Beaver Creek north of Montezuma Castle.
The Natural Scene
The landscape of the Verde Valley is wild,
spectacular, and mountainous, dropping from forested mountain ranges
and high mesas down to sparsely vegetated desert valleys with ribbons of
dense growth bordering the valley streams. Clear desert air projects
this rugged scene upon your mind with almost frightening intensity.
Towering thunderheads and filmy streaks of high cirrus clouds emphasize
the harshly blue skies.
Though the desert landscape looks bleak, it nourishes
an astonishing variety of plant and animal life.
Typical plants of the desert flats and slopes are
creosote bush, mesquite, cactus, yucca, and agave. Cottonwood, sycamore,
and several species of willow flourish along streams and washes. You
can see all of these plants within the monument boundariesmany of
them on the nature trail below Montezuma Castle.
The monument, situated on the northern limit of the
Lower Sonoran plant zone, exhibits other plants more typical of the
higher region a few miles to the north where the Upper Sonoran zone
begins. Some of these are hackberry, juniper, summac, and Indian paint
The plant collections at Montezuma Castle include 167
species representing 49 families. The wide variety of plants within
this relatively small area attracts birds and small animals in their
search for food. Undoubtedly these plants were an aid in supplementing
the diet of the prehistoric Indians. Many wild plants were and still are
used by the Indians of the Southwest for other purposesbasketry
and sandal weaving, medicines, and ceremonial uses.
In 1948 a preliminary survey was made of the plants
in the Montezuma Well section 189 different plants representing 60
families were collected in that area alone. The variety of plantlife for
food or other uses, in addition to the amazing water supply, made the
Well a very attractive area for Indian settlement.
Many birds have been observed in the
monument149 bird species have been recorded at the Castle in 19
years of observation; and 140 species have been recorded at the Well
since 1948. Many birds live in the region throughout the year, while
others are seasonal visitors. Ducks and geese are plentiful in the
winter, particularly at Montezuma Well, where they rest between their
long flights.
The animals and reptiles of the monument are typical
of this desert area. Most common are jackrabbit, cottontail rabbit,
porcupine, raccoon, beaver, skunk, ground squirrel, rock squirrel,
rattlesnake, bull snake, and water snake. Other forms of life which are
present in the summer are lizard, black widow spider, tarantula,
scorpion, centipede, and cicada (locust).
Collared lizards.
As long as you are reasonably careful about where you
step and avoid putting your hands on ledges or in crevices, none of the
poisonous species presents any danger.
Nature's calendar of events for this area might read
as follows:
AutumnCrisp, clear weather; time for the
departure of summer birds and arrival of winter ducks; beginning of the
hibernation period for snakes, lizards, and insects; termination of
autumn flowers.
WinterUsually mild with occasional snow
flurries; glimpses of deer and antelope coming off the mountains into
the valley; continual traffic southward of ducks and geese on migration
lanes; dominance of large flocks of juncos throughout the area.
Spring High winds and occasional rains;
spring flowers coloring the slopes and mesas; influx of insects along
with insect-catching birds and lizards; appearance of snakes and
rodents; departure of ducks for northern breeding grounds.
SummerHeat and occasional thunderstorms
to match the drama of the survival of the fittestinsects feeding
on flowers and plants; birds and lizards feeding on insects; rodents
feeding on seeds and eggs; snakes feeding on rodents; hawks and owls
feeding on snakes and rodents; the scavenger of the desert, the vulture,
cleaning up wherever he finds his meal; and the skunk continually
knocking over the garbage pail.