Day/date: April 9, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-31A
Date/time of incident: 3/18, 2 pm    Date/time received: 4/9, 10 am
Park: White Sands       Location: Main Dunes Area
Reported by: Earl Hill, LES/SWRO        Phone(s):
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO    Phone(s):

Follow-up Report
Synopsis of first report: A park ranger came across a party at White Sands.
One juvenile was arrested, a Park Service vehicle was vandalized, and one
youth leaving the party hit a car and injured four visitors to the park.

Mrs. M.W., one of the persons injured in the accident, died late
on the night of April 9th. The other persons in the vehicle are reported to
be doing well. Mr. J.J.R., the driver of the car that hit the
M.W. vehicle, has been charged with perilous operation of a motor vehicle,
driving without a valid operator's license, minor in possession of alcohol,
possession of an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle, and driving
while intoxicated (his blood alcohol test came back at .12, and .10 is
considered legally intoxicated in New Mexico). Charges of negligent
manslaughter are being investigated. Park ranger David Evans is handling the
entire investigation.

A board of review met on the incident and has found that, under the
circumstances, the rangers acted appropriately. They recommended that the
park prepare more adequately for these annual spring "busts", that the
chief ranger be commissioned, that rangers be deputized locally, that the
park revise it's SOP's for handling juveniles, and that the staff and
superintendent develop a consensus approach to resolving law enforcement

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
Mrs. M.W.                        Peral, Illinois          9/28/10
Mr. J.J.R.                       El Paso, Texas           12/11/67

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-38A
Date/time of incident: 4/3 (began)   Date/time received: 4/9, 1130 am
Park: Bandelier                        Location: Backcountry
Reported by: Kevin McKibbin, CR/BAND    Phone(s):
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO    Phone(s):

Follow-up Report
Synopsis of initial report: L.S. hiked into the backcountry of the park
on April 3rd. He was last seen on April 5th. A major search was reported
underway on April 7th.

Mr. L.S.'s backpack was found Wednesday, April 8th, around noon. Searchers
found wet jeans and a wet T-shirt within. When last seen by other hikers
on April 5th, he was wearing shorts. It is presumed that his clothes got
wet during Sunday's snow, so he changed to shorts. Searchers strongly
suspect that he subsequently became hypothermic and that the chances of his
survival are accordingly quite low.

Nine dog teams and about 16 ground searchers are being helicoptered into
the area where the back pack was found, and will begin intensive searches
of the area this afternoon.

L.S.'s father and brother are currently at the scene.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
L.S.                         Little Rock, Arkansas           30