The Extensive Back Country
Although it contains the most spectacular desert
features and is the only part readily accessible by automobile, the
Cactus Forest includes only a small part of the monument's area of about
100 square miles. The remainder consists of the extensive
grass-and-chaparral-covered slopes of the Tanque Verde hills. These lead
up to the imposing, forested highlands of the Rincon Mountains extending
all the way across the eastern end of the monument. From Wrong Peak
(7,767 feet above sea level) on the southern border to Mica Mountain
(8,590 feet above sea level) just inside the northern boundary, the
Rincon Range towers more than a mile above the surrounding desert. In
winter, the crest of this lofty cloud-barrier is frequently whitened
with a blanket of snow. In summer, the temperature at monument
headquarters in the desert (3,090 feet) drops below 100° only at
night, but high in the Rincons cool breezes whisper among the branches
of firs, pines, and aspens.

The saguaro blossom, Arizona's state flower.
The abrupt change of almost 6,000 feet from the level
of the Cactus Forest to the summit of Mica Mountain has a profound
influence on precipitation and temperature within the monument. This is
reflected in the marked difference in type of vegetation you will find
in going from the hot, dry desert at the foot of the mountains to the
cool, moist forests along their crest. Much of Saguaro's back country
has never been scientifically explored and accurate information about
many of the plants and animals to be found there is extremely meager.
This extensive hinterland affords an excellent opportunity for natural
history research with National Park Service protection policies assuring
the researcher that he will find undisturbed natural relationships among
plants and animals.