Day/date: Wednesday, October 15, 1986

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT
Log number: 86-28
Date/time of incident: 10/14-15/86  Date/time received: 10/15 2:45 pm
Park: Haleakala NP                  Location: Kipahula Visitor Center
Reported by: WRO Ranger Activities  Phone(s): 556-1866 
Received by: Ringgold               Phone(s)  343-1360 
Follow up: B. Harry                 Phone(s): 808/546-7584 

ARSON FIRE. B. Harry reported the total destruction by fire of the
recently completed Kipahula Visitor Center. NPS patrol vehicle also
stolen and not yet recovered. Incidents occurred overnight and
discovered this morning. Nine (9) miles from Visitor Center to nearest
Ranger Residence by dirt road. Closest residents are members of Hawaii
Sovereignty Group who recently demonstrated. No estimate of loss
available at this time. Additional information to follow.

Persons involved:
Name                          Address         DOB or age
             ** Information Not Available **

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT
Date/time of incident: 10/14-15/86         Date/time received: 10/15 1445
Park: Haleakala                            Location: Kipahula V.C.
Reported by: WRO - Ranger Activities       Phone(s): 556-1866
Received by: Ringgold                      Phone(s): 343-1360
Follow-up contact: B. Harry                Phone(s): 808-546-7584
Summary: Arson Fire. B. Harry reported the total destruction by
fire of the recently completed Kipahula Visitor Center.  NPS
patrol vehicle also stolen and not yet recovered.   Incidents
occurred overnight and discovered this morning.  9 miles from
V.C. to nearest ranger residence by dirt road.  Closed residents
are members of Hawaii sovereignty group who recently demonstrated.
No estimate of loss available.

Visitors involved:
Name                          Address         DOB or age

Anticipated developments: Bob - Distributed 10/15 1500 hrs.  Also
called Smoak.  Please get more info on 10/16 - size of bldg., $
loss etc. & distribute.  7 hrs.  Andy