Day/date: March 3, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-17
Date/time of incident: 2/23, 6 pm       Date/time received: 3/3, 1 pm
Park: Yosemite                          Location:  Wawona
Reported by: Jenny Hinson, RAD/WRO      Phone(s): 556-1866
Received by: Wes Kreis, RAD/WASO        Phone(s): 343-2205
Follow up:                              Phone(s):


Mr. J.E.L., a park in-holder who lived in the Wawona District, was found lying
on the road by park rangers. Although found still alive, he expired while
being transported to the Valley Clinic. Cause of death was probably stroke
or heart attack.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address              DOB or age
J.E.L.                            Wawona, Yosemite            74

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-18
Date/time of incident: 3/1, ??          Date/time received: 3/3, 1 pm
Park: Saguaro                           Location: Not given
Reported by: Jenny Hinson, RAD/WRO      Phone(s): 556-1866
Received by: Wes Kreis, RAD/WASO        Phone(s): 343-2205
Follow up:                              Phone(s):

Successful Search and Rescue

Mr. P.T. was on a week-long hike into the park, when bad weather forced
him to take shelter in a cave. He was reported missing on February 26th, and
the park initiated a search. P.T. was found on March 1st. He was

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address              DOB or age
P.T.                               Tucson, Arizona            36

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-19
Date/time of incident: 3/2, ??          Date/time received: 3/3, 1 pm
Park: Saguaro                          Location: Panther Peak
Reported by: Jenny Hinson, RAD/WRO      Phone(s): FTS 556-1866
Received by: Wes Kreis, RAD/WASO        Phone(s): 343-2205
Follow up:                              Phone(s):

Air Accident, No Injuries

A hot air balloon crashed into Panther Peak. As far as could be determined,
only one person was in the balloon at the time, and he escaped uninjured.
Rangers are investigating.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
                               Name(s) unavailable