Tyuonyi Ruin, with the Big Kiva at left rear, and
the trees of the campground at top of the picture.
Principal Ruins of the National Monument
TYUONYI. On the floor of Frijoles Canyon, a little
upstream from the headquarters museum, is Tyuonyi, the chief building of
the area, and one of the most impressive pueblo ruins in the Rio Grande
drainage. Situated on a level bench of open ground, perhaps 100 feet
from the Rito and 15 feet above the water, Tyuonyi at one time contained
over 400 rooms, to a height of 3 stories in part. Its modern aspect is
greatly reduced in height; although excavated, no walls have been
restored, so that only the ground floor is still evident, with outer and
inner walls standing to a height of 4 or 5 feet throughout.
To appreciate the size and lay-out of Tyuonyi, you
should climb the nearby slope until a bird's-eye view reveals the entire
ground plan of the huge circle. From above, more than 250 rooms can be
counted, placed in concentric rows around a central plaza. The most
massive part of the circle is 8 rooms across, narrowing to 4 rooms in
breadth at the brook side. The 2- and 3-story parts of the building, as
computed from the height of the original rubble, were at the massive
eastern side.
One of the most striking features of Tyuonyi is the
entrance passage through the eastern part of the circle. This passage
was apparently the only access to the central plaza, other than by
ladders across the rooftops. An arrangement of this sort, of course,
suggests a concern for defensive strength on the part of Tyuonyi's
builders; certainly the circle of windowless, doorless walls would have
presented a problem to attackers, once the ladders were drawn up and the
single passageway blocked.
It is believed that a good part of the first-floor
rooms of Tyuonyi were storage chambers of the type previously discussed.
This belief is borne out by the fact that during excavation many of
these rooms were found to be without fireplaces, a condition which would
have made such rooms unlivable in cold weather. The problem of smoke
clearance was very serious in the larger pueblos, since the builders had
no knowledge of modern fireplaces with chimney flues; hence the building
of fires on the lower floors of multistory buildings worked a hardship
on upstairs occupants and must have been avoided whenever possible.
The age of the Tyuonyi construction has been fairly
well established by the tree-ring method of dating, so widely and
successfully used by archeologists in the Southwest. Ceiling-beam
fragments recovered from various rooms give dates between A. D. 1383 and
1466. This general period seems to have been a time of much building in
Frijoles Canyon; a score of tree-ring dates from Rainbow House ruin,
which is down the canyon a half mile, fall in the early and middle
1400's. Perhaps the last construction anywhere in Frijoles Canyon
occurred close to A. D. 1500, with a peak of population reached near
that time or shortly thereafter.