AppendixCommon and Scientific Names of
This list of common names and their scientific
(Latin) equivalents includes only those plants in the monument that are
mentioned in the next. With minor exceptions, authority for the
scientific names of all plants and for the common names of all plants
except trees is the second edition (1942) of Standardized Plant
Names, edited by Harlan P. Kelsey and William A. Dayton. Authority
for common names of trees is Check List of Native and Naturalized
Trees of the United States (Including Alaska), by Elbert L. Little,
Jr., (U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook No. 41, published in
Bluestem, littleAndropogon scoparius
BuffalograssBuchloe dactyloides
Gramma, blueBouteloua gracilis
Gramma, sideoatsBouteloua curtipendula
Needle-and-threadStipa comata
Sandreed, prairieCalamovilfa longifolia
Sedge, threadleafCarex filifolia
Wheatgrass, bluestemAgropyron smithi
BoxelderAcer negundo
Buffaloberry, silverShepherdia argentea
Chokecherry, Common Prunus virginiana
Cottonwood, plainsPopulus sargentii
Elm, AmericanUlmus americana
Juniper, Rocky MountainJuniperus scopulorum
Crazyweed, LambertOxytropis lamberti
Erysimum, plainsErysimum asperum
Euphorbia, snow-on-the-mountainEuphorbia marginata
Evening-primrose, tuftedOenothera caespitosa
Fleabane, fernleafErigeron compositus
Globemallow, scarletSphaeralcea coccinea
LocoAstragalus missouriensis
Mariposa, segolilyCalochortus nuttallii
Pasqueflower, AmericanAnemone ludoviciana
PenstemonsPenstemon sp.
Phlox, HoodsPhlox hoodi
Prairie-coneflower, uprightRatibida columnaris
Prickly pear, commonOpuntia vulgaris
Rose, Fendler woodsRosa woodsi fendleri
Starlily, commonLeucocrinum montanum
Sweetclover, whiteMelilotus alba
Sweetclover, yellowMelilotus officinalis
Thermopsis, prairieThermopsis rhombifolia
Violet, CanadaViola canadensis
Yarrow, westernAchillea lanulosa