Day/date: Monday, July 28, 1986

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 7/25/86 2045 hrs            Date/time received: 7/28 1200 hrs
Park: Amistad Rec. Area                            Park CI #:
Reported by: Goldman/Mabery-SWR                    Phone(s): 512-775-7491/FTS 476-6371
Received by: Ringgold                              Phone(s): 343-1360
Follow-up contact:                                 Phone(s):
Brief summary of incident: O.S., 23, Del Rio, TX.  Dove off 40-50'
cliff into shallow water.  Massive head/internal holidays.  Died in hosp.
0130 hrs 7/26.  Next of kin notified by hospital.


                        Follow Up Report
Received by:                                       Phone(s):
Incident location:

Visitors involved:
Name                                 Address                      DOB    Sex
Anticipated developments:
Any impacts on visitation?
Potential sensitivity?


                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 7/26/86 1811                Date/time received: 7/28 1410
Park: Yosemite                                     Park CI #:
Reported by: WRO                                   Phone(s):
Received by: Ringgold                              Phone (s): 343-1360
Follow-up contact:                                 Phone(s):
Brief summary of incident: Private plane crash - Gaylor Lakes area,
2 fatalities, 4 injured.


                        Follow Up Report
Received by:                                       Phone(s):
Incident location:
Summary: The plane, a single engine Cherokee6, was on a flight from
Paradise, CA to Death Valley.  Flew over Yosemite Valley & Tuolumne
Mdws heading east before crashing at 10,400' level.  Reported by
visitors within 10 min; rangers on scene within 25 min. of crash.
2 victims dead at scene; 4 injured victims transported by helicopter
& ambulance to UC Davis Medical Center.

Next of kin & press notified.

Visitors involved:
Name                                 Address                    DOB    Sex
D.F.                        Paradise, CA                        53      M
T.J.N.                      S. San Francisco, CA                        M

Anticipated developments:
Any impacts on visitation?
Potential sensitivity?


                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

                        Initial Report
Date/time of incident: 7/26, 1550                  Date/time received: 7/28, Noon
Park: Indiana Dunes                                Park CI #:
Reported by: Bob Walker                            Phone(s):
Received by: Bill Halainen                         Phone(s):
Follow-up contact: Bob Walker                      Phone(s):
Brief summary of incident: Drowning


                        Follow Up Report
Received by: Bill Halainen                         Phone(s): 343-4875
Incident location: 150' out from Kansas Avenue beach
Summary: Victim was with 5 others on sail boat +/-450' north
of beach. Victim & friend swam toward shore & D.S.K. sank below
surface 150' from shore (within park boundary).  Boat folks
called USCG, who arrived in 10 minutes.  Body found on bottom.
Unable to resuscitate.  No blood alcohol results yet, but
drinking suspected.

Visitors involved:
Name                             Address                      DOB      Sex
D.S.K.                         Tinley Park, IL                3/5/56   WM

Anticipated developments:
Any impacts on visitation?
Potential sensitivity?
