Day/date: Tuesday, September 2, 1986

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 86-2
Date/time of incident: 8/30/86, 3 pm PDT Date/time received: 9/2, 130 pm
Park: Yosemite                           Location: DAF Dome, part of Fairview Dome
Reported by: Ann Betus, RAD/WRO          Phone(s): FTS 556-1866
Received by: Bill Halainen, WASO/RAD     Phone(s): 343-4874
Mr. A.M.C. was leading the second pitch of Apparatus Climb
on DAF Dome when he fell 130 feet and landed on his head. Rangers on the
scene attempted CPR, but to no avail. The reason for the fall is unknown
at present, but it is suspected that it occurred because he left the
main route. No further information available.

Visitors involved:
Name                          Address           DOB or age
A.M.C.                      Hawthorne, CA       7/17/55

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 86-3
Date/time of incident: 9/2/86, 1:30 am Date/time received: 9/2/86, 3 pm
Park: Shenandoah                       Location: Old Rag (mountain)
Reported by: Mike Maule, RAD/MARO      Phone(s): FTS 597-7057
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO   Phone(s): 343-4874
Mssrs. S.C., K.J. and T.H. went to Shenandoah for a day hike on
Old Rag yesterday, and did not return that evening. Their parents called
the park at 1:30 am and reported them missing. Their car was found at
Weakly Hollow parking lot, and there was no evidence that they'd
returned to it. Weather conditions were (and are) bad -  cool
temperatures, rain and fog. None of the boys was equipped for an
overnight stay. The park began a search at 6 a.m. this morning, and has
a dozen rangers out on hasty searches and area confinement. Six search
dog teams are en route and may already be in the field.

Visitors involved:
Name                          Address         DOB or age
S.C.                   Springfield, Virginia      19
K.J.                   Springfield, Virginia      19
T.H.                   Springfield, Virginia      19

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 86-4
Date/time of incident: 9/2, unk.        Date/time received: 9/2, 4:05 pm
Park: Dinosaur                          Location: West Cactus Flat
Reported by: Carolyn Kershaw, RAD/RMRO  Phone(s): FTS 776-8641
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO    Phone(s): 343-4874
The body of Mr. G.W.N., who had disappeared last November 16th, was
found on West Cactus Flat by a park visitor.

G.W.N., who was a manic depressive who'd gone off his medicine, had
driven his car down Yampa Bench Road in the park on that date and had
stalled it out in snow. He left his car and apparently attempted to walk
out on the road, which he backtracked on for 17 miles before turning off
into wild country. Searchers employed helicopters and dogs in an attempt
to find him, but lost his tracks in melting snow.

An autopsy will be conducted to determine cause of death.

Visitors involved:
Name                          Address         DOB or age
G.W.N.                       Louisiana        Not given

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 86-15
Date/time of incident: 8/31, 2:30 pm     Date/time received: 9/2, 4:10 pm
Park: Glacier                            Location: 1/4 mile E of Logan Pass
Reported by: Carolyn Kershaw, RAD/RMRO   Phone(s): FTS 776-8641
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO     Phone(s): 343-4874
Mr. and Mrs. Y.V.W. stopped at a scenic overlook on the Going To The
Sun Highway. She was standing at the edge of the overlook so that he
could take a picture of her when she slipped and fell 100' and rolled
another 50'. She was still alive when rangers reached her, but expired
while they were attempting to revive her via CPR.

Visitors involved:
Name                          Address               DOB or age
Y.V.W.                 Calgary, Alberta, Canada     7/17/52