Animal Life
A national park is a spacious natural reserve, and in
it those creatures which have survived through the past are protected
from harm by humans. They are not protected from each other, there being
no attempt to change natural relationships of predator and prey.
Since the animals are in their natural habitats, and
not in cages, you may not be able to see at close range the kinds of
animals you may want to see at any time you like. Instead, you must
carefully watch for them at their convenience, not yours. This requires
a bit of time, but is a boon to the observant outdoorsman. An occasional
glimpse of a bull elk grazing free in his native meadow may be more
satisfying than the most detailed inspection of a confined creature in a
zoological garden. Our society needs both types of experiences.
Although there are about 35 species of mammals in the
park, this booklet can present brief descriptions of only a few of those
likely to be of greatest interest.

The largest of our mammals is known either as ROCKY
MOUNTAIN ELK, or WAPITI. We shall use the name, elk, in this booklet. It
is really a "big deer"distinctly larger than our local mule deer
and usually with a more reddish or brownish coat. The elk were almost
exterminated here by ruthless hunting in prepark days. Small bands
introduced here in 1913 and 1914 from Yellowstone National Park made
possible the present herd of over 800 elk.
During summer, the elk are usually high in the
mountains taking advantage of the lush grass of the widespread tundra or
the forest glades. Their food consists mostly of grass, herbs, and twigs
of woody plants. The summer is a short but prosperous time for these
animals. Usually by early autumn, fierce storms in the high country put
an end to days of ample forage and most of the elk move down into the
relatively small and few lower meadows. In late September, as the mating
season begins and the bulls fight for possession of the herds, large
groups of elk can be seen in such places as Horseshoe Park and Beaver
Meadows. This is when the challenging bugle of the bulls can be heard,
echoing across the valleys. In November, this period ends and the more
prosaic struggle for survival on the limited winter range begins.
Formerly, during the winter, the elk could scatter
well below the present site of Estes Park village; now they are "bottled
up" within the park meadows, because of the encircling human
developments. Or perhaps these introduced elk and their descendants
never developed a more extensive winter migration pattern, for the more
venturesome individuals among them would have been killed or harried by
hunters in the lower country east of the park. In any case, today the
bulk of them do not move out of the park.
Times are hard for the elk until spring permits their
return to the high country, where ample feed awaits them. Grave concern
is felt by wildlife experts about the winter food shortages confronting
this species. Without deliberate control by the park rangers, in order
to keep the population at a level which can be supported by the limited
and overused vegetation of the park's winter ranges, the herd itself
would face mass starvation. The absence or near disappearance from this
region of some of the most effective predators of the elkthe
mountain lion, wolf, and grizzly bearhas removed most of the
aboriginal population controls.
Whether you visit the park in summer or winter, you
should be able to see elkat least with binoculars. In summer
(especially in the evenings) you may see them along the Trail Ridge
Highway, emerging from the forests below Fall River Pass or the Rock Cut
area. The cirque below the Fall River Pass exhibit room is a good place
to look for them with binoculars. From mid-September until March or
April, herds of elk are normally to be seen in Beaver Meadows, Horseshoe
Park, and in the meadows north of Grand Lake, but it often requires
patience and some keenness as an observer.

It should be easier to see the MULE DEER which are a
familiar sight in many areas in early morning or evening, even in
midsummer. Hikers encounter them on the trails throughout the park. When
alarmed, they escape, characteristically bounding from all four feet at
once and hopping away in graceful jumps. This odd movement is helpful
for ascending rocky slopes and in traversing brush and tall herbage.
The males of both deer and elk grow antlers annually.
For a short period in late winter and spring they have no antlers at
all, but by June the new growths begin, getting larger and larger until
August, when they attain full size. Until then, the antlers are "in
velvet"with a soft, hairy coveringwhich dries up and peels
or is rubbed off. Often the animal is aided by rubbing the antlers
against trees and branches. Many "rubbing" trees can be seen along the
trails. With polished, full-sized antlers, the mating season is entered,
and these majestic adornments are worn until the season of shedding.
Most of the discarded antlers contain much salt and calcium and are
eaten by porcupines and other rodents. Therefore, few shed antlers are
seen by visitors, although at first thought one would expect to find
them everywhere.
During the summer, deer are seen singly or in small
groups browsing in the higher country, and, like the elk, descend into
the lower meadows in autumn. They, too, find the winter difficult,
because of limited range. Deer are browsing animals eating such things
as willow, aspen, antelope bitterbrush, and even pine needles. Much of
their natural food has been overbrowsed, and this condition has helped
to make "beggars" of many of them. It is not unusual to see them in the
streets of Estes Park village or near the town garbage dump looking for
something to eat. June, however, brings the lush green vegetation on
which they regain their strength. That month also is the fawning time.
The spotted youngsters are usually hidden in the woods and are nursed
twice a day by the mother, who stays nearby but out of sight. Sometimes
well-meaning visitors report an abandoned baby deer. In most instances,
the fawn has not been abandoned; the visitors merely failed to see the
mother in the background. Fawns, which keep their spots until autumn,
run with the mother until the next spring.

The greatest thrill for many park visitors is when a
BIGHORN, or MOUNTAIN SHEEP, comes close enough to be photographed;
however, those occasions are rare. Like most wild animals of the West,
the bighorn was on the verge of extinction 40 years ago, but, thanks to
various conservation measures, it is no longer in jeopardy. Formerly,
bighorns were distributed throughout the park and beyond to the
foothills. Today, they are largely restricted, by man's necessary
settlement of the land, to portions of the park remote from man's
developments. Most visitorswhen they get to see them at
allspot bighorn near Milner Pass, on the Trail Ridge Road, on
Specimen Mountain, or in the Mummy Range. During June, and again in the
autumn, they are sometimes seen near Sheep Lake (in Horseshoe Park),
usually in small family groups of ewes and lambs. Most successful
pictures of them have been made in this vicinity in the early