Everglades National Park, with its array of plant
communitiesranging from the pines and palmettos rooted in the pitted
limestone bedrock of the park's dry uplands, through the
periphyton-based marsh community and the brackish mangrove swamp, to the
highly saline waters of Florida Bayis an amateur botanist's paradise.
Many of the park's plants are found nowhere else in the United States.
Only here at the southern tip of the Florida peninsula do tropical trees
and orchids mingle with oaks and pines.
This book is not intended to be a manual for
identification of the Everglades plants. You will need to arm yourself
with appropriate field guides to ferns, orchids, aquatic plants, trees,
or whatever your special interest may be. The reading list in the
appendix suggests a few.
While the park is a mecca for students of plantlife,
you must keep one thing in mind: your collecting will be limited to
photographs (and, if you're an artist, drawings). No specimens may be
removed or disturbed. Fortunately, with today's versatile cameras
and high-quality color films you can take home a complete and accurate
record of your plant discoveries.

BIRDS AND REPTILES. (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
Much of our present knowledge of Everglades plantlife
has been garnered by amateurs. Much more needs to be accumulated before
an environmental management program for the park can be perfected, and
serious students of botany are invited to make their data available to
the park staff.
As for wild animals, one hardly needs to look for
them in this park! Most visitors come here, at least partly, for that
reason. And even those not seeking wildlife should be alert to avoid
stepping on or running down the slower or less wary creatures. But
animal watching is a great pastime, and it pays to learn to do it right.
A few suggestions may help you make the most of your experience in
A notebook in which to record your observations will
help you discover that this park is not just a landscape of grass,
water, and trees where a lot of animals happen to livebut a complex,
subtropical world of plant-and-animal communities, each distinct and yet
dependent upon the others. To gain real understanding of this world you
will need certain skills and some good habits. Ability to identify what
you seewith the help of good field guides (see reading
list) and quite a bit of practicewill make things easier and much more
Knowing where to look for the animals helps; this
book and the field guides are useful for this. You'll find that some
species are seen only in certain parts of the park, while others roam
far and wide. Don't look for the crocodile in the fresh-water gladesnor
for the round-tailed muskrat in the mangroves. On the other hand, don't
be surprised to see the raccoon or its tracks in almost any part of the
Keep in mind that all species in the national parks
are protected by law. Most wild animals are harmless as long as they are
not molested. If you encounter an animal you aren't sure about, simply
keep out of its way; don't try to harm it or drive it off. Always
remember that each animal is part of the Everglades community; you
cannot disturb it without affecting everything else.