Scene at the death bed of President Lincoln. The
figures, from left to right: Secretary Welles, Secretary Stanton,
physician, Secretary Dennison, Charles Sumner, Surgeon- General Barnes,
Robert Lincoln, General Halleck, John Hay, General Meigs and physicians
on chairs. (Harper's Weekly, May 6, 1865.)
Death of Lincoln
Throughout the night Cabinet members, physicians, and
distinguished men watched at Lincoln's bedside. All of the Cabinet
officers were there, except Seward. At least six doctors were also in
the room. Surg. Gen. Joseph K. Barnes and Dr. Robert K. Stone, the
family physician, probed the wound and found it to be mortal.
Assisted by Major Rathbone, Miss Harris, and Laura
Keene, Mrs. Lincoln followed her husband across to the Petersen House.
Major Rathbone fainted from loss of blood and was taken home. Mrs.
Lincoln occupied the front parlor and here was secluded from the
curious. Going to Lincoln's bedside from time to time, her anguish and
grief increased with each view of her dying husband. Sometime before his
death, his labored breathing and change of countenance so affected her
that she fell in a faint so prolonged that a physician ordered that she
not be permitted again to enter the room.
In the back parlor, members of the Cabinet conferred,
and here Secretary of War Stanton began his investigation of the
assassination and interviewed witnesses of the tragedy. Vice President
Andrew Johnson visited the President's bedside during the night but
departed before the end.
About 7 o'clock in the morning, April 15, 1865, Dr.
Stone announced that death was near, and at 7:22 a. m. the President
died. The Reverend Phineas D. Gurley, pastor of the New York Avenue
Presbyterian Church, offered a prayer and Secretary of War Stanton
approached the bed and is said to have uttered the enduring words "Now
he belongs to the ages."