Day/date: Monday, October 6, 1986

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT
Log number: 86-24
Date/time of incident: 10/5, 1500    Date/time received: 10/6, pm
Park: Gateway                        Location: East Parking Lot, N. Channel Bridge
Reported by: Mike Healy, RAD/NARO    Phone(s):
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO Phone(s):
Follow up:                           Phone(s):
A maintenance man reported seeing Mr. G.J.S. sleeping near his Harley
Davidson motor cycle around 2 pm. An hour or so later, Park Police
received a report via 911 on same man, and investigated with NYPD. G.J.S.
was found dead at scene. Marijuana, white powder (apparently cocaine),
and a pipe used for smoking the latter was found on his person. Park
Police are investigating.

Persons involved:
Name                          Address         DOB or age
G.J.S.                   Brooklyn, New York    11/3/64