A doorway in Montezuma Castle.
Montezuma Castle
Montezuma Castle is one of the best preserved cliff
dwellings in America. About 600 years ago, it was an apartment house
occupied by perhaps 45 or 50 individuals.
The Castle might be called a 5-story structure,
though there is no place where 5 stories have been built directly above
each other. It is actually a 4-story building of 17 rooms, plus a
"basement" of 2 store-rooms. The building was fitted into the ledges of
the natural cave in such a way that it appears terraced. There are 2
rooms in the first story, 4 in the second, 8 in the third, 3 in the
fourth, and 2 in the fifth.
The Indians had 2 trails that led to the Castle: 1
leading up from the creek bottom and the other coming in along the face
of the cliff to the top of the first ledge. Overlooking the point where
the upper and lower trails join are 2 smoke-blackened cave rooms which
are too small to be dwellings. Perhaps these held sentries to guard the
trails at night.
Smoke-blackened ceiling in Montezuma
Geologists believe the cliff has changed but little
since the Indian occupation. If so, the Indians must have used ladders
to make numerous trips to their dwellings each day. In addition,
ladders had to be employed in the building to go from one floor to
another. No original Indian ladders are known to have been found at
Montezuma Castle. Ladders found at other Indian dwellings, however,
indicate that two types were knownsingle logs with notches cut
into them, and a type made by lashing rungs across upright poles.
The walls of Montezuma Castle are formed from rough
chunks of limestone laid in mud mortar which was probably made from
pockets of clay found in the vicinity. After the clay was pulverized and
mixed with river sand and water, it made an excellent mortar. The walls
average about 12 inches thick throughout the building and are curved to
conform to the arc of the cave in which the Castle rests.
Walls were constructed on the very edge of the ledges
with enough earth fill behind to provide level floor space. Since most
of the building material had to be carried up from the base of the
cliff, the individual building stones were rather small, usually no
larger than two bricks. The walls were covered with mud plaster, both
inside and out. Most of this has weathered away on the outside, but the
plaster is well-preserved inside. In some places, finger marks of the
original builders may still be seen.
Vertical cross section of Montezuma Castle.
(click on image for larger size)
Rooms have an average of about 100 square feet of
floor space. The smallest room is in the second story with 37.5 square
feet of floor space, and the largest is in the fifth story with 240
square feet.
What is now the fifth story is in the deepest part of
the cave and apparently was the first part of the Castle to be
constructed. At this point the cave extends in from the face of the
cliff for 33 feet. Solid rock forms the roof and back wall of the room
while the ends and outside wall are of masonry construction. This room
is almost too large to have been a dwelling because it would be hard to
heat in winter, but it might have been intended for joint occupancy by
2 or 3 familiesperhaps while other, smaller rooms were being
Floor plan of Montezuma Castle.
(click on image for larger size)
The Castle was constructed by people who had no metal
tools of any kind. Their picks were pointed stones about as long as an
adult's hand, and their stone axes were about the same size. A shallow
groove was ground three-fourths of the way around these implements; then
a short stick handle was bent in a J-shape and lashed on over the
Some of the roof timbers still bear chopping marks.
With each stroke of the ax the Indian made little progress, and cutting
a large timber must have consumed considerable rime. Some logs are about
1 foot in diameter and up to 10 feet in length. Ropes were probably used
to pull the timbers into place since fragments of fiber ropes have been
found in the excavations. Without pulleys, great physical effort must
have been required to lift the logs into the cave.
Resting on the main rooftimbers and laid at right
angles was a covering of poles and over this a layer of coarse grass or
willows. On top was placed a layer of mud 3 or 4 inches thick. Most of
the original mud floors have been worn our by early visitors.
When the weather was cold, the Indians could safely
build their fires indoors on the floors. However, they sometimes used
one spot for too many years and wore a hole through the mud floor. The
fire would then find its way through to the willows or grass underneath,
and there it could smolder for hours without being discovered because
the odor of smoke was common within the building. There are several
places in the building where fires of this type occurred.
Pioneer visitors supposed that a group of pigmies
constructed the Castle because the doors are so small. This is not the
case. Studies of the skeletal remains show that the men averaged about 5
feet 4 inches in height. Like many modern Pueblo Indians, they were
short but not abnormally small. Doors throughout the building are low
for at least two good reasons: they helped keep out the cold, and they
would also force any attacker to put his head through first or to back
through, which would make it possible for even a woman to defend her
There were scarcely any openings in the building to
supply light and fresh aironly a few close to the floor level. The
Indians had no chairs or tables; like about half of the world's
population today, they lived on the floor. Probably most of the cooking
was done outside on balconies and rooftops, but when weather was cold,
fires were built inside in open pits on the floor. There was no chimney
or smoke vent, so smoke drifted out the door. Much of it stayed in the
rooms, which accounts for the smoke-blackened condition of the walls and
There is now no soot on the ceiling of the largest
fifth-story room. Presumably it was very black at one time, but the
large numbers of bats which cling there in the warm months have probably
rubbed the soot off through years of continuous use. They have long
occupied the room, for pioneers found 4 feet of droppings covering the
An interesting feature of this room is what appears
to have been a shelf. Timbers projecting from the walls were covered
with a layer of poles and sticks and over this a layer of mud.
On the wall of another room is an interesting
pictograph incised in the mud plaster. This roughly rectangular figure
measures about 6 by 8 inches, and is laid off into 4 sections by lines
that intersect at the center. In the upper left quarter and the lower
right quarter are vertical wavy lines that suggest water.
Sixty yards west of Montezuma Castle, on a lower
ledge, was a cluster of 6 or 8 rooms. The walls have all collapsed and
only a few traces of foundation and fallen building stones indicate the
location of these homes.
Metates and manos, and burned ceiling beams as
found in excavated ruin at cliff base west of Montezuma
The next settlement down the creek west of the Castle
was once a 6-story building with perhaps 40 rooms. This was not a cliff
dwelling, but a structure built against the base of the cliff. The roofs
were burned and all the walls collapsed, leaving only a great heap of
rubble. Evidently part of the building was abandoned long before it
burned, for archeologists found that charred roof timbers had fallen on
some floors already covered with drifted sand and dust. This ruin was
excavated in 1933-34 under the direction of Archeologist Earl Jackson.
Many artifacts were brought to light and are now exhibited in the
museum. These are of the same type as those found in the Castle, and
both places must have been occupied at the same time. Probably no more
than 300 Indians lived in the neighborhood of the Castle at any one
timesomewhat more than the maximum population at Montezuma