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Common and Scientific Names of Plants and Animals

This list of common names and their scientific (Latin) equivalents includes only those plants and animals that are mentioned in the text. With a few exceptions (those marked K. & P.), the authority for the scientific names of all plants, and for the common names of all plants except trees, is the second edition (1942) of Standardized Plant Names, edited by Harlan P. Kelsey and William A. Dayton. "K. & P." refers to the authors of the second edition with supplement (1960) of Arizona Flora by Thomas H. Kearney and Robert H. Peebles. Authority for the common names of trees is Check List of Native and Naturalized Trees of the United States (Including Alaska), by Elbert L. Little, Jr. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook No. 41, published in 1953). Scientific and common names of birds are based on the American Ornithologists' Union Check-List of North American Birds, Fifth Edition, 1957; and for amphibians and reptiles, on the sixth edition, 1953, of A Check List of North American Amphibians and Reptiles by Karl P. Schmidt. Authority for scientific names of mammals is List of Recent North American Mammals, published in 1955 as Bulletin 205 of the U.S. National Museum, whereas the common names of mammals are based on The Mammal Guide, 1954, by Ralph S. Palmer, or on A Field Guide to Mammals, 1952, by William Henry Burt and Richard Philip Grossenheider.

Whenever there is a conflict in spelling between any of the above-listed authorities and the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, the style manual takes precedence.


Agave—Agave schottii. (K. &P.)
Ajo oak—Quercus ajoensis.
Alfilaria—Erodium cicutarium.
Amaranth—Amaranthus palmerii. (K. &P.)
Arizona jumping cholla—Opuntia bigelovii.
Arizona-rosewood—See Torrey vauquelinia.
Arrowweed pluchea—Pluchea sericea.
Barrelcactus—See Southwest barrel cactus and California barrelcactus.
Beloperone—See California beloperone.
Big galleta—Hilaria rigida.
Big saltbush—Atriplex lentiformis.
Bisnaga—Echinocactus visnaga.
Blue paloverde—Cercidium floridum.
Brittlebush—See White brittlebush.
Broom baccharis—Baccharis sarathroides.
Bulb cloak fern—Notholaena sinuata.
Bur-sage—See Triangle bur-sage and White bur-sage.
Bursera—Bursera microphylla.
California barrelcactus—Ferocactus ocanthodes.
California beloperone—Beloperone californica.
California jojoba—Simmondsia chinensis.
Caltrop—Kallstroemia grandifiora. (K. &P.)
Carelessweed—See Amaranth.
Catclaw acacia—Acacia greggii.
Cattail—Typha domingensis. (K. &P.)
Cattle saltbush—Atriplex polycarpa.
Centuryplant—See Agave.
Chinchweed—See Pectis.
Christmas cholla—See Tesajo.
Chuperosa—See California beloperone.
Cliffbrake—Pellaea longimucronata. (K. &P.)
Cloakfern—See Bulb cloakfern.
Copperleaf—Acalypha pringlei. (K.&P.)
Coville creosotebush—Larrea tridentata.
Creosotebush—See Coville creosote-bush.
Crimson monkeyflower—Mimulus cardinalis.
Crucifixion-thorn—See Holacantha.
Datil yucca—Yucca baccata.
Deerhorncactus—Peniocereus greggii.
Desert baileya—Baileya multiradiata.
Desert broom—See Broom baccharis.
Desert-chicory—Rafinesquia neomexicana. (K. &P.)
Desert globemallow—See Globemallow.
Desertgold—Geraea canescens.
Desert-honeysuckle—See California beloperone.
Desert Indian-wheat—Plantago fastigiata.
Desert-ironwood—See Tesota.
Desertlily—Hesperocallis undulata.
Desert-marigold—See Desert baileya.
Desert-olive forestiera—Forestiera phillyrcoides.
Desert sandverbena—Abronia villosa.
Desert-sunflower—See Desertgold.
Desert tobacco—Nicotiana trigonophylla.
Elephanttree—See Bursera.
Engelmann echinocereus—Echinocereus engelmannii.
Engelmann pricklypear—Opuntia engelmannii.
Escobita owlclover—Orthocarpus purpurascens.
Evening-primrose—Oenothera sp.
Fairy duster—See Falsemesquite calliandra.
Falsemesquite calliandra—Calliandra eriophylla.
Filaree—See Alfilaria.
Flat-sedge—Cyperus laevigatus.
Foothill paloverde—See Yellow paloverde.
Fremont cottonwood—Populus fremontii.
Globemallow—Sphaeralcea sp.
Gold fern—Pityrogramma triongularis.
Grama—Bouteloua sp.
Gray oak—Quercus grisea.
Greasewood—See Coville creosote-bush.
Gum bumelia—Bumelia lanuginosa.
Hedgehog cactus—See Engelmann echinocereus.
Holacantha—Holacantha emoryi.
Holycross cholla—Opuntia ramosissima.
Honey mesquite—Prosopis juliflora var. glandulosa.
Inland saltgrass—Distichlis stricta.
Iodinebush—See Pickleweed.
Ironwood—See Tesota.
Jointfir—See Nevada ephedra and Longleaf ephedra.
Jumping-bean sapium—Sapium biloculore.
Lipfern—Cheilanthes lindheimeri.
Littleleaf paloverde—See Yellow paloverde.
Littleleaf penstemon—Penstemon microphyllus.
Longleaf ephedra—Ephedra trifurca.
Lupine—Lupinus sparsiflorus and Lupinus concinnus.
Marigold—See Desert baileya.
Mescat acacia—Acacia constricta.
Mesquite—See Honey mesquite.
Mesquite American-mistlesoe—Phoradendron californicum.
Mexican bluewood—See Mexican condalia.
Mexican condalia—Condalia mexicana.
Mexican goldpoppy—Eschscholtzia mexicana.
Mexican nettlespurge—Jatropha cinerea. (K. &P.)
Mexican tea—See Longleaf ephedra.
Mistletoe—See Mesquite American-mistletoe.
Nama—Nama demissum. (K. &P.)
Nettlespurge—Jatropha cardiophylla. (K. &P.)
Nevada ephedra—Ephedra nevadensis.
Oakwoods gooseberry—Ribes quercetorum.
Ocotillo—Fouquieria splendens.
Olney bulrush—Scirpus olneyi.
One-seed juniper—Juniperus monosperma.
Organpipe cactus—Lemaireocereus thurberi.
Paloverde—See Blue paloverde and Yellow paloverde.
Pectis—Pectis papposa. (K. &P.)
Pencil cholla—Opuntia arbuscula. (K. &P.)
Phacelia—Phacelia crenulata. (K. &P.)
Pickleweed—Allenrolfea occidentalis.
Purple roll-leaf—See Nama.
Quailplant—See Salt heliotrope.
Queen-of-the-night—See Deerhorn-cactus.
Rattail cholla—See Holycross cholla.
Redberry buckshorn—Rhamnus crocea.
Rosinbrush—See Broom baccharis.
Saguaro—Cereus giganteus.
Saltbush—See Cattle saltbush.
Salt heliotrope—Heliotropium curassavicum.
Sangre-de-drago—See Nettlespurge.
Sapium—See Jumping-bean sapium.
Sapote—See Gum bumelia.
Scarlet spiderling—Boerhaavia coccinea.
Seepwillow baccharis—Baccharis glutinosa.
Senita—Lophocereus schottii. (K. &P.)
Shrub live oak—Quercus turbinella.
Silver cholla—See Arizona jumping cholla.
Sinita—See Senita.
Skunkbush sumac—Rhus trilobata.
Sonora jumping cholla—Opuntia fulgida.
Smokethorn—Dalea spinosa.
Southwest barrelcactus—Ferocactus wislizenii.
Spiderling—Boerhaavia sp.
Spiny hackberry—Celtis pallida.
Spurge—Euphorbia sp.
Summer-poppy—See Caltrop.
Sundrops—See Evening-primrose.
Tackstem—Calycoseris wrightii. (K. &P.)
Teddybear cholla—See Arizona jumping cholla.
Tesajo—Opuntia leptocaulis.
Tesota—Olneya tesota.
Texas mulberry—Morus microphylla.
Torrey vauquelinia—Vauquelinia californica.
Tree tobacco—Nicotiana glauca.
Triangle bur-sage—Franseria deltoidea.
Utah juniper—Juniperus osteosperma.
Velvet mesquite—Prosopis juliflora var. velutina.
White brittlebush—Encelia farinosa.
White burrobrush—Hymenoclea salsola.
White bursage—Franseria dumosa.
Wildheliotrope—See Phacelia.
Wolfberry—Lycium fremontii.
Yellow beardtongue—See Littleleaf penstemon.
Yellow-flowered gooseberry—See Oakwoods gooseberry.
Yellow paloverde—Cercidium microphyllum.
Yerba-de-fleche—See Jumping-bean sapium.


Antelope—See Pronghorn.
Badger—Taxidea taxus.
Bighorn—Ovis canadensis.
Black-tailed jackrabbit—Lepus californicus.
Bobcat—Lynx rufus.
Coues deer—See White-tailed deer.
Coyote—Canis latrans.
Desert cottontail—Sylviligus auduboni.
Desert woodrat—Neotoma lepida.
Gray fox—Urocyon cinereoargenteus.
Javelina—See Peccary.
Kangaroo rat—Dipodomys merriami and other species.
Kit fox—Vulpes velox.
Long-nosed bat—Leptonycteris nivalis.
Mountain sheep—See Bighorn.
Mule deer—Odocoileus hemionus.
Peccary—Pecari angulatus.
Pronghorn—Antilocapra americana.
Ringtail—Bassariscus astutus.
Round-tailed ground squirrel—Citellus tereticaudus.
Skunk Hog-nosed—Conepatus leuconotus.
Hooded—Mephitis macroura.
Sposted—Spilogale putorius.
Striped—Mephitis mephitis.
White-tailed deer—Odocoileus virginianus cousei.
White-throated woodrat—Neotoma albigula.


American coot—Fulica americana.
American widgeon—Mareca americana.
Baldpate—See American widgeon.
Belted kingfisher—Megaceryle alcyon.
Bendire's thrasher—Toxostoma bendirei.
Black-throated sparrow—Amphispiza bilineata deserticola.
Black phoebe—Sayornis nigricans.
Black-tailed gnatcatcher—Polioptila melanura lucida.
Black vulture—Coragyps atratus.
Brewer's sparrow—Spizella breweri breweri.
Cactus wren—Campylorhynchus brunneicapillum couesi.
Brown-headed cowbird—Molothrus ater.
Brown towhee—Pipilo fuscus.
Canyon wren—Catherpes mexicanus conspersus.
Cardinal—Richmondena cardinalis superba.
Chipping sparrow—Spizella passerina arizonae.
Cooper's hawk—Accipiter cooperii.
Coos—See American coot.
Crissal thrasher—Toxostoma dorsale.
Curve-billed thrasher—Toxostoma curvirostre palmeri.
Desert sparrow hawk—See Sparrow hawk.
Elf owl—Micrathene whitneyi.
Ferruginous owl—Glaucidium brasilianum cactorum.
Gambel's quail—Lophortyx gambelii gambelii.
Gila woodpecker—Ceuturus uropygialis.
Gilded flicker—Colaptes chrysoides mearnsi.
Gnatcatcher—See Black-tailed gnat-catcher.
Golden eagle—Aquila chrysaetos.
Great horned owl—Bubo virginianus pallescens.
Grebe—See Pied-billed grebe.
Heron—Ardea sp. and Nycticorax sp.
Horned owl—See Great horned owl.
House finch—Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis.
Killdeer—Charadrius vociferus.
Kingfisher—See Belted kingfisher.
Lark bunting—Calamospiza melanocorys.
Lesser scaup—Aythya affinis.
Linnet—See House finch.
Mallard—Anas platyrhynchos.
Mockingbird—Mimus polyglottos leucopterus.
Mourning dove—Zenaidura macroura marginella.
Phainopepla—Phainopepla nitens lepida.
Pied-billed grebe—Podilymbus podiceps podiceps.
Pyrrhuloxia—Pyrrhuloxia sinuata fulvescens.
Redhead duck—Aythya americana.
Red-sailed hawk—Buteo jamaicensis calurus.
Roadrunner—Geococcyx californianus.
Rock wren—Salpinctes obsoletus.
Sage thrasher—Oreoscoptes montanus.
Sandpipers—Tringa solitaria and other species.
Snipe—Capella gallinago.
Sparrow hawk—Falco sparverius.
Swainson's hawk—Buteo swainsoni.
Swallows—Petrochelidon sp., Stelgidopterix sp.
Teal—Anas sp.
Turkey vulture—Cathartes aurateter.
Verdin—Auriparus flaviceps acaciarum.
Vermilion flycatcher—Pyrocephalus rubinus flammeus.
Vireo—Vireo sp.
Warblers—Dendroica sp.
White-crowned sparrow—Zonatrschia leucophrys.
White-winged dove—Zenaida asiatica mearnsi.
Wood ibis—Mycteria americana.


Arizona zebra-tailed lizard—Callisaurus draconoides ventralis.
Checkered whiptail—Cnemidophorus tessellatus.
Chuckwalla—Sauromalus obesus.
Couch's spadefoot—Scaphiopus couchi.
Crested lizard—See Desert iguana.
Desert iguana—Dipsosaurus dorsalis dorsalis.
Gila monster—Heloderma suspectum.
Mojave rattlesnake—Crotalus scutulatus.
Racerunner—See Checkered whip-tail.
Cone-nose—Triatoma rubida.
  See Mojave rattlesnake.
  See Sidewinder.
  See Western diamondback rattlesnake.
Red-spotted toad—Bufo punctatus.
Sidewinder—Crotalus cerastes.
Sonora spiny lizard—Sceloporus clarki clarki.
Spiny lizard—See Sonora spiny lizard.
Western diamondback rattlesnake—Crotalus atrox.
Western red racer—Masticophis flagellum frenatus.


Honey bee—Apis mellifica.
Termites—Kalotermes, Amitermes, and Reticulitermes sp.
White ant—See Termites.


Desert pupfish—Cyprinodon macularius.


Desert hairy scorpion—Hadrurus hirsutus.

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Last Modified: Sat, Nov 4 2006 10:00:00 pm PST