Day/date: Monday, July 21, 1986

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 7/19, 1700                  Date/time received: 7/21, 0900
Park: Apostle Islands                              Park CI #:
Reported by: Capt. Connor, MWRO                    Phone(s): FTS 864-3439
Received by: Bill Halainen                         Phone (s): 343-4874
Follow-up contact: Jim Mack, Park CR               Phone(s): 715-779-3397
Brief summary of incident: Assault


                        Follow Up Report
Received by: Bill Halainen                         Phone(s): 343-4874
Incident location: Dock on Otter Island
Summary: D.L.B. & L.M. homosexual lovers.  Picked up K.N.  for
affair.  Altercation developed.  L.M. attacked other two with meat
clever & butcher knife.  K.N.  cut on both sides of throat & other
injuries; other cut on head.  Rangers called.  Off-duty policeman on
scene stopped attack & got injured subjects off boat.  Rangers found
L.M. on boat w/slashed wrists.  Transported to hospital.  State
charges to be filed against L.M. & Ashland County will prosecute.

Visitors involved:
Name                                 Address                      DOB    Sex
L.M.                           no address (prob. Minneapolis)    +/-43    BM
K.N.                           unknown                           +/-32    WM (intensive & guarded)
D.L.B.                         unknown                           +/-52    WM (serious)
Anticipated developments: D.L.B.'s declined to prosecute.  K.N.
still unconscious.
Any impacts on visitation? No
Potential sensitivity? As noted.


                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 7/20, 0800                  Date/time received: 7/21, 0855
Park: St. Croix NSR                                Park CI #:
Reported by: Capt. Connor, MWRO                    Phone(s): FTS 864-3439
Received by: Bill Halainen                         Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow-up contact: Henry Hughlett, St. Croix CR    Phone(s): 715-483-4340
Brief summary of incident: Arson.


                        Follow Up Report
Received by: Bill Halainen                         Phone(s): 343-4874
Incident location: Parker House.
Summary: Building on National Historic Register.  At 0730 on 7/20,
Washington County Sheriff office reported to Ranger Joe Hudick that
house was on fire.  Took 30 minutes for units to arrive at scene.
House totally involved; complete loss.  Arson suspected because no
sources for for ignition - building closed down, no power.

Visitors involved:
Name                                 Address                      DOB    Sex

Anticipated developments: Investigation by county sheriff & state
fire marshall.
Any impacts on visitation? No
Potential sensitivity?


Subj: Destruction of Historic House, Lower St. Croix NSR

The Parker House, a large home located about eight miles north of
Stillwater, Minn., within Lower St. Croix NSR, was burned in the early
morning hours of Sunday, July 20.

The isolated structure, which had been boarded up for some time was seen
burning by a passing hiker who got word to authorities. By the time fire
equipment reached the scene, the fire was too far advanced for the
structure to be saved.

Arson is suspected, particularly as there has been a history of
vandalism at the site, including previous fires that were extinguished.

National Park Service park and regional officials and representatives of
the Minnesota SHPO's office visited the site last week to consider
interim measures to protect the house while a final determination was
made on the desirability of restoring the building.

Investigation of the incident is being handled by the Washington County,
Minn., Sheriff's Office and the State Fire Marshal.

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 7/20, +/-1230pm             Date/time received: 7/21, 1130
Park: North Cascades                               Park CI #:
Reported by: Mark Forbes, PNWRO                    Phone(s):
Received by: Bill Halainen                         Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow-up contact:                                 Phone(s):
Brief summary of incident: Climbing Fatality.


                        Follow Up Report
Received by: Halainen                              Phone(s): 343-4874
Incident location: Mixup Peak
Visitors involved: Party of 6 walking a traverse.  Large rock came
down & hit T.J. in head.  Killed him instantly.  Party unroped &
not wearing hard hats, which is normal for that area.

Body flown out by Chelan County Sheriff.

Visitors involved:
Name                                 Address                      DOB       Sex
T.J.                              Yorbalinda, CA                  Mid 30s   M

Anticipated developments: None
Any impacts on visitation? No
Potential sensitivity? N/A


CALL-OUT (Turbid Lake Bear Incident)
11 :00 a.m.

Yellowstone National Park officials report that a bear incident occurred
in the Turbid take area of the park at approximately 12:30 p.m., Sunday,
July 20.

A.F., 29, of Bitche, France, was day hiking, alone, along Turbid
Creek, just north of turbid Lake, when he noticed elk running towards
him. Shortly after that, Mr. A.F. heard noise in the brush
approximately 10 yards away. A.F. saw a bear he guessed to be a female
grizzly with one cub of the year running at him. As the bear charged,
Mr. A.F. crouched to the ground to protect himself. The bear produced
several puncture wounds to Mr. A.F.'s upper and lower left leg, lower
left back, punctures and lacerations to his upper left arm, and
dislocated his left shoulder.

Within a short time, the bears left the area. Mr. A.F. hiked out to
the road where he was given a ride to the Lake Hospital. He was
treated, hospitalized overnight for observation, and will be released
sometime today.

Pelican Valley and the area surrounding Turbid Lake has been closed to
all hiking until further notice. Stock parties will continue to be
allowed to travel through the area throughout the duration of the
closure. Park officials report that in addition to this closure, the
Indian Creek Campground is also temporarily closed until further
notice. A female grizzly bear has frequently been observed in the
campground and surrounding area. Park officials hope the temporary
closure will allow the bear to leave the vicinity without exposure to
human foods, as well as to ensure visitor's safety and prevent further
incidence between the bear and visitors.
