Appendix (continued)
ALGAE: (pronounced "AL-jee") A group of plants
(singular: ALGA, pronounced "AL-ga"), one-celled or many-celled, having
chlorophyll, without roots, and living in damp places or in water.
BRACKISH WATER: Mixed fresh and salt water. Many
species of plants and animals of marine and fresh-water habitats are
adapted to life in estuaries and coastal swamps and marshes, where the
water varies greatly in degree of salinity. Some animal species can be
found in all three habitats.
BROMELIAD: A plant of the pineapple family. Many
bromeliads are air plants, growing (not parasitically) on the trunks and
branches of other plants, or even, as in the case of "Spanish moss, on
telephone wires.
COMMUNITY: The living part of the ecosystem; an
assemblage of plants and animals living in a particular area or physical
habitat. It can be as small as a decaying log, with its variety of
mosses, insect larvae, burrowing beetles, ants, etc.; or as large as a
forest of hundreds of square miles.
DECIDUOUS TREES: Trees that shed their leaves
annually. Most hardwood trees are deciduous; some conifers, such as
larches and baldcypresses, are deciduous.
ECOLOGY: The study of the relationship of living
things to one another and to their physical environment.
ECOSYSTEM: A community and its habitatfor example,
all the plants and animals of the sawgrass marsh, with the limestone
base, soil, water, and other physical components, in an interacting
ENVIRONMENT: All the external conditions, such as
soil, water, air, and organisms, surrounding a living thing.
ESTIVATION: A prolonged dormant or sleeplike state
that enables an animal to survive the summer in a hot climate. As in
hibernation, breathing and heartbeat slow down, and the animal neither
eats nor drinks.
ESTUARY: The portion of a river or coastal wetland
affected by the rise and fall of the tide, containing a graded mixture
of fresh and salt water.
EVERGLADE: A tract of marshy land covered in places
with tall grasses. (In this book, "the everglades" refers to the river
of grass; "Everglades" refers to the park, which contains other habitats
besides everglades.)
FOOD CHAIN: A series of plants and animals linked by
their food relationships, beginning with a green plant and ending with a
HABITAT: The place where an organism lives; the
immediate surroundings, living and unliving, of an organism. The habitat
of the pine warbler is the pinelands; the habitat of an internal
parasite of this bird is the body of the warbler.
HAMMOCK: A dense growth of broad-leaved trees on a
slightly elevated area, not wet enough to be a swamp. In the park,
hammocks are surrounded either by pineland or by marshland (glades).
HARDWOOD TREES: Trees with broad leaves (as opposed
to conebearing trees, which have needles or scales). Most hardwood trees
are deciduous, though many in south Florida retain their leaves
throughout the year.
KEY: A reef or low-lying island. In south Florida,
the term "key" is often also applied to hammocks or pinelands. which
occupy areas where the limestone is raised above the surrounding
LIMESTONE: A sedimentary rock derived from the shells
and skeletons of animals deposited in seas, and consisting mostly of
calcium carbonate. Soluble in water having a slight degree of acidity,
it is often characterized by caverns and, in the everglades, by a very
pitted surface. The rock underlying most of the park is the Miami Oolite
(pronounced OH-uh-lite), formed during a recent glacial period. Oolitic
limestone is composed of tiny round concretions, only indirectly derived
from marine shells.
MANGROVE: Any of a group of tropical or subtropical
trees, growing in estuaries and other low-lying coastal areas, usually
producing aerial roots or prop roots and often forming dense growths
over a large area. In south Florida there are four species, belonging to
three different families.
MARSH: A wetland, salt or fresh, where few if any
trees and shrubs grow, characterized by grasses and sedges; in
fresh-water marshes, cattails are common.
MARL: In this book, used in the sense of a deposit of
mixed limestone and smaller amounts of clay; south Florida marls are
sometimes called lime muds.
PEAT: Partly decayed, moisture-absorbing plant matter
accumulated in bogs, swamps, etc.
PREDATOR: An animal that lives by capturing other
animals for food.
SLOUGH: A channel of slow-moving water in coastal
marshland. The Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough are the main
channels where the glades water flows in the park. Generally remaining
as reservoirs of water when the glades dry in the rainless season, they
are important to survival of aquatic animals.
SWAMP: Wetland characterized by shrubs or trees such
as maples, gums, baldcypresses, and, in south Florida coast areas,
mangroves. Fresh water swamps are usually not covered by water the year
TREE ISLAND: An island of trees, shrubs, and
herbaceous plants growing on an elevation, in a depression, or at the
same level as the surrounding glades. Includes hammocks, willow heads,
cypress heads, and bayheads.