Day/date: Friday, July 25, 1986

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 7/24, 5:30pm                Date/time received: 7/25, 8:55a.m.
Park: Manassas                                     Park CI #:
Reported by: Tom Monroe                            Phone(s): FTS 472-7996
Received by: Bill Halainen                         Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow-up contact: Monroe                          Phone( s):
Brief summary of incident: Suicide


                        Follow Up Report
Received by: Halainen                              Phone(s): 343-4874
Incident location: Field near picnic area off Route 28.
Summary: Found by local visitor. Suicide by shotgun.  No note
to our knowledge.  Awaiting further information.

Visitors involved:
Name                            Address                      DOB      Sex
F.G.                            Manassas                     Age 33   WM

Anticipated developments: Prince William County PD will be investigating.
Any impacts on visitation? N/A
Potential sensitivity? Unknown.
