Day/date: Friday, December 19, 1986

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT
Log number: 86-53
Date/time of incident: 12/19, 2 pm      Date/time received: 12/19, 4 pm
Park: Cape Cod                          Location: South District near park
Reported by: Len Bobinchock, RAD/NARO   Phone(s): FTS 835-8853
Received by: Dawn Dempsey, RAD/WASO     Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow up: Tony Bonano, CR/CACO         Phone(s): 617-349-3785
About 30 pilot whales beached themselves on Cooksbrook Beach in Eastham,
adjacent to the park. Park Service staff and divers assisted as part of
an interagency response team. Heavy winds and high tides hampered rescue
operations. Five whales were rescued - two were released out to sea, and
three went to a local aquarium. The remainder were put to sleep.

Persons involved:
Name                          Address         DOB or age