Significance of the Siege
In its relation to the total strategy of the Civil
War, the reduction of Fort Pulaski was important. The blockade directed
against the South was materially strengthened by the acquisition of this
fortress in the mouth of the Savannah River. After the surrender,
Northern troops occupied the fort and commanded the entrance to the
principal port of Georgia. It thus served as one of the many pincers
that throttled the economic life of the South.
When viewed in larger perspective, however, an even
greater significance may be attached to the battle for the once-great
fort. "The result of this bombardment," General Hunter declared in his
report to the Secretary of War, "must cause a change in the construction
of fortifications as radical as that foreshadowed in naval architecture
by the conflict between the Monitor and
Merrimac. No works of stone or brick can resist the impact of
rifled artillery of heavy calibre." Subsequent events verified this
prophetic statement, and the Fort Pulaski incident may be considered one
of the many mileposts in history. The strategy that had guided military
experts had to be revised to meet the threat of a new weapon of war, and
Fort Pulaski, because of the consequent changes, has become an
interesting relic of another age.

"No works of stone or brick can resist the impact of rifled
artillery of heavy calibre." From The Photographic History
of the Civil War.
In the 2 days of battle, 5,275 shot and
shell were fired against the fort, but the breach through the walls was
largely the result of three gunstwo 84-pounder and one
64-pounder James rifles. Solid projectiles from these guns at a
distance of 1,640 yards penetrated the brickwork from 20 to 25
inches with shattering lateral effect. Shots from the other rifles were
erratic in flightsome wabbling, some turning
end-over-endand did little damage when they slammed into the
wall of the fort. Explosive shells from the rifles also played an
important part in reducing the work.
The guns and mortars in the Federal batteries were
served by detachments from the 7th Connecticut Volunteers,
the 3rd Rhode Island Volunteer Artillery, the 46th New York
State Volunteers, and the 8th Maine Volunteers. On the second day of the
bombardment 100 sailors from the frigate Wabash manned four of
the 30-pounder Parrott rifles in Battery Sigel. The accuracy of fire
achieved by the gunners in the 2-day battle is remarkable in view of the
fact that none of them, except the sailors, had had previous experience
in firing.
The quick reduction of Fort Pulaski took the world by
surprise, and, until the details of the battle were available, many
people regarded the surrender with suspicion. In the circumstances,
however, Olmstead's decision was wise. Nothing but glory could have been
obtained by prolonging the battle, and many additional lives might have
been lost. When the Confederates gave up Tybee Island, they abandoned
Pulaski to its fate, for they presented the Union forces with the only
possible battery sites from which the fort could have been reduced. When
Olmstead raised the white flag, the Federals were already preparing an
assault, and within 24 hours they could have thrown more than
10,000 troops against the fort. Opposed by such odds, the handful of men
on Cockspur, no matter how brave they might have been, could have staged
but a brief and pointless resistance.
Pulaski's captured garrison was sent North to
Governor's Island in New York Harbor, where the officers were confined
in Fort Columbus; the men, in Castle Williams. Three months later the
officers were transferred to Johnson's Island near Sandusky, Ohio, and
the men, to Fort Delaware. Many of the prisoners died of pneumonia or
typhoid fever and a considerable number of the privates, because of
family connections in the Northern States or lack of sympathy with the
Confederate cause, took the oath of allegiance to the United States.
In August, most of the men were exchanged at Aiken's Landing on the
James River, 12 miles from Richmond, Va., and were soon back in
Savannah. The officers were exchanged in September at Vicksburg,
The honor of being the first Federal troops to
garrison Fort Pulaski after the surrender was given to the
7th Connecticut Regiment, one company of the 3rd
Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, and a detachment of the Volunteer
Engineers. On June 1 the 7th Connecticut was relieved by the
48th New York, which remained on Cockspur until May 31, 1863.
The so-called honor of garrison duty was tempered with hard work, for,
during the months following the battle, the troops were detailed to
repair the damage caused by the bombardment. The batteries on Tybee
Island were dismantled and some of the guns were added to the armament
of the fort. To ease the tedium of life on a small island, the
48th New York organized a baseball team, a band, and a
dramatic association, and the wives of some of the officers came to live
on Cockspur.
The war continued actively on other fronts, slowly
turning against the South. Weeks, months, and years passed. In June 1863
Pulaski's garrison was reduced to a holding force. Great battles were
fought elsewhereVicksburg, Gettysburg,
Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, the
Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Kennesaw Mountain. In September 1864, Gen.
William Tecumseh Sherman took Atlanta after a long and bloody siege and
prepared to march to Savannah through the breadbasket of the Confederate