover
Seasonal Bio Technician
End of Service: September 12, 1997
Age: 32
Park: Olympic National Park
Cause of Death: Helicopter crash and rolled while searching for missing hiker (Mt. Baldy north slope)
Years of Service:

(Vanderbeek family photos)
Michael A. Vanderbeek
Volunteer (Climbing Ranger)
End of Service: May 24, 1998
Age: 33
Park: Denali National Park
Cause of Death: Fell and disappeared during rescue attempt of climber later found dead (16,000 foot West Buttress); never found
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Mount Denali (body never located), Alaska and Talkeetna, Talkeetna Cemetery (memorial), Talkeetna, Alaska

(NPS photo)
Joseph David Kolodski
Park Ranger
End of Watch: June 21, 1998
Age: 36
Park: Blue Ridge Parkway
Cause of Death: Murdered by gunman threatening visitors (Big Witch Gap)
Years of Service: 13
Buried: Cremated
Jim Taggert
End of Service: June 13, 1999
Age: 60
Park: Yosemite National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack (June 12) putting up tents
Years of Service: 17
Anthony Carone
Laborer Roads and Grounds
End of Service: October 6, 1999
Park: Gateway National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Heart attack while trash collecting
Years of Service: 8

(Makuakane-Jarrell family photo)

(Tania/findagrave.com photo)

(Karen Ziege Bartlet/findagrave.com photo)
Steve Renard Makuakane-Jarrell
Park Ranger
End of Watch: December 12, 1999
Age: 47
Park: Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Murdered by transient over his dogs off leash (north of the heiau)
Years of Service: 15
Buried: Mauna Kea Memorial Park, Hilo, HI

Park Rangers on the Telephone Canyon Fire, Big Bend National Park, March 2006
(NPS Historic Photograph Collection)
Dorcas (Dorie) H. Lent
Budget Analyst
End of Service: February 14, 2000
Age: 58
Park: Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack at desk
Years of Service: 16
Buried: Cremated

(Fort Smith NHS photo)
Kenneth R. Smith
Preservation Specialist
End of Service: March 14, 2000
Age: 67
Park: Fort Smith National Historic Site
Cause of Death: Heart attack while working on concrete footing
Years of Service: 16
Buried: Gracelawn Cemetery, Van Buren, AR

(Kim Besom photo)

(Grand Canyon NP photo)
Cale L. Shaffer
Seasonal Mountaineering Ranger
End of Service: June 19, 2000
Age: 25
Park: Denali National Park
Cause of Death: Hudson Air Service Cessna 185 crashed in thunderstorm on way to begin mountain patrol (west side of Yentna Glacier)
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Cremated, ashes at Yaki Point in Grand Canyon National Park, AZ

(Denali NP photo)

(Memorial plaque photo by huntindead/billiongraves.com)
Brian Paul Reagan
Volunteer (Backcountry)
End of Service: June 19, 2000
Age: 27
Park: Denali National Park
Cause of Death: Hudson Air Service Cessna 185 crashed in thunderstorm on way to begin mountain patrol (west side of Yentna Glacier)
Years of Service: 1 month
Buried: Cremated

(Kolff family photo) ,br>

(Memorial plaque photo by huntindead/billiongraves.com)
Adam Chauncey Kolff
Volunteer (Backcountry)
End of Service: June 19, 2000
Age: 27
Park: Denali National Park
Cause of Death: Hudson Air Service Cessna 185 crashed in thunderstorm on way to begin mountain patrol (west side of Yentna Glacier)
Years of Service: 1 month
Buried: Cremated

(Acadia NP photo)
Robert Larson
End of Service: August 1, 2000
Age: 64
Park: Acadia National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while hiking on Man O' War Trail after doing trail work
Years of Service: 1

(Lake Mead NRA photo)
Phillip Arthur (Pip) Conner
Seasonal Firefighter
End of Watch: August 3, 2000
Age: 29
Park: Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Helicopter crashed on takeoff from helibase, member Las Vegas Interagency Helitack Team (Charlie Complex, Elko, Nevada)
Years of Service: 4
Buried: Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Boulder City, NV

(Eggle family photo)

Kristopher William Eggle
Park Ranger
End of Watch: August 9, 2002
Age: 28
Park: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
Cause of Death: Murdered by Mexican National drug dealer fleeing from Mexican authorities across border (3 miles east of Lukeville)
Years of Service: 3
Buried: Maple Hill Cemetery, Cadillac, MI

(USPP photo)
Hakim A. Farthing
USPP Officer
End of Watch: August 10, 2002
Age: 28
Park: National Capital Parks
Cause of Death: Run down by drunk driver while maintaining a fixed traffic post during fatal MVA investigation (Baltimore Washington Parkway and Rt 50)
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Ivy Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA

(NPS photo)

(Julia C. Jedlicka photo)
Thomas Patrick O'Hara
Park Ranger/Pilot
End of Watch: December 20, 2002
Age: 41
Park: Katmai National Park
Cause of Death: Plane crash while conducting a moose tracking survey (Upper Ugashik Lake, Alaska)
Years of Service: 12
Buried: Bristol Bay Borough Cemetery, Naknek, AK

(Engelhardt family photos)
Matthew Ross Engelhardt
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: September 9, 2003
Age: 46
Park: Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Heart attack, found unconscious (Fort Spokane group campsites)
Years of Service: 3 months
Buried: Cedonia Community Cemetery, Cedonia, WA

(Artz family photo)
Andrew (Andy) M. Artz
Park Ranger
End of Watch: September 25, 2003
Age: 42
Park: Pinnacles National Monument
Cause of Death: Occupational illness from exposure in 2000
Years of Service: 15
Buried: Cremated
Ricky Campbell
Seasonal Laborer
End of Service: April 22, 2004
Age: 50
Park: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while hiking Snake Den Ridge Trail to tree clearing job site
Years of Service: 10
Armando (Andy) R. Caceres
Security Guard
End of Service: August 26, 2004
Age: 57
Park: San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack on duty
Years of Service: 19
Buried: Skylawn Memorial Park, San Mateo, CA

(NPS photo)

Suzanne (Suzi) E. Roberts
Park Ranger
End of Watch: September 14, 2004
Age: 36
Park: Haleakala National Park
Cause of Death: Removing rock slide from road, hit in the upper back and head by a boulder in excess of three feet that fell from cliff as she was bending over (Hana Road, Alelele area)
Years of Service: 5
Buried: Wheaton Cemetery, Wheaton, IL

(NPS photo)

(NIFC Memorial plaque photo by Brit Rosso)
Daniel Holmes
Seasonal Firefighter
End of Watch: October 2, 2004
Age: 26
Park: Kings Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Struck and killed by a burning treetop (Grant West Prescribed Fire)
Years of Service: 5
Buried: Cremated, ashes scattered at Kings Canyon NP and Mount Rainier NP

(NPS photo)

(Big B Bob/waymarking.com photo)
Jeffrey Alan Christensen
Seasonal Park Ranger
End of Watch: July 29, 2005
Age: 31
Park: Rocky Mountain National Park
Cause of Death: Backcountry patrol, body found (August 6) (south slope of Mt. Ypsilon, Donner Ridge)
Years of Service: 4
Buried: Union Cemetery, Maplewood, MN

(NPS photo)
Dan P. Madrid
Special Agent
End of Watch: September 24, 2005
Age: 51
Park: Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Cause of Death: Collapsed on Mist Trail below Vernal Falls in Yosemite National Park while conducting an investigation
Years of Service: 29
Buried: Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery, St. Louis, MO

(Everglades NP photo)
James (Jim) Schlinkmann
Chief Ranger
End of Watch: November 24, 2005
Age: 49
Park: Great Basin National Park
Cause of Death: Single vehicle roll-over while returning home from Hurricane Wilma IMT assignment; alcohol involved
Years of Service: 23
Buried: Cremated
Joseph Sordi
Equipment Operator
End of Service: December 6, 2005
Age: 59
Park: Gateway National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Struck by city sanitation front end loader while waiting for a load of salt for snow removal (Staten Island)
Years of Service: 5
Buried: Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY
Arnold (Arney) V. Kovin, Jr.
Fleet Management Specialist
End of Service: February 6, 2006
Age: 54
Park: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Cause of Death: Car left U.S. 441 and flipped, landing in a nearby stream
Years of Service: 28

(NPS photo)
John (Jake) H. Quilter, III
Seasonal Trail Crew Member
End of Service: March 8, 2006
Age: 26
Park: Saguaro National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack during arduous hike to backcountry work site (Manning Camp Trail)
Years of Service:
Buried: Cremated, Mechanicsville, VA
George B. Ratliff
Seasonal Maintenance
End of Service: August 7, 2006
Age: 51
Park: Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Heart attack while removing rope swing from a ravine (Childs Park)
Years of Service: 10
Buried: Cremated

(NPS photo)
Daniel R. Green
Engineering Equipment Operator
End of Service: October 13, 2006
Age: 57
Park: Olympic National Park
Cause of Death: Fell from dump truck (October 5) and died from head injuries (Kalaloch District)
Years of Service: 26
Buried: Ocean View Cemetery, Port Angeles, WA

(NPS photo)
Dr. Marina Albertina Giggleman-Vargas
Seasonal Bio Technician
End of Service: April 3, 2007
Age: 46
Park: Padre Island National Seashore
Cause of Death: ATV flipped in calf-deep sand and trapped her underneath working on Kemp's Ridley sea turtle project (South Beach, mp 21)
Years of Service: 4 months
Buried: Grove Hill Memorial Park, Dallas, TX

(Rydgig family photo)
Robert C. Rydgig
Volunteer (Interpreter)
End of Service: August 15, 2007
Age: 77
Park: Channel Islands National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack climbing up a boat ladder after a SCUBA dive on Anacapa Island
Years of Service: 6

(NPS photo)

(Pat McArron photo)
Eric Charles York
Wildlife Biologist
End of Service: November 2, 2007
Age: 37
Park: Grand Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Found dead in park residence from plague due to exposure to wildlife
Years of Service: 5
Buried: South Cemetery, Shelburne, MA

(De Soto NMem photo)
Beverly Ann Brauner
Volunteer (Interpreter)
End of Service: December 3, 2007
Age: 76
Park: DeSoto National Memorial
Cause of Death: Complications of a femur fracture from a fall
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Bay Pines National Cemetery, Bay Pines, FL
Philip W. Hontz
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: March 31, 2008
Age: 59
Park: Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Working in maintenance area; coughed up blood and collapsed from complications from lung cancer
Years of Service: 25
Buried: Cremated

(Flowers from Sandra photo)
Medardo "Matt" Q. Olivarez
Maintenance Mechanic Supervisor
End of Service: April 19, 2008
Age: 60
Park: Amistad National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Heart attack while adjusting boat docks, Rough Canyon Boat Ramp
Years of Service: 11
Buried: Sunset Memorial Oaks Cemetery, Del Rio, TX

(NPS photo)

(RD Hall photo)
Andrew Jackson Palmer
Seasonal Firefighter
End of Watch: July 25, 2008
Age: 18
Park: Olympic National Park
Cause of Death: Clearing trees on fire, struck by falling tree (Eagle Fire (Iron Complex), Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Junction City, Calif.)
Years of Service: 1 month
Buried: Cremated

(Chattahoochee River NRA photo)
Jack Sweitzer
Volunteer (Trail Crew)
End of Service: August 2, 2008
Age: 70
Park: Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Clearing trail of downed trees, had a heart attack (Vickery Creek Unit)
Years of Service: 5
Buried: Cremated

(Mammoth Cave NP photo)
Kenneth G. Adams
Small Craft Operator
End of Service: August 5, 2008
Age: 51
Park: Mammoth Cave National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack at office chair (Houchins Ferry Building)
Years of Service: 17
Harley (Harvey) Sheffield
Volunteer (Interpreter)
End of Service: December 16, 2008
Age: 77
Park: Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Stroke while on bike patrol
Years of Service:
Gregory Lee Goehring
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: August 20, 2009
Age: 45
Park: Blue Ridge Parkway
Cause of Death: Heart attack while flagging for a ditching crew on the main line motor road
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Cremated

Joshua Tree National Park rangers, June 2016
(Brad Sutton photo)

(KTUU photo)
(Denali NP photo)
Phillip Frank Brease
End of Service: May 12, 2010
Age: 61
Park: Denali National Park and Preserve
Cause of Death: Natural causes while leading school field trip on trail (Garner Point)
Years of Service: 24
Buried: Cremated, ashes scattered at Denali NP and along Pacific Crest Trail in Lower 48

(Bonnie Huish photo)

(Matthew Brown photo)
Rex J. Walker
Seasonal Maintenance Worker
End of Service: May 20, 2010
Age: 58
Park: Timpanogos Cave National Monument
Cause of Death: On two-wheeled motorized trail bike, drove off 500 ft cliff enroute to fix some cave lighting outages (Cave Trail)
Years of Service: 3
Buried: Pleasant Grove City Cemetery, Pleasant Grove, UT

(Appomattox Courthouse NHP photo)
Teddy Wayne Garrett
Seasonal Maintenance Worker
End of Service: June 2, 2010
Age: 67
Park: Appomattox Courthouse National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Maintenance UTV, hit by van on State Route 24, flipping UTV and fatally ejecting him
Years of Service: 7
Buried: Liberty Chapel Cemetery, Appomattox, VA

(NPS photo)
Seth Thomas Spradlin
Seasonal Maintenance Worker
End of Service: August 21, 2010
Age: 20
Park: Katmai National Park and Preserve
Cause of Death: Picked up by floatplane and never arrived at King Salmon, plane located September 28 (Swikshak Lagoon); never found
Years of Service:

(NPS photo)
Neal Joseph Spradlin
Seasonal Maintenance Worker
End of Service: August 21, 2010
Age: 28
Park: Katmai National Park and Preserve
Cause of Death: Picked up by floatplane and never arrived at King Salmon, plane located September 28 (Swikshak Lagoon); never found
Years of Service:

(Katmai NP & Pres photo)
Mason McLeod
Seasonal Maintenance Worker
End of Service: August 21, 2010
Age: 26
Park: Katmai National Park and Preserve
Cause of Death: Picked up by floatplane and never arrived at King Salmon, plane located September 28 (Swikshak Lagoon); never found
Years of Service:

(Shenandoah NP photo)
Johnney Darnel Whetzel
End of Service: January 27, 2011
Age: 56
Park: Shenandoah National Park
Cause of Death: Found dead from natural causes outside the Communications Center by another employee
Years of Service: 33
Buried: Cremated

(NPS photo)
Christopher Nickel
Park Ranger
End of Watch: January 29, 2011
Age: 54
Park: Hovenweep National Monument
Cause of Death: Collapsed and died while hiking the Square Tower Ruin Trail, found by a visitor
Years of Service: 16
Buried: Cremated, ashes spread at Hovenweep and Natural Bridges, UT

(NPS photo)
Julie Ann Weir
Park Ranger
End of Watch: February 24, 2011
Age: 39
Park: Independence National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Traveling for field training program from Independence to Yosemite, lost control in snow storm and collided with tractor trailer (I-80, Kearney, Nebraska)
Years of Service: 11
Buried: Cremated, UT

(USPP photo)
Michael Boehm
USPP Officer
End of Watch: December 16, 2011
Age: 45
Park: Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Collapsed while investigating a critically injured attempted suicide person (Canal and 34th Street, Washington DC)
Years of Service: 19
Buried: Fairfax Memorial Park, Fairfax, VA

(NPS photo)

(RD Payne photo)
Margaret Annalise Anderson
Park Ranger
End of Watch: January 1, 2012
Age: 34
Park: Mount Rainier National Park
Cause of Death: Killed by rifle fire after setting up a road block to intercept a vehicle that failed to stop at a chain-up checkpoint (Barn Flats)
Years of Service: 12
Buried: Cremated
Robert J. Thornton
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: March 2, 2012
Age: 69
Park: Steamtown National Historic Site
Cause of Death: Collapsed while at work
Years of Service:
Buried: Saint Michael's Cemetery, Simpson, PA

(Amy Caddell photo)

Dana Robert Bruce
Seasonal Maintenance Worker
End of Service: May 7, 2012
Age: 63
Park: Blue Ridge National Parkway
Cause of Death: Mowing accident (Haw Creek Overlook)
Years of Service: 2
Buried: Wells Cemetery, Canaan, NH

(Caldwell family photo)
David Caldwell
Park Ranger
End of Service: May 15, 2012
Age: 56
Park: New River Gorge National River
Cause of Death: Collapsed while preparing to present a school program (Grandview area)
Years of Service: 14
Buried: Cremated

(Mount Rainier NP photo)

(RD Payne photo)
Nick Hall
Climbing Ranger
End of Service: June 21, 2012
Age: 33
Park: Mount Rainier National Park
Cause of Death: Fell 2,500 feet to his death, after helping rescue two climbers who had fallen into a crevasse on the Emmons Glacier while preparing climbers for helicopter evacuation
Years of Service: 4

(NPS photo)
William (Willy) P. Konanui, Jr.
Pest Control Worker
End of Service: July 23, 2012
Age: 37
Park: Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Cause of Death: Fatal heart attack
Years of Service: 7

(islapedia.com photo)
Joe Wysocki
Volunteer (Interpreter)
End of Service: July 10, 2013
Age: 65
Park: Channel Islands National Park
Cause of Death: Fell off the landing dock ladder as he was boarding the National Park Service vessel Ocean Ranger, head injury (Anacapa Island)
Years of Service: 6
Buried: At sea

(Jeff Caha photo)
Charles (Chuck) Caha
Equipment Operator
End of Service: September 19, 2013
Age: 64
Park: Death Valley National Park
Cause of Death: Road maintenance repairing flood damaged area, did not return, found dead by coworkers (West Side Road)
Years of Service: 4

(Blue Ridge National Parkway photo)
Larry D. Greene
Maintenance Worker
End of Service: April 8, 2015
Age: 64
Park: Blue Ridge National Parkway
Cause of Death: Fatal heart attack
Years of Service: 26
Buried: Cremated

(NPS photo)
Berlin (Forest) Howard, III
Seasonal Maintenance Worker
End of Service: August 22, 2016
Age: 27
Park: Cumberland Gap National Historical Park
Cause of Death: Lawn mower he was operating collided with a van (Pinnacle View Road)
Years of Service: 2½
Buried: Green Hills Memorial Gardens, Middlesboro, KY

(Wind Cave National Park photo)

(Katherine Kemp & Doyle photo)
Michael James Carder
Equipment Operator
End of Service: August 2, 2017
Age: 61
Park: Wind Cave National Park
Cause of Death: Heart attack while leading an American Conservation Experience trail crew working at nearby Jewel Cave NM
Years of Service: 24
Buried: Custer Cemetery, Custer, SD

(NPS photo)
Tom Jaskulski
End of Service: March 24, 2018
Age: 72
Park: Death Valley National Park
Cause of Death: Natural causes six days after trying to complete a routine fitness swim test to recertify as an NPS diver (Palm Desert, CA)
Years of Service: 26
Buried: Cremated

(Eddington Funeral Services photo)
Ethan Lee Valladarez
Trail Crew
End of Service: June 11, 2018
Age: 26
Park: Pinnacles National Park
Cause of Death: Heat related illness while conducting trail work in the backcountry
Years of Service:
Buried: King City District Cemetery, King City, CA

(Brian Torcha photo)

(NIFC Memorial plaque photo by Brit Rosso)
Brian C. Hughes
Hotshot Captain
End of Watch: July 29, 2018
Age: 33
Park: Kings Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: Struck and killed by a tree (Ferguson Fire in Yosemite National Park)
Years of Service: 4
Buried: Cremated, ashes scattered at sea near Hilo, HI

(Lake Mead NRA photo)
Lulabell Wilson
Volunteer (Maintenance)
End of Service: May 1, 2019
Age: 79
Park: Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Cause of Death: Massive heart attack after cutting, with a small saw, and picking up downed branches and other debris
Years of Service: 14½
Buried: Cremated

(Daily Globe photo)
Calvin John Kangas
Volunteer (Trail Crew)
End of Service: July 15, 2019
Age: 67
Park: North Country National Scenic Trail
Cause of Death: Unknown medical issue while performing trail maintenance at Porcupine Mountain State Park
Years of Service:

Ozark National Scenic Riverways, 2020
(NPS photo)

(Bodily family photo)
Kevin Layne Bodily
Volunteer (Trail Patrol)
End of Service: July 16, 2020
Age: 57
Park: Timpanogos Cave National Monument
Cause of Death: Natural causes while patrolling Timpanogos Cave Trail (mp 1.2)
Years of Service: 4
Buried: Pleasant Grove City Cemetery, Pleasant Grove, UT

(NPS photo)
Louis (Phil) Navarro
Hydro Technician
End of Service: March 7, 2022
Park: Everglades National Park
Cause of Death: Performing work on an airboat and suffered a medical emergency.
Years of Service: 13

(NPS photo)
Tom Loring
Park Ranger
End of Service: June 7, 2024
Age: 78
Park: Bryce Canyon National Park
Cause of Death: While directing a visitor to a shuttle bus he fell and struck his head on a large rock.
Years of Service: 10

(NPS photo)
Kevin Grossheim
Park Ranger
End of Service: October 6, 2024
Age: 55
Park: Voyageurs National Park
Cause of Death: Vessel overturned amid high winds and rough waters on Namakan Lake after rescuing three park visitors near Birch Cove Island.
Years of Service: 31
Buried: Roselawn Memorial Park, Monroe, MI

Jackie Sene and Dan Kowalski, members of Yellowstone's Color Guard, September 9, 2015
(Neal Herbert/NPS Photo)