The shimmering waters of the everglades creep silently down the tip
of Florida under warm subtropical skies. In a vast, shallow sheet this
lazy river idles through tall grasses and shadowy forests, easing over
alligator holes and under bird rookeries, finally mingling with the
salty waters of Florida Bay and the Gulf of Mexico in the mangrove
swamps. From source to sea, all across the shallow breadth of this
watery landscape, life abounds.
Everglades National Park is to most Americans an Eden
where birds, mammals, reptiles, and orchids find sanctuary. Sunshine
sparkles on sloughs teeming with fish, and on marshes where wildflowers
bloom the year around; it shines on tree islands where birds roost and
deer bed down. In this semitropical garden of plant-and-animal
communities, every breeze-touched glade, every cluster of trees is a
separate world in which are tucked yet smaller worlds of such complexity
that even ecologists have not learned all their intricate
This book has been written to help you see how the
many pieces of this ecological puzzle fit together to form a complex,
ever-changing, closely woven web of plants, animals, rock, soil, sun,
water, and air.

(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)