Day/date: Friday, January 5, 1987

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT
Log number: 86-54
Date/time of incident: 12/31, pm       Date/time received: 1/5, 1215
Park: Hot Springs                      Location: West Mountain Road
Reported by: Ken Mabery, RAD/SWRO      Phone(s): FTS 476-6371
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO   Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow up: Rod Harris, CR/HOSP         Phone(s): 501-624-3383
A liquor store owner and his wife were abducted from Hot Springs on New
Year's Eve following a robbery of their store. The two were taken into
the park, where the woman was sexually assaulted at gun point. The
assailant then had the couple return him to town. Good physical evidence
and a composite have been obtained, and the FBI and us Attorney's office
are involved. The MO employed in this incident was similar to another
which occurred in the town in December, and authorities feel that an
arrest is likely.

Persons involved:
Name                          Address         DOB or age
                      ***Names withheld***

                     FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 86-55
Date/time of incident: 12/31, 8:40 pm   Date/time received: 1/5, 12:35 pm
Park: Lake Mead                         Location: Lake Meade Marina
Reported by: Ann Betus, RAD/WRO         Phone(s): FTS 556-1866
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO    Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow up:                              Phone(s):
Ms. D.A.B. fell off a dock while getting off her house boat. A friend
tried without luck to rescue her, so went for help. Responders arrived
in 15 minutes and administered CPR. D.A.B. died in a hospital on January

Persons involved:
Name                          Address         DOB or age
D.A.B.                Boulder City, Nevada     1/4/87

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-1
Date/time of incident: 1/3, 430 pm      Date/time received: 1/5, 1210 pm
Park: Amistad                           Location: Langtree
Reported by: Ken Mabery, RAD/SWRO       Phone(s): FTS 476-6371
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO    Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow up: Eldon Kohlman, CR/AMIS       Phone(s): 512-775-7491

Mssrs. R.B., S.D. and R.M. were on a deer hunt in the area. They
decided to swim the Rio Grande to go to Mexico; although they made it across
successfully, S.D. and R.B. failed to make it across on the way back.
Planes began a search of the area on January 4th, and an NPS diver and five
local divers began a search of the river on the 5th. There is little
expectation of success, because the waters are very murky and it is unclear
exactly where the party entered the river. R.M. was to be interviewed to
gain further information on the 5th or 6th.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
R.B.                    Denver, Colorado         12/17/62
S.D.                    Tyler, Texas             12/20/62
R.M.                    Tyler, Texas             unknown

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-2
Date/time of incident: 1/3, ??          Date/time received: 1/5, 1203 pm
Park: Big Bend                          Location: Santa Elina Canyon
Reported by: Ken Mabery, RAD/SWRO       Phone(s): FTS 476-6371
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO    Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow up: Jim Bellamy, DR/BIBE         Phone(s): 915-477-2251

Mr. R.C.N., his daughter and a friend were rafting through Santa Elina
Canyon when the raft hit the canyon wall and capsized. R.N. went under,
but his daughter and friend made it to shore, where they spent two nights
without food or supplies. The park began a search on the January 5th when the
party failed to appear as scheduled; at the same time, another party of
rafters on the river found the two survivors. The body was recovered 18 miles
downstream on the same day.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
R.C.N.                            Odessa, Texas           44 or 45