Day/date: Monday, December 8, 1986

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT
Log number: 86-47
Date/time of incident: 12/7, 0207        Date/time received: 12/8, 0938
Park: Gateway                            Location: Bay #6, Riis Park, Breezy Point
Reported by: Capt. Mike Healey, RAD/NARO Phone(s): FTS 835-8880
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO     Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow up: Detective stray, USPP         Phone(s): FTS 665-3988
Officer Carter, USPP, found a person lying dead on the cement stairs
between the board walk and the beach. Near the body was a small .22
caliber handgun, and the man was found to have a single gunshot in the
left side of his chest. Three rounds were found on the body, but there
was no identification and no note. subject was a Cuban male in his 30's.
The day after he was discovered, an unrelated Cuban family reported a
missing person, tentatively ID'ed as the subject. The family said he had
come on the recent Mariel boat lift from Cuba, hadn't been able to find
work and was despondent. Three suicide notes were found in the home.
Detectives from NYPD and USPP will probably close the case today.

Persons involved:
Name                          Address         DOB or age
                    **** Not available ****
I.M.                   Jackson Heights, NY     6/20/53

                                                Field case # N10476

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Date/time of incident: 0207 AM, 12/7/86     Date/time received: 0207 AM, 12/7/86
Park: Gateway NRA                           Location:Breezy Point U Mt , Jacob Riis Park, Bay 6 Boardwalk
Reported by: Officer Carter, USPP           Phone(s): 718-338-3988
Received by: USPP Dispatcher                Phone(s): 718-338-3988
Follow-up contact : Detective Stray         Phone(s): 718-338-3988
Summary: At approximately 0207 hours, 12/7/86, Officer Carter while
patrolling the boardwalk area at Jacob Riis Park, observed a person
apparently sleeping on the cement stairs leading to the sand area from
the boardwalk at bay #6, by the clock area. He saw the person in his
patrol vehicle headlamps and investigated. When the person would not
awake, he checked vital signs and determined that the person was
apparently dead. He requested assistance and USPP Sergeants McKeough &
Lauro responded. Detective Stray also responded and arrived on scene at
0230 hours, having been called when a handgun was discovered a few feet
from the victim's body, approximately at the shin level. The body was
that of a non-white male, approx 30 years 5'6", short neatly trimmed
afro style brown hair, brown eyes, with a moustash and a neatly trimmed
full face beard. Body clothed in a green uniform type zipper jacket,
heavy winter weight, a green dress shirt, a print necktie, green dress
type pants, white sweatsocks and leather strap sandals. The body was on
the steps with feet toward the sand, and a blanket partially covered the
left side of face and went to waist. A small caliber (22 cal.) revolver
was laying next to the body and the body also wore a shoulder holster
compatible with the size and type of weapon found. Queens City homicide
crime scene detectives and USPP investigators secured and processed the

Visitors involved:
Name                          Address                  DOB   Sex
Unidentified 30 YO Hispanic (Cuban) male 5'6" 140 lbs.        M

Anticipated developments: Positive identification, case probably closed
by COB, 12/8/86.

            12/8/86 0920

There was no identification whatsoever nor any valuables on the body.
There was no suicide note, although the body examination on the scene
revealed the following:

A small bullet wound in the left chest with little or no bleeding.
Bulled passed through the shirt but not the jacket. Powder burn traces
(or appearances thereof) were located on the shirt.

Body removed to Queens County Morgue.

TELECON with USPP detective indicates that further investigation
progress leans toward suicide. Notes were subsequently found at
residence and positive identification forthcoming. Detective Moran, New
York City Police, 100th pct. case agent for NYCPD.

Law Enforcement Specialist
North Atlantic Region
15 State Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02109