The shore line of Roanoke Island as it looks today.
Exploration of Roanoke Island, 1584
On April 27, 1584, Captains Philip Amadas and Arthur
Barlowe left the west of England in two barks "well furnished with men
and victuals," to explore the North American coast for Sir Walter
Raleigh. Among the company of explorers was the enigmatical Simon
Ferdinando, formerly the master of the ship Falcon under the
captaincy of Raleigh, but also known as the "man" of the Queen's
Secretary of State, Sir Francis Walsingham. Ferdinando had sailed to the
coast of America and back in 3 months' time in 1579. His knowledge of
navigation was to make him a key figure in many of the Roanoke Island
The party of explorers landed on July 13, 1584, on
the North Carolina coast, about 7 leagues above Roanoke Island, and took
possession of the country for Queen Elizabeth "as rightfull Queene" with
the further proviso that the land was to be for the use of Sir Walter
Raleigh, according to the Queen's charter. Despite the passing of more
than 350 years, Barlowe's description of the country is still basically
true, if pardonably exuberant. They found it "very sandie and low toward
the waters side, but so full of grapes [scuppernongs] as the very
beating and surge of the Sea overflowed them, of which we found such
plentie, as well there as in all places else, both on the sand and on
the greene soil on the hils, as in the plaines, as well on every little
shrubbe, as also climing towards the tops of high Cedars, that I thinke
in all the world the like abundance is not to be found."
From their landing place they proceeded along the
seashore toward the "toppes of those hilles next adjoining" (perhaps the
big Nags Head Dunes or hills in the Nags Head woods), from the summit of
which they beheld the sea on both sides and came to realize that they
were on a barrier island. After admiring the scene, they discharged an
arquebus shot, whereupon "a flocke of Cranes (the most part white) arose
. . . with such a cry redoubled by many ecchoes, as if an armie of men
had showted all together." On the fourth day they were visited by
Granganimeo, brother of Wingina, chief of the Roanoke Island Indians.
After a short period of trading, Barlowe and seven others went by boat
to Roanoke Island at the north end of which they found a palisaded
Indian village. Here they were entertained with primitive but hospitable
Indian ceremony. The Indians appeared "gentle, loving, and faithfull."
The explorers described Roanoke Island as "a most pleasant and fertile
ground, replenished with goodly Cedars, and divers other sweete woods,
full of Corrants [grapes], flaxe, and many other notable commodities."
Game and fish were to be had in abundance.
The picture that Amadas and Barlowe took back to Sir
Walter Raleigh was a rosy one, for they had seen Roanoke Island in
midsummer. The Indians were generous, because at, this season of the
year they had plenty of everything in contrast to the scarcity of their
winter fare; and the white man was new to them, though they had heard of
others wrecked on the coast years before. Two Indians, Wanchese and
Manteo, were brought back to England by Amadas and Barlowe that Raleigh
might learn, first hand, the character of the coastal Indians. Queen
Elizabeth appears to have been pleased by the western exploit, for she
called the new possession Virginia, perhaps at the suggestion of
Raleigh, chief lord of the new territory, whose poetic gift and courtly
tact would prompt him thus to memorialize the virgin queen.