Ancient sandals, made from yucca leaves.
Life of the Early People at Bandelier
CLOTHING. The third basic requirement of the Frijoles
newcomer was clothing, particularly warm clothing to combat the winter.
Traveling into this area in the warm months, presumably, he may or may
not have been able to bring along a full cold-weather wardrobe. If he
did not, the materials to contrive warm clothes were available here for
the taking. Ingenuity and work would have produced the necessary
The obvious coverings were skins and hides of the
game animals which the hunters collected. A bear skin was a most
desirable cold weather protectionbut there were certainly never
enough bear in this part of the country to take care of all the Indian
needs. Other long-haired animals, such as wolf, coyote, fox, and bobcat,
no doubt played a minor part in the clothing schemes of the local
people. But the real mainstay of fur-robe manufacture, of which there is
fragmentary evidence in many ruins, was the lowly rabbit.
Rabbit skins apparently were not used in one piece,
but rather were cut into long strips about one-quarter inch wide. These
strips were then spirally wound about a core of yucca-fiber rope, the
resulting fur cable being woven by loose twining into a pliant and
comfortable blanket. The same technique was used with turkey feathers to
produce an equally warm and much lighter-weight garment. The Bandelier
people for many years domesticated the wild turkey in order to have an
abundant supply of feathers, both for utilitarian and ceremonial
Summer clothing was most conspicuous by its near
absence. Since about A. D. 700, however, the Pueblo world had known
cotton and had developed considerable skill in weaving it, so that the
Frijoles dweller of the 1300's was able to produce such fabric as he
required from cotton, which could be obtained by trade with low-country
people only 50 miles down the Rio Grande. Weaving techniques have
apparently been passed down to the modern Pueblo people from their
prehistoric ancestors. Present-day Pueblo men, particularly in the Hopi
towns of Arizona, produce cotton blankets, belts, and ceremonial
clothing of a very high standard, on looms of the ancient type.
The items of wearing apparel most important to the
early people, perhaps, were sandals. In the Southwest it is difficult,
if not out of the question, to go barefoot outdoors; even the toughened
Indian feet could not have been impervious to cactus spines. A great
deal of time and skill was expended, therefore, in the devising of
footgear. From the days of the Basketmakers, the sandal most in favor
had been woven of yucca, the plant with slender swordlike leaves
sometimes known as Spanish-bayonet. Yucca is to be found in one species
or another throughout the one-time land of the Pueblos. Such intensive
use was made of it by the early people that it is almost surprising that
it could have survived. As mentioned previously, yucca was the favorite
fiber for cordage, and essentially it was cordage which made up the best
types of sandals. A twilled weave of small-diameter cords was carefully
shaped to the foot, the edges were neatly bound, then lashings to tie
around the ankle and over the toes were made to finish the job. A sole
of this sort was durable and had remarkable nonskid qualities, as anyone
who has worn modern rope-soled shoes can testify. Cruder, more quickly
made sandals were plaited together from the unworked blades of the
narrow-leaf yucca, the resulting weave looking rather like modern
palm-frond matting.