Day/date: Monday, June 30, 1986

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 6/28/86                     Date/time received: 6/30/86 1245
Park: Yosemite                                     Park CI  #:
Reported by: WRO - Ranger Activities               Phone (s):  
Received by: Ringgold                              Phone(s): 
Follow-up  contact:                                Phone(s): 
Brief summary of incident: Fatality fall -- Cathedral Rock.  Victim was apparently
skilled climber.  Fell approx. 40' No helmet. Died during evacuation. Next of kin

                        Follow Up Report
Received by:                                       Phone(s): 343-4874
Incident location:

Visitors  involved:
Name                                 Address                     DOB    Sex
E.G.                              Unknown                        Mid-20s' M
Anticipated developments:
Any impacts on visitation?
Potential sensitivity?

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 6/28/86                     Date/time received: 6/30/86 1245
Date/time of incident: 6/29/86 1205 hrs            Date/time received: 6/30 1205 hrs
Park: Lake Mead NRA                                Park CI  #:
Reported by: WRO - Ranger Activities               Phone(s): 556-1866
Received by: Ringgold                              Phone(s): 
Follow-up contact: N. Sykes                        Phone(s): 
Brief summary of incident: Presumed drowning; victim was swimming in 33-Hole area.
Missed by other members of party after approx. 1 hr.  Mothe present.  Victim was
an epileptic.

                        Follow Up Report
Received by: Ringgold                              Phone(s): 343-1360
Incident location: 
Summary: 33-Hole area is located between Boulder Beach and Vegas Wash.  NPS searched
area with divers until evening.  Diving operations continuing today.
Visitors  involved:
Name                                 Address                     DOB      Sex
L.D., Jr.                           Las Vegas, NV                7/8/657  M
Anticipated developments:
Any impacts on visitation?
Potential sensitivity?

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 6/29/85 1745 hrs            Date/time received: 6/30 1205 hrs
Park: Whiskeytown NRA                              Park CI  #:
Reported by: WRO -Ranger Activities                Phone(s): 556-1866
Received by: Ringgold                              Phone(s): 
Follow-up contact: J. Jessen                       Phone(s): 
Brief summary of incident: Single fatality resulting from 2-vehicle head-on
collision.  3 other injuries; one serious. CHP investigated.  Fatality was
operator of vehicle that crossed center line.  Next of kin notified by

                        Follow Up Report
Received by: Ringgold                              Phone(s): 343-1360
Incident location:
Summary; High speed was contributing cause of accident.  Fatality apparently
resulted from vehicle's collision with roadbank after colliding with other
vehicle.  Operator of second vehicle was arrested for DUI.
Visitors  involved:
Name                                 Address          DOB           Sex
D.M.C. (victim)                     Redding, CA       7/5/63 22 yrs. M
Anticipated developments:
Any impacts on visitation?
Potential sensitivity?

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 6/29/86 1820 hrs            Date/time received: 6/30 1245 hrs
Park: Grand Canyon                                 Park CI  #:
Reported by: WRO - Ranger Activities               Phone(s):  
Received by: Ringgold                              Phone(s): 
Follow-up  contact:                                Phone(s): 
Brief summary of incident:  East Rim -- 1/2 mile east of Desert View Jct.  Double
fatality -- apparent homicide/suicide.  Drove pickup truck 200 yds. cross country
and over rim.  Next of kin not notified.

                        Follow Up Report
Received by:                                       Phone(s): 
Incident location:
Summary: Coconino Co. Sheriff's office investigating.  Witnesses stated that vehicle
crossed other lane of traffic and proceeded approx. 200 yds. cross country at same
speed with no apparent attempt by operator to slow or stop.  Bodies recovered from
1,000 ft. over rim.
Visitors  involved:
Name                                 Address                     DOB    Sex
R.M.                             Lancaster, PA                          M
L.L.A.                           Lancaster, PA                          F
Anticipated developments:
Any impacts on visitation?
Potential sensitivity?

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 6/28/86                     Date/time received: 6/30/86 1245
Date/time of incident: 7/2/86 1:45p                Date/time received: 7/3/86 11:00a
Park: Glen Canyon                                  Park CI  #:
Reported by: Tom McDonnell                         Phone(s):
Received by: Walt Dabney                           Phone(s):
Follow-up contact:                                 Phone(s):
Brief summary of incident: Mr. C.S.R. (1/17/46) was observed by
his 5 yr. old daughter to jump into the Lake from a rented house boat in Davis
Gulch, Lake Powell.  Dive team is being formed to search.  Water depth 20-120 ft.
C.S.R. is from Orange Co., Calif.  Wife is on scene.

                        Follow Up Report
Received by:                                       Phone(s):
Incident location: 
Visitors involved:
Name                                 Address                     DOB      Sex
C.S.R.                         Orange Co., Calif.                1/17/46  M
Anticipated developments: Apparent drowning
Any impacts on visitation?
Potential sensitivity?