Day/date: Friday, June 27, 1986

Ken Mabery, SWRO  -- 6/27/86, 10:15

Park: Big Thicket, Padre Island

Thicket -- Considerable tree damage. Unknown yet if any facility or NPS
           property damage.  Many employees no in today due to damage
           to personal property. At least one tort claim -- NPS tree hit
           private residence.

Padre --   Tides 1' above normal -- nothing else.

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report

Date/time of incident: Night of 26th-27th          Date/time received: Noon, 27th
Park: Everglades                                   Park CI #:
Reported  by: Jerry Hammond, CR                    Phone(s): FTS 350-4653
Received by: Bill Halainen                         Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow-up contact: Pat Towle, PIO                  Phone(s):
                   Jerry Hammond, CR
Brief summary of incident: Bear killing near EVER by Indians.

                        Follow Up Report
Received by: Bill Halainen                         Phone(s): 343-4874
Incident location: See below.
Summary: Rangers at Tamiami ranger station reported Black bear near 500'
strip which runs for 6-8 miles long along North boundary and is owned &
controlled by NPS but on a 99 year lease to Mikasuki tribe.  Bear was
not on but near strip.  Private residences, other buildings along strip.
Bears considered "very distasteful" to tribe; will go out of way to
destroy them. Bear moved south, then moved across and north that night.
tried to kill a pig & was allegedly shot w/ .22 by Indians.  Bear fled,
then returned & was killed by Indians w/ shotgun.

EVER involved cuz bear came from park.  Main investigation by State.

Very few black bears in park. Protected status in state -- not endangered
or threatened.

Visitors   involved:
Name                                              Address        DOB    Sex
Anticipated developments: Could become political issue between tribe + State
+ NPS could become involved.  Do Indians have rights to kill protected species
etc?  NPS will document & keep on top of.
Any impacts on visitation? N/A
Potential sensitivity? Above.