Events Preceding the Assassination
At noon, Booth walked to Ford's Theatre, where it was
his custom to have his mail delivered. Several letters were handed him,
and he seated himself on the doorsill to read them. After half an hour,
Booth walked on. During this time he was told by Harry C. Ford that the
President and General Grant would be at the theatre that evening.
Booth then went to the livery stable of James W.
Pumphrey, on C Street in the rear of the National Hotel, and engaged a
small bay mare which he called for at about 4 o'clock. Sometime later he
put the horse in his stable in the rear of Ford's Theatre. Edman
Spangler, the stage hand, and Joseph "Peanuts" Burroughs, who
distributed bills and was stage doorkeeper at Ford's Theatre, were in
charge of the stable.
Shortly after 9 o'clock, Booth came to the back door
of the theatre and called for Spangler to hold his horse. Spangler was
one of the scene-shifters and his almost continuous presence was
required at his post. As soon as Booth passed inside, Spangler called
for "Peanuts" Burroughs to watch the horse.
Booth crossed underneath the stage to an exit leading
to Tenth Street and entered the saloon of Peter Taltavull, adjoining the
theatre on the south. Instead of his customary brandy, Booth ordered
whisky and a glass of water.
Booth walked out and entered the theatre lobby. He
was in and out of the lobby several times and once asked the time of the
doorkeeper, John Buckingham. A short time later, at 10:10 p. m., he
reentered the lobby, ascended the stairs and passed around the dress
circle to the vestibule door leading to the President's box.
Before reaching the door, Booth paused, took off his
hat, leaned against the wall, and made a leisurely survey of the
audience and stage. The play was now nearing the close of the second
scene of Act 3. According to witnesses, Booth took a card from his
pocket and handed it to Charles Forbes, who occupied Seat 300, the one
nearest the vestibule door. He then stepped down one step, put his hand
on the door of the corridor, and placed his knee against it. It opened
and Booth entered, closing it behind him.
As it had no lock, Booth placed a pine bar against
the door and anchored the other end in a mortise cut into the outside
brick wall of the building. This precaution was taken to prevent anyone
in the dress circle from following. A small hole which had been bored in
the door of Box 7, directly in back of Lincoln, enabled the assassin to
view the position of the President and the action on the stage. The
actor had free access to the theatre at all times. It is probable that
the hole in the door and the mortise in the wall were cut by Booth
sometime after the rehearsal on April 14.
The actor timed his entrance into the box when only
one person was on the stage. The lone figure of Harry Hawk, playing the
part of Asa Trenchard, was standing at the center of the stage in front
of the curtained doorway at the tragic moment. Miss Clara Harris and
Major Rathbone were intent upon the play and Mrs. Lincoln laughed at the
words being spoken by Harry Hawk: "Don't know the manners of good
society, eh? Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old
galyou sockdologizing old mantrap." These words were probably the
last heard by Abraham Lincoln.