Day/date: January 15, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-3
Date/time of incident: 1/14             Date/time received: 1/15, 3 pm
Park: Lake Clark                        Location: Kustatin River (just outside park)
Reported by: Karen Cox, RAD/ARO         Phone(s): 907-271-2660
Received by: Melissa Warner, RAD/WASO   Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow up:                              Phone(s):

A report was received by the park of an aircraft that was probably down
within park boundaries and began a search for it. The plane, an Air Cessna
207 with seven people on board, had left Anchorage on the 14th. The last
transmission from it was just before 1 pm on the 14th, and nothing further
was heard. No ELT (emergency locator) signals were received. Two NPS
planes began the search along with CAP and the military. The plane was
found just outside park boundaries at 3 pm on the 15th. There was one
fatality (a year and a half old baby), three seriously injured persons,
and three people who were able to get out on their own. The military and
CAP evacuated all parties.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age