Day/date: Monday, October 13, 1986

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT
Log number: 86-26
Date/time of incident: 10/10        Date/time received:l0/13 11:35 am
Park: Colonial NHP                  Location: Colonial Parkway @ Bellfield Plantation Site
Reported by: Bill Supernaugh, MARO  Phone(s): FTS 597-7057
Received by: Bob Zarger, LES/WASO   Phone(s): 343-4209
Follow up: Ken Johnson LES/COLO     Phone(s): FTS 827-8000
At approximately 5:30 pm on Sunday, October 12 the bodies of two females
were discovered, by a pedestrian, in an automobile over an embankment at
the above location.

The FBI is investigating the case, which is currently classified as a
double homicide. Both subjects involved had their throats cut.

The vehicle was located in an area of Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction.

The attached newspaper article appeared in the Metro section (page B3)
of the Washington Post on Tuesday, October 14, 1986.

Persons involved:
Name                          Address         DOB or age
A.D.                                            21 yrs.
C.M.T.                                          27 yrs.